Civic Engagement

As a Penn State student it is important to support other Penn State students and explore the different paths people choose to pursue. One of my friends is on Penn State’s fencing team. Today they had a meet and I had never been to one of her fencing meets before. I thought this would be a great opportunity to support her and see her in her element. It was one of the most amazing experiences I have had while I have been at Penn State.

This particular meet featured Columbia, UPenn, Haverford, Duke, UNC, Temple, and Penn State. The match we saw was Penn State versus UPenn. When we entered the gym the teams were just getting warmed up. There were 5 stations set up around the gym. There was a match going on at every station. Two were specifically for guys, and two were for the girls. There was one in the middle that switched from girls to guys every so often.

I had never seen fencing before in general so I was very surprised at how fast the sport is. Each match would only last about 2-3 minutes. The players were so quick on their feet, most of the time you couldn’t even see their sword touching the other player. Most players would do some kind of yell or scream when they got a point. If they lost a point they would put a finger up indicating they got hit. Once one of the players got five points the match would be over. However, since each of the matches is timed if  time runs out the player that gets the most points wins the match.

I noticed that fencers only wear one glove on the hand they are fencing with. The other hand stays by their hip. They also have to have very good form throughout the match. Fencing is a sport that requires a great deal of focus and skill. It was a great experience to be able to support my friend and the entire Penn State fencing team. I was so impressed at how good our team was. I had heard so much about our championships, but it was something else to see it live. I will definitely be going to more fencing meets in the future.


Margaret Atwood

I was so excited to see Margaret Atwood because my mother has spoken of her writing in such high regard. In fact, I called up my mom right away to tell her  I would be seeing Margaret Atwood live and I could tell she was pretty jealous. I have always been an avid reader, so I’m always interested in listening to authors speak about their works. I can definitely say seeing Atwood receive the IAH medal was an amazing experience. I could tell it was going to be a good presentation when she said the medal would make a “good murder weapon.” I never imagined a 75 year old would have such a great sense of humor!

I wasn’t completely familiar with her works, but the short introduction allowed me to have a sense of her interests. However, it gave no indication of her one of a kind personality. I found Atwood to be a very intelligent person who captured us from the moment she took the stage. The video she used to introduce herself was very funny and actually had some great points. I liked when she said, “a good goalie anticipates while a great goalie influences the play.” I thought that was a good thought. The people who have made an impact in this world have always also made a great influence as well. Atwood is a writer who has made a great influence in the literary world.

She then proceeded to read from her new short story collection the Stone Mattress. I learned that the picked the title of her book from the greek word “stromatolite”. It means a fossil formed in shallow waters. I thought that was really cool, because this semester I’ve been able to learn so much about greek history by reading Natasha’s blog, so I was able to make a connection. I noticed that her books have a lot to do with human life and observation. Her writing is very vivid and lively. She is able to emotionally connect to the reader through her characters. She uses many of her own personal experiences to develop her characters. One of the main points she made was about age. Her attitude on age reminded me of the saying, “Age is just a number.” She herself is quite an old person, but has the livelihood of a young woman. Her sense of humor and wit gave me a great sense of her writing style. Back to age though! Atwood mentioned how when she was young she believed age to deterrent to life. She wrote in one of her earlier books how an older character was weak. She now knows that is not true. With  age comes great knowledge and experience that do not make you weak but make you very strong, maybe not physically, but definitely emotionally and mentally.

My favorite quote from the night was when Atwood was describing her writing process. She said she, “stands at the edge of lake and takes the plunge, screaming.” I think that applies to so many facets of life. You have to be able to take that plunge to be able to truly create something amazing and to discover what are your greatest strengths. Atwood confessed how she sometimes has to start over three times before she able to get  going. We shouldn’t be afraid to fall or fail, because it’s those experiences that shape who we are and make us into better people.



Public Issue Forum

I found the forum discussion to be very interesting because it is connected to our history of a public controversy project in some aspects. The discussion on education and how it should be implemented in society has been an age long issue. There has always been disagreement as to what should be taught and the reasons for teaching. Our project was focused on the subject of general education requirements which are also a major part of the discussion today in many colleges and high schools. People are asking is it necessary for a child to be well rounded or should we be focused on preparing the next generation for the career force? Students at the forum argued that a well rounded education is essential. As an example one student cited how communication is vital in almost any career path. Hence, we should all have to take an english class that will aid us in communication skills. I would agree in that almost all professions require some amount of writing as well. Writing is a skill that can never be replaced. Therefore, english classes are good requirements for students in all majors.

