Easy Review

“Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80’s movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80’s movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life.”

“Welcome. This is where the magic happens. And as we all know, by ‘magic’ I mean ‘nothing.’”

If you haven’t ever seen Easy A, you’re missing out. I know I say that a lot, but seriously Easy A is a classic movie of the 2000s. Not only is it one of the best genres of movies (teen movies based on classic works) but it stars Emma Stone. Emma Stone, the movie’s star, should be reason enough to watch Easy A. However, if it isn’t, feel free to read this review/rant to decide for yourself if this movie is one worth the watch (it is).

Without any more introductions, let’s get into my last rant on this blog!


As I mentioned before, Emma Stone plays the lead in Easy A. Olive is if nothing else, hilarious. Olive is a complex character, which makes me love her that much more. Throughout the entire movie she is pretending to do things to maintain a reputation, yet her character never truly acts fake. Olive is flawed, but she makes up for it with her witty and charming personality.

Olive is the protagonist, yet like every good form of media, the side characters stand out just as much. Personally, my favorite side character is Marianne, played by Amanda Bynes. Marianne is for sure interesting. At Olive’s high school, Marianne basically leads a cult. Marianne is one of those characters that the audience not only loves to hate but makes fun of. Also, Marianne and Olive’s interactions are absolutely hilarious. Whether they are getting along or fighting, they truly make Easy A entertaining.

Other side characters play important parts as well. Honestly, I wish I could talk about all of them, but that would take too long. So just take my word for it, that the rest of the characters in Easy A are so funny, and entertaining, and add a lot to the value of the plot. The casting director truly knew what they were doing with Easy A.

For characters, I give Easy A an 8/10. 


The plot of Easy A is cliche, like most teen movies. However, I find that in Easy A cliche is good and not necessarily cringy. Easy A is all about a high school girl named Olive. Olive decides to make up one lie to appease her friend. That small lie turns into a huge rumor spread across the high school, giving Olive a new reputation. After being approached by other students, Olive decides to take advantage of her new reputation. Except like all movies, something goes wrong. The rumor and reputation go too far.

Overall the story is meant to be funny, yet it has great messages embedded within. The ending is one of my favorite endings to a movie. It both ties up the story but also instills a heartfelt theme into the audience.

My favorite part of Easy A is that Olive narrates over the movie throughout the entire plot. I personally enjoyed seeing the story from her view, and her commentary. Emma Stone perfectly embodies this character and makes Easy A’s plot incredibly enjoyable.

For the plot, I’m giving Easy A an 8/10.


Like I said before, Easy A is just one of those movies I feel people need to watch at least once. So it really should be no surprise that I enjoy this movie. The characters, the plot, the quality of the movie, and more make Easy A an iconic movie.

Even if I have just rewatched it this week, I would watch it again just for Emma Stone. Her performance is amazing (like it always is). She and her castmates truly bring this story to life funnily and entertainingly. The writing is amazing. The story is heartfelt, genuine, and hilarious. Together makes for a great movie and a classic 2000s movie.

Before I rant on even more, I’m going to move on to the final rating. For enjoyment, I’m giving Easy A a 9/10.

Final Rating:

The final rating for Easy A is 25/30!

Thank you for reading and if you would like to learn more about Easy A visit this website!

Review (the trilogy)

I’m a big fan of movies and television series. However, books will always be my favorite form of media. The sad thing is college hasn’t provided me with time to read as much as I would like; I’m either too busy with other things (homework or extracurriculars) or am tired of reading after being assigned books. Despite my lack of time to read, I managed to finish an amazing series.

The Renegades trilogy by Marissa Meyer is one of my favorite fiction series I have ever read. It takes place in a dystopian world, has people with powers, and the enemies-to-lovers trope. What more could you want in a book?

These books captivated my attention from the first chapter to the last sentence. After reading all three books in the Renegades series, I can say this upheld my high expectations. I hope this review encourages you to add it to your own TBR list, no matter how long said list may be.

Without any more introduction, it’s time for another rant/review.


Nova Artino is the main protagonist in the Renegades trilogy. Look no further if you’re interested in a book with a strong female lead. Nova is strong, intelligent, and determined. Nova is an Anarchist or a villain. After the Renegades failed to protect her and her family, she intends to burn the Renegades (the superheroes of the city) to the ground. Nova may at points be narrow-minded and fueled by revenge, but she undergoes immense charter growth throughout the series. 

Nova has a strong personality that stays strong even after emotions and character development. One thing I admire about this book is how Nova never loses her independent personality. Her strength and intelligence define her, along with the flaws that make her relatable.

Another one of my favorite things about Nova is her humor. She is hilarious and sometimes doesn’t even try to be. I love books that are action-packed and comedic, and Renegades checks both of those boxes.

