TED talk outline/draft


Good Morning everyone! How many people here would say they feel stressed on a normal basis?…. That seems about right. According to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University, the stress in women has increased by 18% and the stress in men has increased by 24% from 1983-2009. That’s an incredible increase!


Many people feel the reason for this stress is the raised competitiveness in the academic and work field. It is increasingly getting harder to get into college and as many of you know the acceptance rates are becoming lower and lower. This raises the bar for students when it comes to applying. Students are balancing school work, activities, sports, and family. Fifteen to twenty years ago, students didn’t have the huge checklist that exists today for getting into college. I know when I was in high school, I was very concerned about having leadership positions, being part of the right clubs, and showcasing myself as a well rounded student. I didn’t always have time to do things I really loved. In fact, most students our age rate their personal stress level at 5.4 out of 10 according to the american psychological association. That is 1.4 points higher than the healthy amount of stress for 18-33 year olds or Millennials. When interviewing my uncle, he said when he was young they weren’t surrounded by technology like we are. This meant their wasn’t much to do besides study, hang out with friends, or play outside. They used to go to the movies on special occasion and splurge their pocket money. Don’t you wish we had it simple! Overall, their were less stressors years ago. That explains why 52% of surveyed Millennials said their stress levels increased in the last 5 years.

Enough about school, what about work? Life is supposed to get easier once you get your college degree right? Huffington Post has reported that the Work Stress Survey found 83 percent of Americans were stressed at work in 2013. That number was 10% lower in 2012. To put that in perspective every 8 out of 10 Americans is stressed out from their job. Why are we so stressed? For starters, most people are working longer hours for lower pay. 14% of employees say that low pay and heavy workload are their number one stressors, and both low pay and heavy workload were provided as the number one stressors in any given workplace. I have seen this in my own family. When my father comes home on Friday, his work day is not finished. He still has hours of emails and phone calls. It doesn’t end there, he usually has at least 2-3 hours of work on Saturday, and sometimes more. Sunday is his only real day off. In a society where work comes home, it’s not surprising that stress levels have increased so drastically.


I want all of you to close your eyes, imagine yourself as one of your grandparents or an elderly person you know. Now go back fifty years. You’re a senior in high school, what is the next step for the majority of you sitting in this room? You may not believe it, but 50 years ago most people were perfectly content with a high school degree. They would go out and find a job and work their way up through the ranks. Now, every student is expected to go to college, or have a set vocational path. Many people argue it is just our perception of stress that is the cause for these higher levels of stress, but most of the factors are related to the expectation of society. As a society, we expect so much more from our children academically and professionally. That is the true cause for this increase in stress. Thank You!

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