E-Portfolio Link and Justification

Link to site: https://rainwaterv1.wixsite.com/portfolio


The “artifacts” that I chose for me e-portfolio were the ones that I thought best represented my work in this class throughout the semester. I used assignments from this class specifically because I am a STEM major my other classes do not have many written assignments. The artifacts I chose consist of three essays and three blog posts; the blog posts being from my civic issue blog about gun control and the essays being of varying topics (although one of them is my policy brief: also about gun control). The reason I didn’t use any form of multimedia (such as a video) is that the only one that I did this semester that I think is of high enough quality would be my public controversy video. However, that assignment was also done on gun control, and since I didn’t want to overuse a single topic I chose only the best artifacts about gun control.

The target audience of the e-portfolio is future employers. To that end, I tried to make the e-portfolio fairly concise, without many of the frills and laces that I would have used if my audience had been friends and family. The artifacts that I chose needed to fit two main criteria to make it on to the portfolio. First, they needed to be some of my higher quality work. But the second criteria was a little more specific. Oftentimes when I do work in a class, especially in a class like this in which politics comes up frequently in our assignments, my writing can get opinionated. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, I tried to avoid my most opinionated writing for the e-portfolio considering that my target audience is future employers.