Nova may be the main protagonist, but she is not the only point of view readers get to see. Adrian Everhart is a Renegade, the adopted son of two Council members to be specific. Like Nova, Adrian is determined to make the world a better place. They just have different ideas of how that should happen. Adrian has a high sense of justice and is also stubborn like Nova. Like Nova’s character, Adrain is funny and undergoes a decent amount of character development. Having the Renegades trilogy split between Nova and Adrain’s points of view displays a better image of the book, making it more enticing for readers.

Adrian and Nova interacting together are almost as good as their separate characters. Both of them are well-written and feel like real people. Their interactions truly make this series one of my favorites. Their dialogue is still in my head; it was that good.

Nova and Adrain are the two main characters, but the Renegades trilogy has a lot more characters. Each character plays their part in the story. Each one is written to feel real. They have flaws and strengths.

For characters, I’m giving Renegades a 9.5/10.


As you’ve noticed in my previous posts, my plot and enjoyment have been rather small compared to the characters. This is because I am self-aware. Media that I enjoyed makes me want to rant all day long about it. However, the longer the rant, the more apt I am to spoil it. So to make sure if you ever actually read Renegades, I’m keeping the rest of my review short and sweet.

The plot for Renegades was incredible. It was everything I could have wanted in a book. There was action and excitement. There were secret identities and superpowers. There were deep conversations about good and evil and how the world should be run. There were multiple plot twists that I never saw coming. And of course, there was the top-tier trope of enemies to lovers.

Renegades knew from start to finish what it was doing. It was a great fiction series with an even better end.

For the plot, I am giving Renegades a 10/10.


If you couldn’t tell, I liked the Renegades trilogy. From start to finish I never wanted to put the books down. I loved all the characters, some for different reasons than others. The plot was one of my favorites and had great timing. I truly think this series would be enjoyable for anyone interested in fiction/science fiction.

This series is already back on my ‘to be read’ list; that’s how much I loved this series. It exceeded my expectations in multiple ways.

For enjoyment, I give Renegades a 10/10.

Final Rating:

The final rating for the Renegades trilogy is 29.5/30. This is incredibly deserved and I recommend this to any fiction book lovers!

For more information, visit this website!

How to Rant as a Review

“Speak of the devil and she shall appear.”

“This is criminal law 100 or as I prefer to call it ‘How to get away with murder’.”

For the past couple of weeks, I have been binge-watching How to Get Away with Murder. The television series is featured on Netflix and contains 6 seasons.  With around 90 episodes, I had a lot of watching to do. How to Get Away with Murder has won multiple awards and stars multiple talented and iconic actors, including Viola Davis. I enjoyed watching every episode and my high expectations were constantly met with each new season.

So without any more introductions, let’s get to the review!


Multiple main characters in this series have a powerful influence over How to Get Away with Murder. However, the main character in this show is Annalise Keating, played by Viola Davis. Annalise Keating, for lack of better terms, is an absolute girl boss. She knows what she wants and is unafraid to take it. She is a powerful woman with amazing determination.

Annalise Keating is not only a strong, inspirational character, but she has her flaws as well. She struggles with a lot of issues over the seasons, including loss and addiction. Despite all of these problems that come her way Annalise continues to persevere and protect the ones she cares about. The other characters often paint her to be selfish, yet she is always protecting them. Annalise cares deeply about others, so not only does she prioritize growing her career but her relationships with others.

Annalise Keating is my favorite character to watch in How to Get Away with Murder, but many other main characters make this show interesting. The ‘K Five’ are the first group of students Annalise picks to help her out with her cases. Each one plays a major part in the series. Wes Gibbons,  Connor Walsh, Michaela Pratt, Asher Millstone, and Laurel Castillo are all law students who work under Annalise Keating. Each one has a complex personality that develops as the show progresses. Most of these characters make me mad at some point in the show but are overall well-done characters. These five characters interacting truly make the show amazing and it is fun to watch their friendship grow over the years.

There are also many important side characters, including Nate Lahey, Bonnie Winterbottom, Frank Delfino, and Oliver Hampton. Each one, like the other characters, has strong personalities that add so much to the show. Their writing is amazing for all characters and their character development. Each interaction between characters is simply entertaining and marvelous.

Honestly, How to Get Away with Murder is worth the watch just for the characters (aka Annalise Keating).

For characters, I give How to Get Away with Murder a 9/10.


The writers for How to Get Away with Murder know how to keep an audience entertained. They also know the perfect time to end a show, meaning the plot never dragged on or got boring. This plot was full of twists that I never saw coming. The show wasn’t predictable, but all of the twists made sense when they were revealed.

