Public Controversy Outline Thus Far




  • Introduction- begin with opening question- should guns be banned or not?


      1. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
        1. Do research about original intention of the 2nd amendment
          1. Source explains the problem with the wording
      2. Up until relatively recently gun control was not even much of an issue
      3. Introduce framing questions
        1. Should guns be banned? How have the different stances evolved over time? How have different events through history shaped this debate? Specifically, how have politics, gun violence and technology caused different views and opinions to emerge and/or evolve? We want to explore how views on gun control have changed over time in response to these factors. Especially how certain kairotic moments are able to catalyze discussion about gun control and legislation.
      4. Timeline of gun control legislation (historical, 1791-2000)


  • Body : 2000-2018


      1. NRA + legislation (political causes)
        1. Impact of the NRA- how the NRA prevented the 2013 Assault weapons ban even though the public supported it.
        2. Economic (motivations of NRA)
        3. Explain how this shaped current viewpoints
      2. shootings/crime
        1. Crime wave of the 60s/70s
        2. When the shootings started to be discussed (Columbine, etc.)
        3. Explain how this shaped current viewpoints
      3. Guns have changed (technology)
        1. Explain how this shaped main points
      4. Current viewpoints (where we are at the present moment)
        1. Ban guns, some control, no/very limited control
        2. Compare to other countries (possibly?)
        3. Explain how each of the main points shaped the debate over time


  • Conclusion– balancing scale with the two sides, finish with a question like: to ban guns or not?





Voice-over: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Image: bill of rights

Voice-over: “In 1971, the Bill of Rights was ratified and the second amendment guaranteed the right to bear arms. However, in recent years, new questions have arisen. Perhaps the biggest is: should guns be banned or not?”

Image: ?

Voice-over: “Of course, the second amendment was written in a very different time period, in a very different context. Since its ratification, there have been many events and factors that have played affected the issue of gun control.”

Image: ?

Voice-over: “The big question is how guns should be controlled. How have the different stances evolved over time? How have different historical events shaped this debate? Specifically, how have politics, gun violence and technology caused different views and opinions to emerge and/or change? How have kairotic moments been important in catalyzing discussion about gun control and relevant legislation?

Image: ?

Voice-over: “The first piece of nation gun control legislation was the National Firearms Act. This mostly came in response to crime as part of FDR’s “New Deal for Crime.” It imposed tax on the manufacturing, selling and transporting of certain firearms.”

Image: FDR, headlines about NFA

Voice-over: “A few years later, the Federal Firearms Act required manufacturers and dealers to obtain a license and defined a group of people who could not purchase guns, such as convicted felons.”  what caused this to be enacted?

Image: ?

Voice-over: “The Supreme Court case United States v. Miller led the court to state “we cannot say the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument” (the short barrel shotgun).”

Image: Supreme Court, short barrel shotgun

Also: Gun control Act of 1968 in response to assassinations, Firearm Owners Protection Act in 1986, 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act named after James Brady, assault weapons ban in 1994…

Potential sources for timeline: 1, 2, 3, 4



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