About Mahbub Ahsan Rashid

I am an international student from Bangladesh,Dhaka.I am a freshman at PennState and intend to major in Economics.

Teaching Children With Learning Disabilities

Recently I saw a documentary video where children with learning disabilities in Bangladesh were facing various academic complications for a number of reasons and that’s when I thought of researching more on the subject.From an early age, most people are able to interact with their environment, understand basic concepts, and develop strategies for daily problem solving. However, people with learning disabilities find it hard to process cognitive information, solve simple problems, express their feelings and socialize with others. Learning disabilities occur because of neurological disorders and manifest through difficulty to organize, retain, interpret, and express cognitive information. This results in difficulties in reading, problem solving, speaking, and social interaction. This paper will demonstrate that by employing effective instructional strategies and appropriate tasks, teachers can enhance processing, retention, and retrieval of cognitive information for learners with learning disabilities.

Teaching learners with disabilities is a daunting task for educators. Teachers must begin with understanding the different types of disabilities. Some children have trouble in reading properly (dyslexia), other children have trouble in math reasoning (dyscalculia), while others are unable to identify and use correct language structure (dysgraphia).


Other learning disabilities include inability to see and hear. All these disabilities present learners with difficulties in reading, calculating, speech, and interpersonal skills. Learners with learning disabilities have problem in organizing time and are thus unable to finish their work at the same rate with learners with no learning disabilities. If the teacher is fast, learners with disability will absorb and retain very little information. Their comprehension and retrieval of information is low and teachers have to devise and employ appropriate strategies. The basic approach towards the process of teaching is the complete cooperation with the child and concentration of attention on his skills and opportunities. Moreover, the teacher should be in the constant touch with the student and always ask question checking whether he understands the information and whether the tempo of the educational process suits him. Working with the children with learning disabilities one should reduce the time of classes, because it may be difficult for the child’s organism stand the standard full-time lessons. In order to increase the chance to perceive information the teacher should provide the child with the brief outline of every lesson which informs him about the core questions and points of the topic under analysis. Various computer applications will be extremely useful to introduce images, sound and motion into the process of education making it dynamic, interesting and effective.
A simplified strategy for teaching learners with disabilities is question and answer technique. Through this technique, a learner with disability can ask for clarifications. A teacher can pose a question to learners with disability and ask them to explain what they understand by the question. The objective of this technique is to improve comprehension, retention, and retrieval of information for learners with disabilities. To achieve an even higher comprehension, a teacher can reduce course load for learners with disabilities. The teacher can also identify the key points in an outline so that learners with disabilities can get the right cue for information retrieval.

In conclusion, a teacher should suit his or her instructional strategies and content to needs of a particular learner. A learner with mathematic reasoning learning disabilities requires a different strategy from one with reading disability. Proponents of integrated classroom argue that teachers should not separate learners with learning disabilities from their counterparts with no disability. It is therefore upon the teacher to strike the right balance and ensure that each learner leaves the class with the desired learning outcome. The process of teaching children with learning disabilities is very difficult and time-consuming, but with the help of the special methods it is possible to reach the desired goal in this process.


Afrocentric Education (Civic Issue #5)

The concept of Afrocentricism is inspired by the writings of Molefi Asante (1987). The Afrocentric approach is in direct contrast to a multicultural perspective. The Afrocentric movement arose when many African Americans felt a sense of disillusionment resulting from what was perceived as a failure or nonmaterialization of the multicultural system of education and early promises of the civil rights movement. Asante’s book The Afrocentric Idea opened the way for the creation of many Afrocentric programs, challenging the Eurocentric “myth of the universality of Western thought and culture.”


Afrocentricity is a paradigm based on the idea that African people should re-assert a sense of agency in order to achieve sanity. During the l960s a group of African American intellectuals in the newly-formed Black Studies departments at universities began to formulate novel ways of analyzing information. In some cases, these new ways were called looking at information from “a black perspective” as opposed to what had been considered the “white perspective” of most information in the American academy.