How to Get Away with Murder had an amazing plot that was full of action, mystery, and drama. Lots of drama. And because I don’t want to spoil any of the plot points. I’ll just say that How to Get Away with Murder has a great plot that never gets boring or too confusing.

For the plot, I give How to Get Away with Murder a 9/10.


I loved watching this show. The acting was fantastic, and every actor was incredible. The plot was one of the most entertaining shows I’ve watched. Other than certain characters and things happening in the story, I enjoyed every part of How to Get Away with Murder. This show was truly fascinating and deserved all the awards it got.

For enjoyment, I rate How to Get Away with Murder a 10/10.

Final Rating:

The final rating for How to Get Away with Murder is 28/30. How to Get Away with Murder is incredibly deserving of a high rating and is definitely worth the watch.

If you’d like to learn more about How to Get Away with Murder go to their IMDB page!

My Rant or Review

“My heart is a cold, hard little stone.”

“Now I’m just a lonely guy with outstanding hair, that tells other people who to be, even though I’m not sure who I am.”

“Love is crazy. Love’s the worst.”

Netflix has released its new productions for the upcoming year. I couldn’t help but be excited when I saw Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher set to star in a new romantic comedy. So of course when Your Place or Mine came out I made my whole family watch it with me over spring break. While my dad may have other thoughts on the movie, I enjoyed it.

So here is yet another review!


The two main characters aka the love interests are played by Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher. This meant I was going to like their characters anyway because of the people playing them. However, even if they were played by different actors, I still would’ve enjoyed both characters.

Debbie Dunn is in every way a typical mom. Yet, this movie puts a more positive spin on being a mom. Normally when parents choose their kids over dreams they get resentful and bitter towards life. Debbie is the opposite. She recognizes that every choice she made is what led her to her situation and she is in full acknowledgment of how it is the best life for her. Debbie’s love for her son, Jack, is one of the best parts of this movie, even if she is a little like a helicopter parent. Debbie is not only an amazing mother but an amazing friend. Overall Debbie is such a positive character. The audience may get annoyed with her, but she is still lovable in every way.

Peter is her love interest for Debbie and is the opposite of her in a lot of ways. Their houses are the most obvious example. Debbie has everything in her house and it is very cluttered. Peter’s house is bare and empty. This dynamic of opposites is so fun to watch because they truly do help the other better themselves. Their character dynamic is another one of the best parts of this movie.

Peter isn’t just in the movie to exist as the love interest and he has his own character traits. Some of them are annoying to watch, like Debbie, but that’s because he is human. These slightly annoying characteristics make Your Place or Mine more realistic. Peter is a quick thinker. He can think himself out of situations, but also into some interesting ones. Peter is just as thoughtful as Debbie, despite his more negative outlook. Peter is extremely caring and just another amazing character.

Debbie and Peter are the main characters, but Your Place or Mine has many good side characters as well. My favorite character was their mutual friend, Alicia. She is just so funny to me. Alicia is fun to watch interacting with both of them and also had a majority of the one-liners. She provided another realistic and funny character dynamic to Your Place or Mine.

Another important side character is Debbie’s son, Jack. Jack is very much a typical young kid, yet his character is not repetitive. I enjoyed Jack’s character in Your Place or Mine. The rest of the side characters all added something to either the romance or the comedy. Each one impacted the story in a new way and made Your Place or Mine a really interesting and fun movie.

For characters, I give Your Place or Mine an 8.5/10.


Honestly, I don’t want to spoil anything so I’m going to keep this short. The plot is so much more than a romantic comedy. Yes, that is the main point. But this movie also has a lot more apparent themes than romance. It shows the ups and downs of life and how we don’t need someone to navigate them with us. This movie shows that romance is good, but that being yourself and completing yourself is also good. I always really liked how it showed some things not only take time, but are better when they do.

For plot, I give Your Place or Mine a 9/10.


I’m not going to lie, this isn’t my favorite romantic comedy I’ve ever watched. However, 10 Things I Hate About You is almost an impossible standard to reach. Your Place or Mine was enjoyable throughout the entire movie. Its comedic elements were perfect and never distracting from other plot points. The romance was important, but also subtle enough for other themes and messages to be gained from this movie.

This movie was cute. It is one of those movies you can’t help but feel good after watching it. I enjoyed seeing both Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher in a movie together, especially in this movie.

For enjoyment, I give Your Place or Mine a 9/10.

Final Rating:

The final rating for Your Place or Mine is 26.5/30! I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys romantic comedies!

If you would like to learn more, visit their IMDB page!

RayannLand (now that sounds fun)

This week I’m reviewing a new type of media. Normally I do movies and books because that’s my main form of entertainment. However, last week I was extremely busy; busy enough that I had no time to watch a movie to review. Before you start to worry, I am reviewing a form of media, just something different than what usually is reviewed on this blog.

