As the semester draws to a close (how on earth is it almost over already!), I find myself writing my very last passion blog. But, good news: I am no stranger to saying goodbye!
The military has taught me so much over the years. Here are three key “nuggets of wisdom”, so to speak, that I have accumulated along the way:
1.Goodbyes are often more like see you later’s: Life presents unforeseen circumstances and crazy full-circle moments. After we moved back to the States from London in 2015, I was convinced I would not return to England for years, if ever. But, a short three years later, I would return to live in my favorite country, arguably, again. During our second tour, I was fortunate enough to see old friends and visit previous homes and schools. Though it may feel like a goodbye, life can, and often does, surprise you. The world is also not as big as you think.
2. This too shall pass: Life is really short. Even when things are difficult, time will keep moving forward and an end will come. I often felt the time between moves went by quicker as I got older. As the infamous Ferris Bueller said:
“Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don’t Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It.”
Even when it is hard, there are always positives, you just have to be willing to look for and be thankful for them. And, when you choose to be thankful, life will be so much better.
3. Enjoy every moment you have: Nothing in my life has been certain. I was never promised the stability of school or home. The only way I made it through was because I made an effort to love wherever I was, right then and there. You cannot change circumstances, no matter how much you may want to! It is no fun being miserable, so, you have to make an effort to love where you are even when it is hard. Like with Covid-19: we haven’t been given a normal freshman year and it is frustrating. But, I have been able to meet some incredible people over my short three months here and I am so glad I even got the opportunity to be on campus!
I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing my life through my blog, and I hope some of you have enjoyed reading it!
Rayna (del Mundo)
Great Blog! I can’t believe that this semester is over too….. feels like just yesterday my family was dropping me off. Im excited to go home but I know after a week Ill want to come back. You definitely have some great experience with this so ill take your advice. Your Blog has been great over this semester!
I love the advice you included here! My grandma used to always say this too shall pass so I loved reading it here and I think it’s a great thing to keep in mind. The Ferris Bueller quote was a nice touch too!
Loved this last post!! Despite missing out on a lot because of the COVID year, I feel like we have been able to form such close with relationships with people at PSU because we are in this unique experience together. It will definitely be hard to say goodbye, but I agree that it is important to cherish the moment rather than worrying about when it will end : D