Textbook: T. Matsoukas. Lecture Notes On Statistical Thermodynamics (2021) © 2021 T. Matsoukas; distributed under Creative Commons License C BY-NC 4.0
Chapter 1: The Fundamental Differential
- Lecture 1: Energy
- Lecture 2: Entropy
- Lecture 3: The Calculation of Entropy
- Lecture 4: Entropy Inequalities
- Lecture 5: Thermodynamic Calculus
Chapter 2: Transformations of the Fundamental Differential
Chapter 3: Equilibrium and Stability
Chapter 4: Stochastic Calculus
- Lecture 12: Distributions
- Lecture 13: Probabilities
- Lecture 14: Binomial Distribution
- Lecture 15: Random Walk
Chapter 5: Ensembles
- Lecture 16: Microcanonical Ensemble (I)
- Lecture 17: Microcanonical Ensemble (II)
- Lecture 18: Canonical Ensemble (I)
- Lecture 19: Canonical Ensemble (II)
- Lecture 20: Fluctuations
- Lecture 21: Grand Canonical Ensemble
- Lecture 22: Generalized Ensembles
- Lecture 23: Review of Ensembles
Chapter 6: Statistical Mechanics
- Lecture 24: The Liouville Equation
- Lecture 25: Statistical Mechanical Ensembles
- Lecture 26: Oscillators
- Lecture 27: Boltzmann & Gibbs
- Lecture 28: Shannon & Jaynes
Chapter 7: Molecular Systems
- Lecture 29: The Configuration Integral
- Lecture 30: Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution
- Lecture 31: Ideal Gas
- Lecture 32: Virial Equation
- Lecture 33: The van Der Waals Equation of State
- Lecture 34: Statistical Mechanics of Mixtures
Chapter 8: Lattice Models
- Lecture 35: Lattice Statistics
- Lecture 36: Ideal & Regular Solutions
- Lecture 37: Quasi-chemical Approximation (QCA)
- Lecture 38: Flory-Huggins-Staverman Theory
- Lecture 39: Extended QCA
- Lecture 40: Local Composition Models
- Lecture 41: Monte Carlo Simulation of Lattice Systems
- Lecture 42: Review of Lattice Models
Chapter 9: Distribution Functions