The philosophy of Afrocentricity as expounded by Molefi Kete Asante and Ama Mazama, central figures of the Temple School, is a way of answering all cultural, economic, political, and social questions related to African people from a centered position. In the late l970s Molefi Kete Asante began speaking of the need for an Afrocentric orientation to data. By l980 he had published a book, Afrocentricity: The Theory of Social Change, which launched the first full discussion of the concept. Although the word existed before Asante’s book and had been used by many people, including Asante in the l970s, and Kwame Nkrumah in the l960s, the intellectual idea did not have substance as a philosophical concept until l980. There are other Afro centric ideas as well but these are the ones propounded in texts by Professors Asante, Mazama, and the late C. Tsehloane Keto.  Indeed, Afrocentricity cannot be reconciled to any hegemonic or idealistic philosophy. It is opposed to radical individualism as expressed in the postmodern school. But it is also opposed to spookism, confusion, and superstition. As example of the differences between the methods of Afrocentricity and postmodernism, consider the following question, “Why have Africans been shut out of global development?”
The postmodernist would begin by saying that there is no such thing as  “Africans” because there are many different types of Africans and all Africans are not equal. The postmodernist would go on to say that if there were Africans and if the conditions were as described by the querist then the answer would be that Africans had not fully developed their own capacities in relationship to the global economy and therefore they are outside of the normal development patterns of the world economy. On the other hand, the Afrocentrist does not question the fact that there is a collective sense of Africanity revealed in the common experiences of the African world. The Afrocentrist would look to the questions of location, control of the hegemonic global economy, marginalization, and power positions as keys to understand the underdevelopment of African people.
Afrocentricism interprets reality “from perspectives that are centered by and within the processes that maintain and perpetuate the life and culture of people of African descent.” An Afrocentric or African-centered education system implies perpetuation of African culture. A sense of historic pride in the African heritage, reinforcement of the culture and the concomitant sense of belonging are the central points of Afrocentric education.
As a result of the dissatisfaction of African-American students with Eurocentric schooling in America, a desire to create Afrocentric education programs arose. These are based on African traditions, epistemologies and discourse. Initially started as a means to serve African-American children better, in some instances, the system is seen as controversial because it might instill separatism and exclusion. While authors Sonia Nieto (1999) and Cornel West (1993) support the motivation and rationale behind Afrocentric education, they simultaneously question whether Afrocentric education merely replaces Eurocentricism, albeit with a different name or dogma. Peter Murrell’s report (1992) indicates the high rate of success of students gaining a positive identity and desire to achieve, within the Afrocentric system.
There are numerous major principles that classify the Afrocentric education system. African spirituality is acknowledged as a vital component. This is said not only to define the uniqueness of the people, but it is also seen as a symbol of liberation. A significant aspect of Afrocentric schooling is the defining of reality from an African perspective, focusing on the needs and interests specific to the people. The educational system gears itself to preparing people of African descent for self-reliance and their own governance. The concept of family is emphasized, particularly the interrelationship among families, communities and nations, and the associated strength this engenders. Highly important is the notion of culture. Thus, historical heritage is taught, along with African customs, traditions, rituals and ceremonies. This ensures perpetuation of the culture and pride in the heritage and a continuation of African life and culture throughout the generations. African spiritualism is considered crucial, with the appropriate means for expression. Afrocentric education is also promoted as preparing African-American youth toward their responsibilities as adults, as well as advocating a harmonious relationship between people of African descent and other cultures.

There are five general characteristics of the Afrocentric Method
The Afrocentric method considers that no phenomena can be apprehended adequately without locating it first. A phenom must be studied and analyzed in relationship to psychological time and space. It must always be located. This is the only way to investigate the complex interrelationships of science and art, design and execution, creation and maintenance, generation and tradition, and other areas bypassed by theory.

The Afrocentric method considers phenomena to be diverse, dynamic, and in motion and therefore it is necessary for a person to accurately note and record the location of phenomena even in the midst of fluctuations. This means that the investigator must know where he or she is standing in the process.

The Afrocentric method is a form of cultural criticism that examines etymological uses of words and terms in order to know the source of an author’s location. This allows us to intersect ideas with actions and actions with ideas on the basis of what is pejorative and ineffective and what is creative and transformative at the political and economic levels.

The Afrocentric method seeks to uncover the masks behind the rhetoric of power, privilege, and position in order to establish how principal myths create place. The method enthrones critical reflection that reveals the perception of monolithic power as nothing but the projection of a cadre of adventurers.

The Afrocentric method locates the imaginative structure of a system of economics, bureau of politics, policy of government, expression of cultural form in the attitude, direction, and language of the phenom, be it text, institution, personality, interaction, or event.


An image for the Afrocentric Controversy By Clyde Ahmad Winters

An image for the Afrocentric Controversy By Clyde Ahmad Winters

Since Afrocentric education is determined by perceptions and related ideologies, success depends upon the educational system being taught by people consciously engaged in the above-mentioned concepts and ideologies. The Afrocentric system of education signifies continuation of African cultural history and moving forward into the future for the African people.
Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History in 1915. A prolific writer of African-American history, Woodson set the stage for an African-American program of study. The association continues to educate youth, providing programs and models for concepts of citizenship, African-American history and the development of leadership.