In case anyone was worried (I know you weren’t, I’m just giving you all the benefit of the doubt), my week was busy because it was tech week for Austenland. For those who don’t know what tech week is, you’re lucky. Essentially, it is the final week before a show’s opening night. Meaning, it is the most chaotic time when all of the play’s elements have to come together. This process wasn’t too stressful for me because I was just on a crew, but also because of Austenland itself. This is why this week, I’m reviewing the play Austenland, or what I could gather from backstage/peeking through the curtain.

Before I start the review, I would like to clarify a few things. Austenland started out as a book that got made into a movie. Austenland (the movie) then inspired a Penn State student to rewrite Austenland for the stage. Through No Refund Theatre (a super awesome club at Penn State), Austenland became a stage production for three amazing nights in Forum 111.

Okay, now it’s time for the review…


If there is one thing about Austenland, it’s that it’s cringey but knows that it’s cringey. So it is no surprise that all of the characters fit this description as well.

The protagonist in Austenland is a girl named Jane. Jane’s main personality trait is that she is absolutely obsessed with all things Jane Austen, including Mr. Darcy.  Jane wants what every book-obsessed person wants, a life like one in the stories. This obsession to have her own Jane Austen story leads her to visit Austenland, spending all her life’s savings in the process.

Jane is a hopeless romantic. She is determined to find her happy ending and is motivated by her emotions. She is very much a cliche rom-com protagonist, but is still a fun character to watch.

While Jane is the main character of the play, the other characters steal the show. Henry Nobley and Martin are hilarious in their constant competition. Elizabeth Charming is a classic Jennifer Coolidge role (meaning absolutely iconic). One of the characters is even played by a puppet. For what reason? I have no clue, but it was amazing.

All the characters from this show are amazing and I love them. They’re stupid, cliche, sometimes annoying, and hilarious.

For characters I give Austenland a 10/10.


Austenland has one of those plots that you don’t really know what’s going on at any point. Yet, every second is engaging and highly entertaining. 

Austenland has something for everyone. 

Romance? Yes. 

Book lines straight from Jane Austen? Yes (or something close). 

Attractive people? Yes. 

Humor? Literally the whole thing. 

Plot twists? Yes.

Violence? Acted, but still yes.

Cringey? Heck yeah.

Austenland has a somewhat basic plot of a romantic-comedy, yet the play’s plot is far from basic. It is ‘camp’ and I’m not sure anything will top it.

For plot I give Austenland a 10/10.


Now, I may be biased because the cast, crew, and directors were my friends but I loved Austenland. Even when I struggled to move furniture or bruised my knee on flats, I was having a good time listening to the production. Even after the 7th time watching the play, I was sitting backstage laughing hard enough to make my stomach hurt. It was so chaotically good, I wish I could watch it over and over again.

So yes, I enjoyed Austenland and it is one of my favorite productions I have ever been involved in.

For enjoyment I give Austenland a 10/10.

Final Score:

The final score for Austenland is 30/30. I wish you all could’ve gotten the joy to see it because it was truly the best fever dream I have ever witnessed.

While there are no future shows of Austenland there are more shows this semester put on by No Refund Theatre (one I may or may not be in…). To see these shows, go to their instagram page here! Or their tiktok here!

This Review is Barbaric (slight clickbait)

Let me start off by saying this movie was not my choice. I love good horror movies, but I wasn’t sold on this movie from the description. My friends, in order to decide if this would be a good movie to watch, turned on the trailer. Needless to say, we were sold after watching it.

Barbarian has an interesting trailer. In fact, I recommend you watch it for yourself here. After watching it, I can assume you know why we immediately hit play. Barbarian was certainly an interesting movie; I can’t decide if I like it. My friends and I all agree that this movie was definitely something. These thoughts are why I thought it would be fun to review this movie; it’s not that good, but yet not that bad.

But before I accidentally spoil anything, let’s start the review!


Tess is the main protagonist of Barbarian. From the very beginning of the film she gives off ‘final girl energy.’ Essentially that she is smart enough to survive but stupid enough to get into the mess in the first place. Despite not always making the best decisions, Tess is tough and tries to survive. She also is good at gaining audience sympathy; I wanted her to live. Tess is a good example of what a classic horror movie protagonist looks like.

An interesting factor of Tess’s character is that she is painfully unaware what genre of movie she is in until it’s too late. In horror movies characters never actually know what movie they’re in, but they at least figure out they are in trouble relativity soon. Tess, instead, took her sweet time to realize she was in danger. This goes back to my main complaint with Tess’s character; I just wish they would have given her some common sense.