I think exploring can also be a good thing. However, there needs to be a balance between exploration and making a choice. I think we find that too many students come into college not really having any clue as to what path they should be on. One man at the discussion suggested that students in middle school should take an aptitude test to have a sense as to what they are good at. I think this is a pretty good idea, because if we start pushing kids to explore earlier when they get to college they will be more prepared to succeed in the path of their choosing. It will also be more beneficial financially because more students will finish college in four years. It can also help those students who may be better suited for a technical education to understand where they should be going. Many students just think “I have to go to college because that’s what everyone does”. That’s not true, for some people are a two year degree or a technical degree may be more useful.

I also found that funding came up during the forum quite a bit. This is no surprise, because funding and education always go hand in hand. The biggest issue is that many people believe in giving students as many opportunities as possible, but not all school districts have the money to provide all those resources. Someone at the forum mentioned how they would love to start introducing students to the different career paths, but unfortunately, they money and resources are just not there. The system right now is based on how well a school district performs on state standardized testing. This seems a little ironic since the school districts that do poorly receive less money. It should be that the school districts that are doing poorly get a little more funding to be able to enhance the programs at their school. This would allow for more improvement in those schools.

Education is a very important issue and it’s no argument that we need to find a way to improve the system, but it will not be easy to to find the right solution. I think forums like this one are allowing students, teachers, parents, and administrators to get a better sense of what needs to be changed.


Adichie Response

I remember reading Americanah this summer and thinking wow! I had heard a lot of immigrant stories before, but never one like this. Adichie forced me to turn the lens on myself. The culture we have in the united states is very hard to understand. We believe in complete equality but we don’t always practice that belief. Adichie addresses two types of these scenarios. The first is the attitude we have toward feminism. Feminism is taken as a negative connotation, but what’s wrong with advocating for women’s equality. Adichie points out how we have become normal to ideas of treating women differently. She brings up how women are on average paid less than men. Even if these women are at the top of their fields they are compensated less. We have just accepted this. That should not be okay to anyone who lives in a country where equality is a building block in the foundation. Adichie also discusses how a female celebrity had to justify the pictures of herself, but explaining she was in a relationship. If it was a man, there would be no explanation required. 

The other scenario is that of blacks and black americans. Black americans are associated with a negative connotation here in America. We have given black americans the title of being the best athletes, comedians, or performers, but when they breakthrough in another field there is much surprise. Adichie references the time her undergrad professor expressed shock at her writing the best paper in class. As much as we would like to believe that every human in blind to color, judgement is present even its most subconscious expressions. Adichie talks about the great struggles black americans have faced during their time. It is absolutely amazing how they have been able to overcome such hardships, and they truly as a group have come very far. It is something we should celebrate and recognize instead of letting it become just another history fact. 

I think Adichie is an extremely eloquent speaker and I respect her determination to motivate others to be themselves. The writing group she has started in Nigeria is such a great achievement. Allowing people of all ages to explore an avenue that is normally shunned in their society, gives hope to those who may feel they have no purpose. I know in India the same culture exists. Children are expected to stay in the realm of science and technology. Most parents are only willing to let their children pursue careers in medicine or engineering. Many students who don’t find joy in either of these avenues are often depressed because they feel they have let down their family or they end up pursuing a career they don’t have a passion for. To have someone that is able to motivate and encourage others paths such as writing would be a boon to many of these students. 

I really enjoyed reading Americanah this summer, and I was hoping to see Adichie this year on campus, but unfortunately the circumstances did not quite work out. However, I stay in awe of the achievements of this amazing woman who has managed to impact the lives of so many around her. 


Group Plan

Our group has chosen the issue of general education requirements. As of now Penn State, is in the process of reviewing their current general education requirements. The subject has become a public controversy with students and faculty commenting on the situation in the hopes their voices will be heard. There are quite a few questions that are being asked from Penn State, and a few we will be specifically analyzing. Is it necessary for students to take required general education classes unrelated to their major? Should students be allowed to pick their general education classes? Would allowing students to pick their general education classes, would more students be able to complete a minor? Are other schools with this ideal producing successful students? We plan on historicizing this subject by discussing how over the years schools have been adopting new policies for general education. We will start with discussing how general education requirements were first introduced and then how we went from the checkbox method to these new policies that are much more liberal in nature. We will be using imovie to present our project. We will be doing a voice over to explain our controversy. The reason we will be using this platform is because it will be a good way to present all our information in one package.