The National Council for Black Studies (NCBS), founded in 1975 at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, is a coalition set up to promote the advancement of black studies and scholarly research. The organization is devoted to the educational well-being of people of African descent. NCBS created the Afrocentric Core Curriculum, used as a model for curricula for black studies programs. A quarterly newsletter, The Voice of Black Studies, offers shared expression, and the Ella Baker/W.E.B. du Bois Africana Student competition presents scholarly and creative opportunities to examine critical issue facing African people. Some recognition of the need for inclusive schooling has been achieved at the provincial level. Nova Scotia’s government is funding the development of a new curriculum that will include courses on Black history, culture, and traditions. New Brunswick’s Ministry of Education has announced a new policy on race relations that will encompass curriculum and teacher-training (Lewington, 1995).In Ontario, in recent years several policy initiatives have responded to minority education issues (Wright & Allingham, 1994). Such policy documents as The Common Curriculum, Grades 1–9(Ontario Ministry of Education and Training,1993b),Antiracism and Ethnocultural Equity in School Boards: Guidelines for Policy Development and Implementation(Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, 1993a), and Changing Perspectives: A Resource Guide for Antiracist and Ethnocultural Equity Education(Ontario Ministry of Education, 1992) are intended, directly or indirectly, to encourage inclusivity. Although laudable, these policies are not easily translated into specific plans for action. Such implementation is often left to the discretion of either individual school boards or school principals, who often complain about the lack of resources to effect government policies. As a result, strategies for increased staff representation and curriculum diversity have still not been fully implemented, and the goal of inclusive schooling is far from being achieved.

“White” depends for its stability on its negation, “black.” Neither exists without the other, and both come into being at the moment of imperial conquest.” -Franz Fanon
Afrocentric education is a process by which youth are prepared for the ongoing celebration of African life. A sense of self-determination is instilled, together with the idea of the link between spirituality and freedom. The unity of family is revered, along with its relationship to nation. Cultural artifacts and their meanings, as well as historical and cultural heritage, form part of the educational programming.


Fast Food Nation

After coming to America one of the most interesting matter that came into my attention was the gigantic fast food industry.The American fast food industry is the largest in the world, and American fast food outlets exist in over 100 countries across the globe. Fast food has become a part of American culture, as well as Western culture as a whole. Fast food used to consist of local produce being sold in markets or at stalls, but when cars became popular, drive-in restaurants were established, along with the idea of having a combination of high volume production, low costs, and speedy preparation. With today’s busy lifestyles and convenience surrounding us, the fast food industry fits in nicely. Usually, fast food can be eaten on the go and without even using cutlery. A fast food nation is not without drawbacks though


One of the biggest reasons for the meteoric rise of the fast food chain in our country is the simple fact that our world has become so fast paced, and our eating habits have had to evolve to keep up. One obvious instance is the change in the pattern of the family structure. In this day and age the majority of modern mothers have their own outside careers, rather than being housewives. In years past, it was considered part of a woman’s homemaking duties to make sure there was a hearty meal prepared from scratch waiting on her family when they got home. As increasing numbers of wives and mothers have entered the workforce over the decades, those days have disappeared. Now, when an exhausted mother leaves her job after putting in a full day’s work, the last thing she feels like doing is going home and slaving over a hot stove in order to prepare her family a meal. She glances at the huge billboard for the fast food restaurant, shining like a lighthouse beacon. The billboard promises the dog-tired mother that, in exchange for just a few moments of her precious time, she will be rewarded with plenty of tasty food to take home, and a house full of happy kids. Of course, many women find this an enticing proposal, and many of them succumb to it night after night.
So what’s in fast food? While healthy and organic fast food restaurants do exist, they are largely the exception rather than the rule. Most fast food burgers are made using low quality meat taken from low quality animals, in a nutshell. They usually contain a multitude of parts that are mashed together to form one burger. The fact that the meat comes from various animals and animal parts means that disease can be more widespread. On top of this, the way the animals are treated when they’re alive also causes concerns, not just with animal rights groups, but also with cautious consumers.

Apart from the actual food they serve, fast food chains are also criticized for worker exploitation, and many workers have gone on strike in recent years, demanding better pay and better treatment and shining a spotlight on the life of fast food workers. A higher proportion of fast food workers earn minimum wage than in any other American industry, and there is a very high turnover. There is little focus on individual appreciation and advancement, the focus is on mass production. Having said all that, approximately 4 million people are employed in the food service industry, which includes fast food, so it does provide job opportunities, both short-term and long-term.