Keith is another main character in Barbarian. I’m not going to lie, I was a little disappointed by Keith’s character. I mean he is literally played by Bill Skarsgard, so I was expecting at least something. Rather his character to me was boring, mildly creepy (in a cringy way, not a horror way), and lacking in common sense. Just like Tess, he made very questionable decisions. Decisions that may or may not have had me yelling at the TV.  Keith was a let-down character and a waste of the talents of Bill Skarsgard.

The other important character in this movie is AJ, played by Justin Long. One word to describe his character is douche. He is a modern day jerk (in appropriate terms). The first 20 minutes he was on screen, I was grieving. For those that don’t know, Justin Long was in a movie called He’s Just Not That Into You, which is a really good movie with Justin Long playing a great character. So I had to watch ‘pen guy’ go from a great rom-com love interest to a complete douche. It was incredibly sad, but at least Justin Long can say he has range. Anyway, if it wasn’t obvious I did not enjoy AJ. Which was what was meant to happen, so I will give the writers a point for that.

Overall these characters are basic, boring, and overdone. They don’t have anything special to them and I never felt attached to them. They were just mediocre.

For characters I give Barbarian a 6/10.


When I watch a horror movie, I don’t just want to be scared. I want a story behind the things happening, like a good story that actually makes sense and wasn’t lazily written. Barbarian felt like a lazy written story. Yes, the story was there. Yes, the story itself was creepy and gave horror movie vibes. But the writers took a basic plot and never expanded on it. They kept everything simple and boring. There were so many ways that the plot could have thickened and sometimes it was even hinted at. Yet, it never did.

Not only was the plot basic, but the fear factors weren’t even that good. I was never actually scared during this movie. Again, this premise had potential, but they stuck with the easy plan and ended up creating a mediocre movie. Essentially, it was just okay.

For plot I give Barbarian a 4/10.


This was a mediocre movie and none of it was memorable. However, I did surprisingly enjoy watching it. Barbarian is one of those movies that are perfect to watch with friends and laugh about. There are so many funny parts, like the beginning where it feels more like a Hallmark than a horror movie. We all enjoyed yelling at the TV when characters made questionable decisions or cringing when weird things happened. At some parts we almost felt trauma bonded. The movie itself wasn’t really enjoyable, but watching with people was.

However, I would never watch this by myself. Honestly, I will probably never watch this movie again, but the first experience was a good time.

For enjoyment I rate Barbarian a 7/10 because I love making commentary about movies with friends, and this one is perfect to do that.

Final Score:

The final score for Barbarian is a 17/30 (yikes).

If this review still makes you want to watch this because you love horror movies. Or if you want to make fun of characters in a movie, go to their IMDB page to learn more!

Ray Ray Review

“Here’s to the ones who dream, foolish as they may seem. Here’s to the hearts that ache; here’s to the mess we make.”

“A bit of madness is key to give us new colors to see. Who knows where it will lead us? And that’s why they need us.”

“City of stars. Are you shining just for me? City of stars. There’s so much that I can’t see.”

These iconic quotes are from the even more iconic movie, La La Land. La La Land stars Emma Stone as Mia and Ryan Gosling as Sebastian. The two navigate the city of Los Angeles searching for ways to attain their dreams. This comedic and dramatic musical creates a beautiful story with excellent execution.

La La Land was recently released on Netflix, meaning I had to give it another rewatch. The first time I watched it left me speechless. I remember the laughter, smiles, and of course tears. Essentially I remember that La La Land was a really good movie. So thanks to Netflix, you all get to see my rant about La La Land!


Mia and Sebastian are beautiful characters. No, I’m not talking about their physical appearances. Though I wouldn’t be wrong; it is Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. Anyway, what I mean when I say they are beautiful characters is that they’re well written, brought to life by the actors, and show a lot of depth. They both feel real, not fictional. The audience is able to connect easily to both of their stories and get attached to them.

Mia and Sebastian are both driven by their dreams. Throughout the movie, their ambitions never change.  The movie also brings in the idea of people being dreams to others. For example, the relationship Mia and Sebastian form. Along with their passions and dreams, Mia and Sebastian put huge efforts into their relationship.

Speaking of their relationship, Mia and Sebastian have a top tier romance. It’s just amazing. I don’t want to spoil anything, but just be ready to feel for them.

There aren’t many important side characters in this movie, but all the extras make this movie even more special. Their presence in the movie is always well crafted and executed. Side characters allow the advancement of the story, create a perfect background for Mia and Sebastian, and also add more important layers of depth to the story.

For characters I give La La Land a 9/10.