As a group we are sharing and dividing much of the work.



TED talk

After watching my TED talk, I was surprised at how smoothly it went. I was quite nervous before I went up to give the TED talk, but in the video it looks like I let go of the nervousness. I’m so happy with how the images went along with different parts of the speech. They weren’t too distracting, but they still gave an added aspect to the TED talk. I also feel as if I did an appropriate amount of hand gestures. They made the TED talk more engaging and energetic. I thought my volume and tone were good for the size of the audience. My organization flowed well, I started off introducing the topic and then went into the cause and used statistics to back up the effect. I also concluded with an ultimatum to make the audience feel more connected to the topic. Overall, I was very happy with my performance. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the whole thing went.

I really enjoyed the other TED talks in our group. Each topic was different and interesting. Also every person was very passionate about their topic, which allowed us to become more excited about their subject. Taylor’s presentation on Horror Movies was very interesting because she chose to go through several time periods to compare the subject. She also brought along props pertaining to the subject and shared personal stories of her experiences with horror. David’s TED talk on infitro fertilization was very eye opening, and his confidence in his speech really showed his level of knowledge in the subject. Colin also chose a topic he was very familiar and interested in which allowed us to really get into the details of the topic. Nicole used her images very effectively when relating to us the effects of eating disorders. I thought they really added another level of understanding to her TED talk. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed everyone’s TED talk, and I thought this was a very fun assignment.


Meeting One Minutes

  • Watched two multimedia video examples for the project.
  • Solidified the our idea: General Education Requirements
  • Researched other public school gen ed requirements(BIG TEN)
  • Researched Brown’s open curriculum
  • Decided to take the side that gen eds should be removed
  • We will be taking student and faculty interviews
  • Each group member will be doing research
  • One group member will be in charge of compiling all interviews
  • Another group member will be compiling research from other avenues
  • Decided to do an IMovie
  • Doing a voiceover on the video
  • Maybe just have one voiceover, but have everyone speak
  • Before next meeting, we will be doing more research individually.
  • Next Meeting Thursday 9:45- discuss research, discuss presentation and specific outline for project.

General Education

One of the controversy’s we’re considering is the idea of general education requirements in college. The argument is that students should not be forced to take classes that are not relevant to their major. Student’s should be able to chose what they want to take beside their major classes. This would allow student’s to complete a minor or a concentration with more ease.

General framing questions : Is it necessary for students to take required general education classes unrelated to their major? Should students be allowed to pick their general education classes?

Specific framing questions : Would allowing students to pick their general education classes, would more students be able to complete a minor? Are other schools with this ideal producing successful students?

Conjecture: The facts considered would be related to the controversy. The controversy of general education requirements exists. In fact, it is a debate here on campus.  In the past few years, Penn State has looked into revising their general education policy. Last March, Penn State assembled a task force to take on the editing of the policy.

Definition: We can define our problem by showing the changes in the way we define what a good college education is overall. Our group can include what other schools are doing to address this question, and how they are handling the same issue as our university. As students, we can also compile what the student population thinks of this topic and how they would react to a change in the policy.  Combining the professional with the personal will give others a chance to see both sides of the controversy.

Quality: This is a serious issue because it deals with students’ education. It is essential we address the problem, because this issue affects all students entering into secondary education. It is hard to say if this is a good or bad change, but the topic itself is addressing a good cause.

Policy: Action needs to be taken on this controversy. We need to let students know they are being heard, and that the university is doing their best to improve the education being provided. I believe students need to be involved in the process, because they are the ones that will be directly affected by the change. This is an issue many other institutions are also dealing with, and we need to take time to find the right solution.



TED talk outline/draft


Good Morning everyone! How many people here would say they feel stressed on a normal basis?…. That seems about right. According to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University, the stress in women has increased by 18% and the stress in men has increased by 24% from 1983-2009. That’s an incredible increase!