Even though fast food industry offers employment opportunities to many people, it is vital to put into account the detrimental effects of these restaurants to the well-being of the society at large. It is absurd that many people do not take time to think of the content and the mode of preparation of the foods they purchase.



Virtual Learning Environment (Civic Issue Post #4)

Virtual learning environment as we all know is a web-based educational system that had been born with the miracle of technology and is now practiced in most of the parts of US. online education options have proliferated in recent years, with significant growth occurring at state sponsored virtual schools. A virtual learning environment calls for teaching with technology.
Virtual learning had expanded rapidly as statewide. In mid-2012, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that online school enrollment in Ohio had topped 30, 000 students35—making the state, at least by some calculations, second only to Arizona in the number of its students enrolled in online schools In Pennsylvania, the 2012-2013 school years began with a total of 16 “cyber charter schools” operating in the state, up from 13 the previous year. The expansion of charter schools led a number of the state’s traditional public schools to plan for different tactics aimed at stemming the majority of students to the online alternatives. At the end of 2011, The Arizona Republic reported that some 36,000 students, or about 3% of the state’s public school students, were enrolled in at least one online course


A student experiencing a high defination 3D view giving her a better perspective to her topic

While many types of online learning are expanding, full-time virtual schools are gaining the most attention. They are not simply a means to be accessible to students for more enhancements in education but also are being used to expand school choice, advancing privatization, entrepreneurism and private financial investment. With key providers lobbying legislatures vigorously and national organizations promoting school choice, virtual schooling now has a firm foothold: 30 states and the District of Columbia allow full-time virtual schools to operate, and even more states allow, or in some cases require, one or more courses to be delivered online to public school students. Research for this report identified 311 full-time virtual schools operating during the 2011-2012 academic year, enrolling nearly 200,000 students. Frequently; these schools are organized as charter schools and operated by private Education Management Organizations. Although this is the case for only 41% of full-time virtual schools, they account for 67% of all enrolled students. Among the schools in this inventory, 64% are charter schools and 36% are operated by districts or in a few instances by state agencies.

Another 2012 report, Understanding and Improving Full-Time Virtual Schools, details the funding, operations, and student performance of schools run by K12 Inc., the largest for-profit, virtual school management organization, whose 48 full-time virtual schools in 2010-2011 enrolled more than 65,000 students. At the end of 2010, 27 states plus the District of Columbia had full-time online schools serving students statewide, according to iNACOL’s report, “A National Primer on K-12 Online Learning.” The authors explain how K12 Inc. benefits from significant cost advantages because of lesser or no need to fund facilities, transportation and food services. In addition, the corporation spends significantly less than brick-and-mortar schools on teacher and administrator salaries and benefits, student support services, and special education instruction.102Even though K12 Inc. Reports receiving nearly $2,000 less per pupil (compared with other charter schools in the same states in which K12 Inc. operates),the significant cost advantage of not providing particular services and paying lower salaries is an issue that states must account for if funding is to be meaningfully linked to real costs.

Virtual schooling is rapidly gaining a foothold in K-12 education in the United States. In 2012-13, 30 states had multi-district, fully online schools with enrollment of about 310,000 students, and 26 states had state virtual schools with over 740,000 course enrollments. These numbers are a drop in the bucket of a public education system with 14.7 million high school students (and 49.7 million students in total).But they are quickly increasing, with course enrollments more than doubling in just four years from a base of 320,000 in 2008-09.In 2014 alone, 12 states executed 17 laws related to the use of technology in education. In the past decade, virtual education has moved quickly to the top of the K-12 public education reform agenda. Proponents, including business leaders, school reform organizations, foundations, and for profit and non-profit service providers, argue that virtual technology will revolutionize teaching and learning, dramatically reducing the cost and increasing the availability of high quality education.

Another epitome of virtual education system is the Florida Virtual School, founded in 1997, is the nation’s first statewide virtual public high school.4FLVS got off to a slow start, with only 11,500 course enrollments in 2003, its sixth year of existence (Peterson 2010).But the number of completed courses quickly rose to 154,000 in 2008-09 and 462,000 in 2012-13. The vast majority (97 percent) of FLVS students are part-time students who take the rest of their courses in another school. Three-quarters of completed courses are taken by students enrolled in public and charter schools, one-fifth are taken by homeschooled students, and the remaining five percent are taken by private school students.

