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The Most Painful 5 Minutes

Photo by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay.

As I prepared for my TED Talk, the main component that stressed me out (besides giving the talk itself) was the thought of having to watch it afterward. And, to be entirely honest, I think the five minutes I spent watching it was more uncomfortable than giving the speech in front of my classmates, even […]

I’ll Pass on that Big Mac

Photo by Free-Photos from Pixabay,

Since class on Tuesday, I realized that my original idea for the paradigm shift essay needed to be updated in order to be accurate. I’m not sure how I found sources to back up the idea that the consumption of meat in America is decreasing— it’s not. Since this change is not occurring, neither is […]

What Is a Paradigm Shift, Anyway?

Photo by Vegan Liftz on Unsplash.

When we were first assigned an almost ten-page paper about paradigm shifts, I freaked out and might have screamed a bit internally. I started asking myself questions and increased my own frustration: “What the heck is a paradigm shift? How am I supposed to write that much about a topic? Oh no, when is this […]

Are You an Engaging Speaker?

Photo by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay.

What makes a speech successful? This question was especially prevalent to me as I prepared for my own speech in class last week. What could I do to draw my audience in, keep their attention, and clearly make my point? To formulate a game plan, I thought about other speeches I’ve heard that have been […]

What is an Audience?

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.

Recently in class, we discussed how a piece of work should be designed to impact a target audience. The audience refers to the specific group of people that will read an essay, hear a speech, or see a photo. Factors such as age, race, gender bias, and motives affect how an audience will react to […]

Yes, We Need to Save the Turtles

Sourced from Greenpeace Canada and Rethink Canada.

We’ve all used straws before- for milkshakes, smoothies, and especially while drinking elaborate Starbucks concoctions. Each time you perform the satisfying action of unwrapping the paper around your straw and sticking it into your cold drink for a delicious first sip, do you think about how your actions are affecting the world around you? Probably […]

An Exploration of Sweets or Songs

An Exploration of Sweets or Songs

When I was given the task of formulating two possible topics for a yearly blog, a million different ideas immediately flew through my brain. The parameters were so wide that I struggled to narrow them down. However, as my brain usually splits between my two majors- food science and music- two contrasting topics intrigued me. […]

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