Ideas for my CI and Passion Blog

There are so many different issues to talk about that it is difficult to just pin down two potential candidates for my Civic Issue blog. Despite this, there is one issue that is definitely in the running. I believe that the single most important issue facing our generation today is that of the environment. The fact of the matter is that if something is not done in the near future then the world that our children live in may not be recognizable to us, and this terrifies me. It seems that every week there are new reports coming out about how the situation is even worse than we previously thought, and that immediate and drastic action must be taken to curtail it. This is coming at a time when our president considers climate change to be a hoax, and when his own administration comes out with reports that say otherwise he ignores them.  

Speaking of our elected officials, my second choice for my blog is discussing the overly polarized nature of American “party politics.” I know that it is expected that our elected officials not agree on everything, but in recent years this has risen to truly ridiculous heights. Now even the media is taking part, only presenting the facts that support what they want to believe. If I chose this as my blog topic then I would analyze how various media outlets and individuals present the same incident in wildly different manners and how this affects us as consumers. While this problem may not be on the same scale as the environmental issues that we face, it is nonetheless extremely important. The way things sit now it is difficult to trust any information you receive regardless of the source, which is a very difficult situation to be in.

Regarding my passion blog, last semester I wrote about various myths and how some of them originated in fact or have real-world equivalents. The only problem with this is that I tried to choose more well-known examples but I am starting to run out of them. Generally speaking I think that for this sort of topic it is much more enjoyable for the audience if they recognize what I am talking about as opposed to me having to provide them with a detailed background. To compensate for this if I stay with this topic I may expand the scope to include things like some of the better-known urban legends. The other possible idea I have for my passion blog is perhaps reviewing shows and/or movies on Netflix. I’ve always been interested in writing some sort of review of a show, movie or book and this seems like a good opportunity to expand upon this.

Posted in Rcl

One thought on “Ideas for my CI and Passion Blog

  1. Both partisanship and the environment are good areas for exploration. (If you do something environment related, I’d consider narrowing it down further to one core issue.)

    I recognize the struggle with new mythsfor the passion blog; I see that it could work, but it’d depend on what you can find in terms of urban legends. (I actually think there are quite a few out there; I’ve seen lists before where I recognized most of the items, and there were far more than 10.) The Netflix review can work well; heads up that you’re the seventh person to list this topic, out of 22 people. (That could mean “I have an audience!” or it could mean “it’s going to be harder to make it stand out,” depending on how you read things.)

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