In describing about what drives a virtual education, many political, economic and technological trends are evident. Recent reports draw attention to globalization, the growth of knowledge-driven economies and lifelong learning agendas, advances in the use of communication and information technologies (ICT) and pressures to extend access to tertiary education and open to greater numbers of people. Virtual education is also relevant to the wider concept of ‘borderless education’, a concept that denotes forms of education  that cut across traditional boundaries. Such boundaries include sectoral boundaries (education and industry), levels of education (further and higher), national borders, boundaries between public and private education as well as the boundaries of time and space are also spanned.

Due to the fast-growing populations in public school districts across the U.S., the option of distance education serves students in areas where adequate funding to provide larger facilities is a scarcity. The lack of qualified, professional instructors to teach courses in the classroom for some local schools has also contributed to an increase in online education users. In fact, teachers facilitating virtual learning have responsibilities to their students beyond the traditional school day, allowing for more frequent interaction and one-on-one learning experiences. For example, Katarina Williams (a Florida Virtual School student) testifies: “My online teachers make me feel like they’re my private tutor”. This productive learning atmosphere may go to show that online learning , in a good course and with the right instructor can be even more immediate than some classroom instruction courses.
Researchers Ari Wahlstedt, Samuli Pekkola, and Marketta Niemelä state in The British Journal of Education and Technology that “e-learning environments are currently more like ‘buildings’, i.e., learning spaces, rather than ‘schools’, i.e., places for learning…designers and researches can justify the need and support for social interactions in learning spaces…and most importantly, supporting the development of a user-friendly and motivating e-learning place”. The team of technology and pedagogical researchers found that it is more helpful to the online student to create an environment that is engaging and interactive as well as technologically savvy.
Department of Education has been making to support online learning and virtual schools. The National Education Technology Plan for the U.S Department of Education has developed an action plan composed of 7 key fundamentals for implementing technology within the curriculum. One of these key fundamentals is “Support E-learning and Virtual Schools.” On the official website for the U.S. Department of Education, the organization encourages states, districts, and schools to implement online learning to meet No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requirements (i.e. qualified teachers, parental observation, and supplemental services).A meta-analysis of more than a thousand studies regarding online learning was released by the U.S. Department of Education in 2009, followed by a revised version of the report in September 2010. That study concluded that students in online-only instruction performed modestly better than their face-to-face learning sessions.

Nowadays, a growing number of students now have access to online coures-learning for a variety of reasons. Some schools say it saves money and allows them to offer a wider variety of courses, including Advanced Placement classes. Others say it can help with scheduling conflicts when a face-to-face class is provided only at a time when a student already has another obligation. In addition, online courses can provide highly qualified teachers for classes otherwise not offered by a school. Another reason for the advancement of virtual-learning is credit recovery. These online courses allow students to retake classes they haven’t passed, but in a new and different format. Many of these credit recovery courses give students a brief evaluation, then permit them to skip concepts they already know to focus on ideas they haven’t yet grasped.
Studies indicate that manipulations that trigger learner activity or learner reflection and self-monitoring of understanding are effective when students pursue online learning as individuals. Online learning can be enhanced by giving learners control of their interactions with media and prompting learner reflection. Technology has given birth to many innovations and virtual learning environment is one in the category that has not only made our lives better but has also opened a window to many other such inventions for the generations. Virtual learning environment is part of the new era of education and holds many benefits, independence for the individuality and opens up to many opportunities.

Teacher and student online session

Teacher and student online session


The Florida Virtual School is an online,public virtual school that served 148,000 stundets around 2011-2012

The Florida Virtual School is an online,public virtual school that served 148,000 stundets around 2011-2012






If a person is a president, king, captain or any strong titles that describes the high up doesn’t have to be a leader. Leadership is something that is not appointed, assigned or awarded. Leadership is not primarily a formal position. Leadership can be defined through different ways. But in simple, leadership is the process of motivating or influencing the group of people to do something or doing their work more effectively and efficiently. To be a leader, a person must have the ability to motivate or influence other people. In fact, leaders and followers use the leadership as a process of motivating and influencing others for gaining the objectives of an organization.
In case of behavioural leadership, the Ohio State Studies uses the questionnaire on leadership behaviour and conduct a sample survey through this questionnaire on different school, manufacturing companies or leaders of students. After completing the survey, the studies of Ohio State get the two different views of leadership which identifies the roles and responsibilities of leaders. These two aspects are: the leadership behaviour which is task oriented and another one is consideration. First one that is task oriented behaviour mainly consist the activities of directing, monitoring and designing the employees work and the consideration implies the leaders behaviour or concern towards their welfare, help them and monitoring their task accomplishment.
“Life is an echo, what you send out comes back.”, is a Chinese proverb that describes the trait of a leadership. While great leaders should be flexible, they must retain their convictions and focus toward attaining the goal or vision. It has been through a conviction that great leaders have inspired others to desire and create change. The leaders through ages have intelligently led by example, never condemning another’s beliefs, but instead inspiring in others the desire to change. It is through charisma and intuitiveness that leaders are able to begin movements that create change. A great leader would have integrity, vision, courage, humility, creativity, conviction, trustworthiness, fairness to mention but a few, all of which are crucial leadership qualities. Leadership can and should be situational, depending on the needs of the team or society at any particular time.

