March 2020 archive

The Current Situation

The past two weeks have been like something out of a movie. 2 weeks ago I was hanging out in my dorm with friends, going to class and studying. Now, I am taking online classes for the rest of the semester. It is completely insane to me how quickly things change. It reminds me of the movie Contagion, which is about a pandemic and everyday life is completely changed. Of course, COVID-19 is not quite like the disease in the film but still is affecting daily life rather drastically. People are rushing to the stores and stocking up on ridiculous amounts of toilet paper to the point it is annoying. The news has stirred a great sense of panic for many which does not help the situation.

It is insane to me how businesses are closed and most schools. Although I am painfully bored, I know staying in and staying away from others is the right thing to do the rate of spreading. My mom is immunocompromised due to having a kidney transplant about 2 years ago. So she, like many others, would be more at risk if she contracted coronavirus. During this time I have really thought about those coming home from college and not having a stable home life. Whether it is not having enough food or a bad family dynamic this abrupt change is devastating for those struggling. It makes me realize that although this may suck for me, for some others it is a million times worse.

So to pass the time lately, I have been watching Netflix, showering way too much out of boredom and trying to work out (note that I said “trying”). I am really trying to be positive right now as being away from school and my amazing friends is really hard. I am taking this time to make myself better by eating better and getting into a more focused mindset. This semester was mentally draining because I was so busy so now I am trying to better my health in a way.

This is a period of much uncertainty because we really do not know when this virus will slow down and disappear, we all have to just sit and wait it out. The economy seems like it could end up in a recession which is scary to me and I am certain many others. I was so young during the housing crisis that I can not even remember it happening. Overall, I know this will pass like everything does but it really is awful. I just hope people really try and stay in their houses in order to protect those who are the most susceptible

Jones Beach *rewrite first post because got deleted*

When writing about Long Island there are so many things that come to mind. The food, the shopping but the most important thing about Long Island is our beautiful beaches.

Fig 1, Jones Beach, Mommy Poppins

I am not sure I would consider Long Island a tourist hotspot but for those who come to visit the beach is typically their primary destination. The most popular beach would be Jones Beach located in the town of Wantagh. Interestingly enough, this beach actually has a lot of history associated with it! Jones Beach is named after a man who built one of the first houses in the area around the year 1692, according to wikipedia. Curbed NY, explains that Robert Moses who is well known for helping organize city plans also helped to organize Jones Beach in the 1920’s. Robert Moses had the goal of making this area automobile accessible as it was around this time cars were becoming more accessible for the average person. It was met with much apprehension from people who worried this would ruin the beach and it took awhile for Moses to finally have plans approved for highways that would make the beach more available.

Jones beach offers a lot for people to do, of course, the typical activity act the beach would be sunbathing on the warm sand and taking a dip every so often when you get too hot. Who does not love to do that? Also, it is worthy to note Jones Beach haas plenty of lifeguards so you can feel fairly comfortable going into the water if you know how to swim properly. About a year ago, Jones Beach began construction on the side of the boardwalk and I remember thinking “What on Earth is being built?”. Turns out, it was an adventure park for people of all ages to climb and honestly it looks super fun. It is called Wild Play plan to try it out this summer. It is slightly expensive and idc you choose to participate it will cost around $45 dollars. However, it does have a zip-line if that influences your opinion on the price at all.

Jones Beach also has plenty of opportunities to do my favorite activity, eat! There are food shacks lined against the boardwalk that serve pizza, ice cream, chicken fingers and other typical beach foods. What is unique however about this beach is there is also a high quality restaurant located on the boardwalk as well. It is called the Boardwalk Cafe and I have yet to try it because I have been told it can be slightly pricey, but if you prefer to splurge this is a great place. If all that food is not enough for you, there are so many restaurants within a ten minute drive so do not worry!

Overall, Jones Beach is a great place to go with family and friends to enjoy a relaxing and exciting day in the sun. It is for sure one of my most favorite places on the island.

                                                        Fig 2, Jones Beach

Roosevelt Field Mall

I am the type of person who does not have many hobbies. Of course I love music and being with friends but my only hobby besides that is shopping (and yes, before you think anything else, shopping is indeed a hobby). Therefore, I am obligated to include my favorite place in my passion blog, Roosevelt Field Mall.

Fig.1, Roosevelt Field Mall

Located in Garden City, Long Island, Roosevelt Field Mall is a 2.1 million square foot supernal. Based on the mall’s website it has currently 290 stores! Over the years this mall has been redone and added to multiple times and every time you think it is finished, construction starts once again! Recently they even included a full sized, luxury movie theater, complete with cushioned reclining seats. It is a hotspot for tourists and people who love to shop (of course) due to the wide range and great variety of stores. There are plenty of chain stores such as American Eagle, Macy’s, Bloomingdales and Nike. It is also fairly important to note that there is a large variety of stores with very different price ranges. Some stores within Roosevelt Field are upscale designer such as Burberry, Chanel and Louis Vuitton. I typically avoid all these stores as I am currently a broke college student, but if you have the opportunity check them out! Since there is such a wide range, there is truly somewhere for everyone.

One of my favorite things about the mall is the incredible amount of different food that is available. There is fast food like Taco Bell but also upscale sit down restaurants like Osteria Morini. Personally, I have to say my favorite food place in Roosevelt Field is Jonny Rockets because it is such an old school classic. The food court was redone about 3 years ago and let me tell you it was quite the game changer. The old food court was dark and somewhat unwelcoming but now, it is fun and lively place to enjoy a meal.

Something else that is worthy of note is the fun stands that are located in the middle of the hallways. The vendors sell some pretty cool and from time to time fairly strange items. For example, as a joke for Christmas , my dad purchased a five dollar rubber chicken that squeaks for my older brother. That is only one example of the bizarre things available. Beauty items such as hair straighteners are fairly common products that are sold.

What I think is super cool and unique about this mall in particular is the growing amount of international stores. Recently, a new Danish store that sells knick knacks and pretty much anything you can imagine opened. Also, UNIQLO is a super popular store within the mall and there are many others to choose from. Having such a variety really makes the experience so much better! Roosevelt Field Mall is a great place to spend a day to shop, enjoy some food and meet some new people!


Fig.2, Mall inside, Simon