Two words: so good. The plot is simple, yet the extravagance of the details makes it stand out from other plots. The journey Mia and Sebastian go on in order to navigate both their careers, but also their relationship is just perfect. This plot with the scenery truly transports their audience into that world.

Every detail is thought out and planned. Nothing is unclear or confusing. It is easy to follow, yet extremely memorable.

I haven’t even mentioned the music yet. Whenever a movie is a musical, it scares me. I love musicals, but sometimes I worry about whether they will be done right. La La Land is done right. The music not only is gorgeous, but it plays into the plot. Each piece signifies so many themes, it’s incredible. The lyrics are deep and meaningful, the instrumentals are memorable and iconic, and the voices singing are always stunning and beautiful.

My favorite part of the plot is two different things. The ending is just marvelous; I would rewatch this movie over and over just for the end. The other part of the plot I love is the way the beginning ties to the end. It’s so well done and I love it.

For plot I give La La Land a 9/10.


I cry every time I watch this movie. I’m not a crier, but something about this movie just moves me to tears. The emotional journey this movie takes the audience on is alluring and wonderful. It’s funny at times but includes raw emotions. La La Land has depth to the story and the characters.

 The visuals are magnificent in every scene. Every shot is gorgeous. The lighting is fabulous. La La Land, if anything, is a beautiful movie to watch visually.

The acting in La La Land is phenomenal. The characters feel real and are so easy to relate to. Sometimes I forget I’m watching a movie during La La Land because it is just that good at drawing people in and taking them into the world of La La Land.

For enjoyment I give La La Land a 9/10.

Final Ranking:

The final ranking for La La Land is 27/30!

This movie is truly unique and beautiful and I recommend watching it. For more information make sure to check out their IMDB page!

Review Queen

“In the fairy tales, the poor girl smiles when she becomes a princess. Right now, I don’t know if I’ll ever smile again.”

“Rise, red as the dawn.”

“In school, we learned about the world before ours, about the angels and gods that lived in the sky, ruling the earth with kind and loving hands. Some say those are just stories, but I don’t believe that. The gods rule us still, they have come down from the stars. And they are no longer kind.”

Like I’ve probably said before in this blog, I love reading. Over Christmas break, I did a lot of that. In fact, I read the entire Red Queen series over four days. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard was published on February 10, 2015. It was Victoria Aveyard’s first novel and I have to say she certainly did a good job. The Red Queen became insanely popular and it still is today.

Before I start my review, I do want to clarify I love everything dystopian/fantasy. Meaning I could give a higher review of this book than you might think it deserves. I hate to say it, but I am a complete sucker for tropes and dystopias, so my opinion might differ from yours. Needless to say I will still give a good review, but if you don’t like dystopian type books, this one isn’t for you.

Enough of introduction and let’s start the review!


Mare Barrow is the protagonist in Red Queen. The book features her perspective for the entire story, meaning we always see her thoughts and emotions. I’ll be honest, if you’re reading this book for a strong main female character, this one is a good pick. Is there better? For sure, like Annabeth Chase exists for a reason. But is Mare still a great female protagonist? Yes.

Mare is determined, loyal, and cunning. She is put into multiple complex situations and manages to survive them. She protects her family the best she can and does what she thinks is best. That being said, she is still a flawed character. I was annoyed with her at times, and sometimes I got second-hand embarrassment. However her character goes through so much growth throughout this book and the series, that it makes her annoying character traits better.


If you need a reason to read this book, I’ll give you two words. Maven Calore.


My favorite character in this book is easily Maven Calore. I can’t even explain it, I just really love his character. There is so much depth to him that this book only barely touches on. He is smart, kind, and caring. The whole time he is protective of Mare and fights for what he wants. His character journey isuntouchable to all other characters in this series. On top of all that, he also says some of the best quotes in this book. He is quite literally iconic.

Maven Calore may be my favorite, but is not the only Calore brother in Mare’s life. Cal is the one who first gives Mare a job at the palace that eventually leads to her being a princess. Cal is tight-wound, but is deeply caring. While he grew up in a bad environment and has somewhat twisted views of the world, he wants to be the best king for all people. Cal also goes through a lot of character development and is shown changing in many ways. Did I find him annoying? Sometimes, but he still is an interesting character to read about.

Two hot princes and a strong female character, what could make it better? Duh, the other characters. Whether it’s Queen Elara or Evangeline, the other characters in this book add so much to the storyline. Whether it’s because you hate them or you love them, each character makes their mark on the story and on the reader.

For characters I give Red Queen a 8/10.


The origin of this story is so interesting to me. Like how could someone not be interested in reading a story about two different blood types existing and one has powers, while the other doesn’t? It’s such a cool concept and Victoria Aveyard does it justice. The way she creates this world and all of its history and depth is amazing. 