There have been many great leaders throughout history, including Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and even Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Each person was seeking to right a perceived injustice during a particular time in our history. Through history we have seen leaders who would initiate ideas that others would continue, some who would make contributions small, yet impactful, and others who would change the course of history. No matter the result, one thing was consistent, all great leaders throughout time possessed similar leadership qualities. In the today’s world still there are many epitomes of leadership. Vaclav Havel, former president of Czechoslovakia, has been compared to Nelson Mandela, being considered a “saint in the West.” Havel, a playwright who put his career on hold to lead a group against communist totalitarianism, a man who would be imprisoned, and a leader who would later become president, is a man of conviction. Speaking and responding to the global force for freedom and the “long struggle between conscience and tyranny”.


Mahatma Karamchand Gandhi,one of the greatest leaders of all time who freed India from the British tyranny on August 15 1947.

Mahatma Karamchand Gandhi,one of the greatest leaders of all time who freed India from the British tyranny on August 15 1947.

Another great leader Nelson Mandela who was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999

Another great leader Nelson Mandela who was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999

Being a leader is not about what you make others do. It’s about who you are, what you know, and what you do. You are a reflection of the people who follow you. An effective leader is not a one-man show or do-it-all-yourself hero. Effective leadership is about recognizing and taking advantage of the skills and talents from different people to form a cohesive unit. All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership. The true leader serves people. Serves their best interests, and in so doing will not always be popular, may not always impress. But because true leaders are motivated by loving concern rather than a desire for personal glory, they are willing to pay the price.


Is Robotization the solution for World Poverty?

World poverty is an overarching issue and a serious problem of the modern civilization and it has to be defeated by all means and numerous international organizations and individuals donate money into the economics of the third world developing countries in order to maintain their process of development. World poverty has always endured as an imperishable problem and no such individual could have given a solution to it even trying soul searching for the solution. So we require a unique approach for the solution of the problem. Rebotization has now been up on mind as a solution to this matter nowadays.
Rebotization may increase the amounts of production, quality and quantity. But many people see the connection between these phenomena and think that robotization will not only fail to solve the problem of poverty but even make it worse. Since the industrial revolution and introduction of the machines into the process of production, the connection between robotization and poverty is evident, because the automated production deprives people from their workplaces. Traditional management skills are replaced with technical knowledge and more scientific methods and programming. People who are already privileged and have more advanced skills, become even wealthier, and income disparity and the wealth gap increase.
High unemployment exacerbates poverty and a lack of low paying jobs makes it increasingly harder for the poor to work themselves out of poverty, leading to a damaged economy, greater class division, increased welfare dependence, among other consequences. However, some people argue that robot labor is actually a positive thing, because it will open up more opportunities for humans to do enjoyable work, with robots completing taxing menial jobs. . Some advantages of Robotization are people like to shop from e-stores by sitting at their home, Marketing trends have been changed with the awareness of internet and industries are using digital devices for getting the output of different products and services. So, these are some technological improvements, which lead us to change our lifestyle.


But millions of people lose work every year because of the application of various techniques, robots and machines which cope with the work better than the human beings and do not require payment for that. The problem is gravitas, because the population is constantly increasing and the number of the workplaces reduces in the more rapid tempo causing the problems of unemployment and poverty.
The question is debatable because human needs satisfaction and this leads us to do different research and all these technological improvements are the result of our research. Millions of people engage with the field of information technology and earning far better than other industries. So, we find that technology has invented new fields and new earning sources for people round the globe.
Robotization also has a global effect, with workers in developing countries like India that produce and export goods, or provide cheap labor, also being replaced by robots and technology, and falling behind even more. Countries that have greater technological abilities will be at an advantage, and there will be a greater imbalance that is harder to close.
While the introduction and expansion of robots into the workforce does have its benefits, such as preventing human deaths, improving medical procedures, removing human error from the equation, and allowing for greater productivity, its downsides include an increase in unemployment and poverty, potential security issues such as viruses and malfunctioning, and economic and environmental impacts. Either way, technology is quickly taking over and constantly changing and expanding.

Robot from The Terminator

Fitness is Key to Happiness!

