Well, it’s finally time to explore our passions! After brainstorming different topics throughout previous blogposts, I have determined my passion that most motivates me is that of obtaining knowledge. Even though I have always been hungry to study the world, attending college has opened up my eyes and my mind to a new form of learning; in this case, my individual interests can be explored to whatever extent I choose. I also have access to some of the best research assistance at my fingertips that I vow to use more and more throughout my time here as a student. Within my classes this semester, I have discovered new topics and theories to explore, as well as formulating some of my own that I will delve into deeper throughout the upcoming blogs. In a tragically boring philosophy lecture this past week, I was struck with a quote from Emmanuel Kant: “sapere aude”. This roughly translates from Latin to mean “dare to know” but scholars have used this motto to inspire them to think for themselves and attain the knowledge on their own. This is inspiring to me specifically because I have never been one to just take an answer as it is, instead choosing to come to the conclusions on my own through proofs. Although I find mathematics and natural sciences to be quite boring, I find that the logical steps that arrive at a conclusion can be universally applied to all studies. When delving into the theories I am passionate about on this blog, I will attempt to illustrate the steps I have taken to achieve the conclusion that I have in a way that you, as the reader, can easily follow.
Many of my pre-passion blog posts were centralized around the idea of American politics, involving other disciplines under the realm of providing better context or analysis for my posts. This will remain true to my new blog, as I have determined politics is what I aim to study for the rest of my life, continuing long after my formal education. To establish a strong foundation for the ideas, theories, terms, and other key points of this field, I will use my passion for communication to relay them to the audience. My goal is to continue to strengthen my communication skills through this medium and comprehend more of the scientific aspect of the discipline. I hope to pull contemporary issues into the process to help learn more myself, as well as explain it to my audience. However, it is up to you to come to the conclusions through your own mental processes and practices, as Kant would be disappointed in the reader that freely accepts knowledge.
Whatever your own passion may be, the goal for my own blog is to help others assist themselves in the process of learning new things and never being satisfied by what they do know. Dare to know more, and dare to think for yourself.
Wait, I really like this topic because it’s different and definitely very interesting! I can’t wait to read more of your passion blogs and I’m interested in learning new topics and theories!
I, on the other hand, am a very scientific-minded person. It is refreshing to hear that the way of thinking that I often use in life is so similar to yours, but our scopes are so different! I am interested to hear some more specific occurrences on how you apply this way of life to certain topics, and maybe reading about them will help me grow in the areas of my life that I am not as strong in as others.