The plot is so good and has so much to offer. Terrible government? Check. Rebellions? Check. Hot people? Check. Don’t even get me started on the plot twist because it blew my mind. Truly if you read this book for the plot twist, it would still be worth it. I never saw it coming and I loved every second of it.

Anyway, before I spoil one of the coolest plot twists, I’ll move on to enjoyment. For plot I give Red Queen a 9.5/10.


I’ve read about better characters, but the plot makes up for it. I read this book so fast because I felt like I couldn’t put it down. If you want a book that’s going to grab your attention, this is it. I always wanted to know what was going to happen next and was definitely personally invested in the story.

I would reread this book for the plot twist. I would reread this book for Maven Calore. Honestly, I would reread this book because I did enjoy it. It was funny at times, but such a good representation of the dystopian genre. The same maybe can’t be said for the other books in this series, but I did really enjoy the Red Queen.

For enjoyment I give Red Queen a 9/10.

Final Ranking:

The final ranking for Red Queen is 26.5/30! If you want a dystopian series to read next, this is certainly a good pick (well the first book at least).


If you would like to learn more visit Victoria Aveyard’s website!

The Review Games

“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous.”

“Wanna see what I got you today? It’s a Mockingjay pin, to protect you. And as long as you have it, nothing bad will happen to you, okay? I promise.”

“I volunteer! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!”

The piece of media I’m reviewing this week is absolutely iconic. While I’m not reviewing the original material, the movie itself portrays the book better than most page-to-screen adaptations. Unless you’ve lived under a rock, you probably can guess what movie will be talking about for this post.

The Hunger Games truly helped bring the genre of dystopia back into popularity. The movie follows Katniss from District 12 as she competes in the Hunger Games, a game where 24 enter and 1 leaves. This movie accomplished so much that eventually the rest of the books were turned into movies.

I think it’s time to start this review and let the odds be ever in your favor…


Katniss Everdeen is an amazing protagonist. From the start, she is driven by her love for her sister and this continues throughout the entire movie. Her love for her sister is relatable and inspiring. She begins to show this same protection over Peeta Mellark, the other tribute from her district. Despite being based on a lie, Katniss and Peeta’s concern for the other is just as heartfelt to watch as Katniss’s love for her sister.

 Not only does Katniss fight to protect the ones she loves, but she is a strong character. Yes, strong in the fact that she is able to fight in the Hunger Games physically, but also strong in her mentality and mindset. The Hunger Games is full of death and most of the time, people who didn’t have any other choice but to be there. Katniss is able to battle through loss, hurt, and mental pain throughout the book. She keeps pushing forward and persevering. It’s hopeful, inspiring, and also relatable.

My favorite thing about characters is when they have flaws. I love when they are still good people but not perfect people. Not only does it add depth to the character, but it adds a realness to the story. This can be said for Katniss’s character and storyline. Her development throughout the movie is amazing and perfectly executed.

While I love Katniss, she isn’t my favorite character. That prize would have to go to the one and only bread boy, Peeta Mellark. He is almost the opposite of Katniss. She plays to physical abilities, while he plays to the public eye and the other tributes. If there’s one thing to really sum up Peeta, it’s that you can tell he was written by a woman. He is kind, gentle, sweet, thoughtful, and honestly the list goes on and on. If you don’t believe me, watch the movie yourself and try to say you didn’t love Peeta.

Katniss and Peeta are the main characters in the Hunger Games, but the other characters also make a lasting impression, such as Gale. Except the lasting impression I get from Gale is that he is an annoying pick-me and I can’t stand him.

Anyway, the rest of the characters are better than Gale, I promise. Haymitch and Effie are the most unexpected duo, but are both hilarious together. Two completely different personalities, but with Katniss and Peeta, the four almost become a small family.

President Snow doesn’t play a huge part in the movie, but his character presence is everywhere. He is such a well written and acted villain. He’s literally an old man, yet still holds so much power. He is manipulative and always tries to get what he wants. The audience loves to hate President Snow, which is always a fun villain dynamic to see on screen.

For characters I give The Hunger Games a 8.5/10. Before you ask, the ranking would be higher if it weren’t for Gale.


The Hunger Games is honestly something I could go off on a tangent about, which I don’t want to do. Rather than potentially spoil it for you guys, I’ll keep my review for the plot brief and simple.

Unique. Thought provoking. A work of art. The Hunger Games’s plot fits into all these categories. The plot is so different from everything else, one can’t help but love it. The plot twists are small, but still great. The storyline is easy to follow, yet so entertaining to watch unfold. It’s funny at times, but has a lot of emotional moments that resonate with the audience.

For plot, I give The Hunger Games a 9.5/10.