Many people feel the reason for this stress is the raised competitiveness in the academic and work field. It is increasingly getting harder to get into college and as many of you know the acceptance rates are becoming lower and lower. This raises the bar for students when it comes to applying. Students are balancing school work, activities, sports, and family. Fifteen to twenty years ago, students didn’t have the huge checklist that exists today for getting into college. I know when I was in high school, I was very concerned about having leadership positions, being part of the right clubs, and showcasing myself as a well rounded student. I didn’t always have time to do things I really loved. In fact, most students our age rate their personal stress level at 5.4 out of 10 according to the american psychological association. That is 1.4 points higher than the healthy amount of stress for 18-33 year olds or Millennials. When interviewing my uncle, he said when he was young they weren’t surrounded by technology like we are. This meant their wasn’t much to do besides study, hang out with friends, or play outside. They used to go to the movies on special occasion and splurge their pocket money. Don’t you wish we had it simple! Overall, their were less stressors years ago. That explains why 52% of surveyed Millennials said their stress levels increased in the last 5 years.

Enough about school, what about work? Life is supposed to get easier once you get your college degree right? Huffington Post has reported that the Work Stress Survey found 83 percent of Americans were stressed at work in 2013. That number was 10% lower in 2012. To put that in perspective every 8 out of 10 Americans is stressed out from their job. Why are we so stressed? For starters, most people are working longer hours for lower pay. 14% of employees say that low pay and heavy workload are their number one stressors, and both low pay and heavy workload were provided as the number one stressors in any given workplace. I have seen this in my own family. When my father comes home on Friday, his work day is not finished. He still has hours of emails and phone calls. It doesn’t end there, he usually has at least 2-3 hours of work on Saturday, and sometimes more. Sunday is his only real day off. In a society where work comes home, it’s not surprising that stress levels have increased so drastically.


I want all of you to close your eyes, imagine yourself as one of your grandparents or an elderly person you know. Now go back fifty years. You’re a senior in high school, what is the next step for the majority of you sitting in this room? You may not believe it, but 50 years ago most people were perfectly content with a high school degree. They would go out and find a job and work their way up through the ranks. Now, every student is expected to go to college, or have a set vocational path. Many people argue it is just our perception of stress that is the cause for these higher levels of stress, but most of the factors are related to the expectation of society. As a society, we expect so much more from our children academically and professionally. That is the true cause for this increase in stress. Thank You!


Fake it ‘Till You Make It

My favorite TED talk, is a TED talk my high school economics teacher showed us part way through the semester. As a senior in high school, it didn’t resonate with me as much as it does now. The video is about confidence, body language, stress, and how we see ourselves. When you’re a senior in high school, you’ve submitted your college applications, taken all your big exams, and now you’re just waiting for the final decision. As a freshman in college, you’re starting from the beginning. No one knows who you are, you don’t have a transcript, you’re just another body in a sea of people. Many people are overwhelmed with stress. I’m sure many of us have gone through and may still be going through the “Do I belong here?” phase. There’s so much to do and to get done, that we most of us forget to take a step back and evaluate ourselves. Amy Cuddy’s lecture emphasizes how our behavior reflects our internal gauge of ourselves. The primary focus is how 2 minutes of being in a power pose can lower your cortisol(stress) levels and raise your testosterone(confidence) levels. This is very important because those of us who feel like we don’t belong sometimes need that extra confidence to affirm that we do belong and we have every reason for being here.

I really like her style because she starts off with the scientific facts and proofs which display the work she has done in her social experiments about body language. This gives the audience a good understanding of her background and her area of expertise. She also involves the audience to make them feel more comfortable and included in the discussion. She keeps her lecture very simple as to not load the audience with highly technical vocabulary. This makes her more accessible as a speaker. Her presentation is in time with talk, it is also a very simple presentation with mostly pictures. This allows the audience to focus on Amy, and not the presentation only. The slides are only a tool, not a crutch. My favorite part of the lecture is Amy’s recollection of her personal experience. At this point, she has explained her subject clearly and now she is using an anecdote to emotionally connect with her audience. This brings the audience closer to the discussion and, in my opinion, helps them remember Amy and her message better.

I will be doing my paradigm shift paper on stress in the last 50 years, so it’s interesting for me to see the different ways stress can affect someone. Here is the link to the video:http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are#t-505338