Exercising was never my thing.I’m the type of guy who would love to sit all day behind my computer with nasty junk food beside me and do nothing productive the entire time.I would never complaint to simply sit idle or sleep for days.I was never actually in a bad shape or had any overweight issues but I definitely did not have a supermodel figure either.I thought working out was simply too much work with little results and I don’t need a good body to be happy.Well that changed recently.After I came to America I started putting on a good amount of weight.Some of my clothes did not fit and I used to feel so laid back.Fortunately  my cousin saved me from getting worse and this blogpost is completely inspired by his motivation.


I started working out soon enough along with the guideline of my cousin.Everyday we used to hit the gym and he also made me a balanced diet chart to go with that workout routine.Soon enough I got very addicted to working out myself.If I missed a day of exercise  the whole day felt very  “unproductive”.Within the next 3-4 months I was seeing great improvements on my body.All my clothes fitted so well on me and somehow I always felt confident and strong.Moreover I was more active than ever! I realized I was happier and my mood used to be much better than it used to.My work became more efficient and even people started to appreciate my hard work.I wouldn’t say I was not happy earlier but now I was happier than ever and this boosted my confidence in anything I did.Regular workout controls weight issues and living in America while eating all the junk food and dorm snacks can make you gain weight like crazy so in one way you are staying healthy and fit.Also as a result of staying healthy it helps prevent health conditions and diseases that can prove to be disastrous for both your body and your wallet because healthcare expenses here are sky high.As I also mentioned earlier working out always lifts up my mood and helps sustain a positive and motivating attitude.I was able to consume all of these benefits once I undertook regular exercise as a necessity of everyday life just like eating and sleeping.

A University of Minnesota research says that regular physical exercise helps prevent heart disease,stroke,high blood pressure,diabetes,obesity,depression etc.A lot of other reliable sources say that fitness has direct relation with mind.So good exercise is not only good for your body but for your mind too as I mentioned earlier.So a lot of research also backs up my claims.

Well that was my experience and point of view.However I do also realize that sometimes specially as a college student life is too busy.We have studies,exams,part time work and even lots of co curricular activities like working in different organizations.Moreover gyms are becoming more costlier and sometime no one wants to spend that much of money.All I want to say is if there is a will there is a way.Its upto you and your level of determination on how eager you are to take control of your life.We will always be busy but in this process to make out future prosperous we should also keep in mind that if we are not healthy and fit enough to live a long life then all this busy schedule and hard work to build a successful future will go in vain as you will not have enough time or energy to enjoy that hard work.So grab your gym shoes now and hit the gym!graphic_brain-exercises-as-activities-for-seniors



Obesity in America: weighing the options (Civic Issue Post #3)

I went to the deliberation event today in Municipal Building at 2:30pm.The group was going to discuss about obesity. Coming from a third world country the term “obesity” always ridiculed me given the ironic fact that people,mostly children,die from famine in most parts of the world mainly the South Asian and African regions.Obesity in Amreica has been a never-ending issue and lots of policies and steps are being taken to tackle the situation and that is what the group discussed about.

I would say the deliberation was very informative with lots of statistics and evidences backed up by reliable sources like obesityinamerica.org.Most of the information in the discussion was in my known facts but the discussion was very involving with participation from everyone.They started discussing about the magnitude of the problem,moved on to how they can improve the situation and near the end talked about how currently measures are being taken like Michelle Obama’s initiative and so on.By the end of the deliberation I wouldn’t say the solutions were groundbreaking but it was an overall good discussion with incentive to spread more awareness.Somethings I liked about their discussion was that everyone even the audience participated as this was a topic that was known to everyone and so each and every person in that room could relate.The deliberation questions were also very intriguing which got a lot of different logical responses and just not random replies.As I said earlier most of the things the team talked about was backed up by reliable sources which made their points more powerful.Everyone managed time pretty well and to be honest 2 hours passed within the blink of a second which shows how active and energetic the discussion was.Few things I did not like however was that hardly anyone was taking notes.Probably everyone almost memorized everything which I did not like as a discussion should be free and open minded.We may learn facts and statistics but memorizing solutions takes away the main purpose of deliberation that is to give us strong solutions based on everyone’s instant opinions and views.Other than that nothing much to complaint about.Choosing a topic like obesity is good for any discussion since it is a common phenomenon and that is why the team and everyone there were very active.