I’ve read the books. I have seen all of the movies before, multiple times. This genre is truly one of my favorites and it’s partially because of this movie. From the characters, setting, plt, and more The Hunger Games is so entertaining. It speaks messages and themes, while also maintaining a high enjoyment level. From small comedic lines, to heart wrenching scenes, The Hunger Games has a lot to offer in terms of enjoyment. Other than having to see Gale, these movies are amazing and I love to watch them.

For enjoyment, I rate The Hunger Games a 9.5/10.

Final Rating:

The final rating for The Hunger Games is 27.5/30!

If you would like to learn more about The Hunger Games movies, go to their IMDB Page!

Glass Onion: A Rayann Review

She’s afraid I will tweet an ethnic slur…again”

“If I ever get Jared Leto, I’m going to whoop his Kombucha brewing ass”

“It was a tribute to Beyonce but people didn’t see it like that”

My love for Agatha Christie was half of the reason I loved Knives Out so much; it reminded me of an Agatha Christie novel. The other half of that love came from Chris Evans, in case you were wondering. So when it was announced that the people behind Knives Out were going to continue making more movies, I was thrilled.

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery was released on Netflix and almost instantly became popular with viewers. It starred Daniel Craig, reprising his role as the detective Benoit Blanc. Along with Daniel Craig, many other notable actors appeared in this movie, including Kate Hudson and Lesile Odom Jr. To me this movie lived up to the standards set by the original Knives Out. 

Now, let’s get into the review, so I can go watch Glass Onion for a third time!


Like I mentioned above, Glass Onion has a stellar cast. They all played their characters so well and truly made the film so much more enjoyable. I honestly wish that this cast did more movies together because of the acting done between them all.

If I had to name a main character from this movie it would be Detective Benoit Blanc or Andi Brand. To put it simply, Detective Benoit Blanc is the one under the spotlight and for good reason. He is hilarious, intelligent, but also very human. Benoit is shown empathizing throughout the movie, which allows for a deeper connection to his charter. Because of how human and ‘good’ he is, the audience wants him to succeed. When the audience is rooting for a character, it makes the film much more enjoyable.

Andi Brand may not be the spotlight, but she is the one who steals the show. I hate to use this, but if I had to pick two words to describe Andi Brand, they would be girl boss. From the moment she arrives to board the boat til the moment the film ends, Andi Brand is a force on screen that pulls all the attention to her (in the best way ofc). Andi’s character is complex and at first hard to figure out. But as the story unravels, so does the many layers and mysteries of Andi’s personality.

While Andi Brand and Benoit Blanc lead the movie, the rest of the cast never disappoints. Birdie is a character who everyone remembers. She may not be the brightest of the bunch, but she is going to be the center of attention. Whether it’s her dull remarks or her flashy persona Birdie is certainly hard to forget. Lionel Toussaint and Claire Debella are the dynamic duo I never knew I needed. Each different in many ways, but so fun to watch interact on screen together.

Honestly, I could go on and on about how amazing these characters are, but I’ll let you see for yourself. But before I give my rating, I will say this: the character work in this movie is top notch and every little detail is on purpose. When watching pay close attention to the masks the character wear because even that small detail tells the audience so much about them.

For characters, I’m giving Glass Onion a 10/10.


Like I said before, I love a good mystery. Especially the mysteries that have you thinking ‘OMG, I should’ve seen that coming.’ Knives Out was set apart from other mysteries because it started as one thing, but turned into a completely different thing. Glass Onion delivered again in this category.

The plot was everything I wanted it to be. It was an even mix of comedy, mystery, and surprise. I could never tell what was coming and it was like being on Space Mountain. I had no idea what was next, but I truly loved every wild second of it.

Like the characters, I don’t want to give too much away, it would ruin the experience. So in the name of being simple and short I rate Glass Onion on plot a 9.5/10.


If you couldn’t tell, I loved this movie. Every aspect was just indescribably good and fun to watch. The characters were all amazing, unique, and hilarious. The plot was dense, creative, comedic, and super entertaining. The detail put into this movie is utterly amazing. From simple costumes, to the Glass Onion itself, this film made sure to make each aspect memorable and enjoyable.

If you want to watch comedy? Watch this movie.

If you want some mystery? Watch this movie.

If you want a perfect time capsule movie of COVID?  Watch this movie.

I mean, what more could you really want in a movie? Other than Dylan O’Brien starring in it.

For enjoyment, I give Glass Onion a 10/10.

Final Rating:

The final rating for Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery is 29.5/30. This rating is well deserved and I really hope to see more Knives Out mysteries in the future.

I hope you all enjoyed my review and thank you for reading! If you want to know more about Glass Onion make sure to visit their IMDB Page!