Considering everything the whole deliberation event was a great experience for me as I had never been involved in one or even knew what it was about.I have been to few debate competitions but now I prefer deliberation more because there is more active participation where everyone’s views and and opinions are taken into consideration with utmost respect and importance.Moreover deliberation opens ways to various solutions because everyone is not busy in opposing one other’s approach rather work in strengthening it.Everyone can be a part of the deliberation,not only the participants which makes everyone there in the room feel equally significant.I personally got to learn a lot of things I did not have any idea about which made me realize being in these deliberation events just improved my general knowledge and also gave me the confidence to perform effective public speaking.Hoping to improve more in deliberating in future.

“When you hear it, then you know it”

The   obvious question “What is music?” has been failed to be defined by the very best individuals of the world from ages to ages.  Sometimes the new tunes we hear at club or discotheque might be obnoxious at first but after a while we end up toe tapping the tune. Or even an impassive audience might start whistling to the tune he heard few minutes before. Music can be so alluring that a music apathetic individual might fall in for it. To indulge more and more into it we repeat the songs because some things just sticks into your head and you just want to get lost in it.

For me music isn’t just about entertainment. Music can provoke emotions of sadness, grief, joy, and even ecstasy. It brings the best of me honestly. I think it is like the memoirs to my life as it has been there throughout everything with me. Even when study seems to be not so appealing, turning on my playlist helps me to open up my mind and relax. It relieves me from simply weariness. It acts like a therapy. Well, studies have shown that music is recognized as a brain stimulant. Indeed, the psychologist Carlos Pereira and his colleagues at the University of Helsinki demonstrated that our brains show more activity in their emotional regions when the music we are listening to is familiar, regardless of whether or not we actually like it. It is also proven that students in music classes and education programs are measurably better on standardized tests and in many aspects of the academic world.

Songs has such influence that it can paint a picture in your imagination. For me music holds such personalities that can define people. By taking a glimpse at a man’s playlist you might have a hunch about the man’s personality.

Recently song writing has wandered its way into my life. I believe there is no better way to express myself than through song. I have learned to play guitar too and I have fallen completely and utterly in love with it. I miss my guitar really badly. At first when I hold the guitar, I wasn’t too much excited with the idea of learning. As I began, the feeling was truly mesmerizing and I became elated. When I finally learned, it felt like I achieved something very huge and all my loved ones were basked in the reflected glory as I played for them. I believe music effects people in many different ways. To me music is more than just something to listen to or play, it’s something to feel. Music is holds much gravitas in my life. I think it brings me closer to my friends and family. I also feel that it helps me to get through things. Music is an immensely powerful thing and has a huge place in my life right next to my heart.





“THE WOLF OF WALL STREET” A Movie Which Shows the Other side of “Ambition”

Well, I categorized this film as one of my favorites because it conveys a noticeable perception about the sheer words “greed” and “ambition”. Some people showed some pessimism about this movie but to me this movie was enlightening. This movie clearly showcase that if you want to succeed you have to earn by rubbing your sweats off rather than breaking innocent bones. Making money is all about going through uphill and the route is long, wearisome and needs a lot of tolerance. If you make your morals strong and palpable and not sway between the right and wrong then you are good to go but if lust clouds up your head then you are in danger.

Mr. Jordan Belfort commenced as a determined stock broker. He did started from scratch but his ending was quite horrifying .He was loved by his fellow employees and was respected by all those young souls who wanted to look themselves in his shoes. He had a life that every one of us dreams of. The life of wealth ,party and booze. But he craved for money too badly and that is where it all went wrong. Mr. Belfort became devoid of feelings and consciousness about the principles of right and wrong. He didn’t set his ideals straight and got carried away .He was titled as we all know “the wolf” because of his fearless attitude and his stubbornness. No clue he had about the consequences he was about to encounter. He was just basked in the ravish life he was having. His excess crave for wealth sank him to the bottom and seized all his precious money. He stated in his memoir:

“I got greedy .Greed is not good. Ambition is good, passion is good. Passion prospers.”

I would say the director Mr. Martin Scorsese did a brilliant job in constructing a film about such a story and bring out to the world with an example like Mr. Jordan Belfort. This film portrayed the basic concept of righteousness for today’s youths like us, the future. We all share the blood that rages for fame and wealth. I mean who doesn’t want to have a life where you don’t have to check for the price tags. But the only thing that will differentiate us all is how we take that path to pursue for the fame and wealth .Every dream has a difficult road to take and requires a great deal of determination. Learning to curb your voracity for money would enhance your individuality. When you would work hard for the fruit you yearn for and then finally you achieve, it tastes a lot more better than if you get it by taking an alternate route. That route might be a time-saver and might be alluring but you need to hold on to your basic morals because that route is decisive and will bring you nothing but destruction.Janwillem Van De Wetering once said,”Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough.”
