RCL3: An Extremely Ineffective Advertisement


The advertisement above is an ad that is seemingly trying to convince the reader that we need Pluto to be considered a planet. For this post I will be describing how the ad above is extremely ineffective. For starters, I am not even fully certain what the ad is trying to advertise, but I believe it is to persuade readers that Pluto should be considered a planet. What the ad says is also illogical and the last sentence is seemingly unrelated. The picture of the baby also has seemingly no effect on the effectiveness of the advertisement.

The ad is questioning if it is good for Pluto to no longer be considered a planet. The advertisement does this to convince the reader that it is in the best interest of children for Pluto to be considered a planet. However, the last sentence is about pizza being served by mothers, which is completely unrelated. This confuses the audience as this sentence is completely unrelated to the rest of the advertisement. This sentence makes the audience then question what the purpose of the advertisement is, as it no longer appears that the purpose is to convince people to consider Pluto as an official planet.

What the advertisement says is also illogical. The advertisement starts off by implying that not considering Pluto an official planet will cause it to no longer exist. However, that is very untrue. Recognizing Pluto as a dwarf planet rather than a planet will not affect whether or not Pluto exists; it will only change what we classify Pluto as. The next sentence questions if not considering Pluto a planet is in a child’s best interest. However, whether Pluto is classified as a planet or dwarf planet does not affect children. The next sentence mentions “equal protection of planets.” “Equal protection of planets” is not a thing, making this argument illogical. The next sentence then mentions moms not having anything to serve other than pizza, which is completely illogical in addition to making no sense in the context of the ad; mothers serve many things other than pizza, and the ad’s focus before was on Pluto, not mothers serving food. 

Another ineffective part of the ad would be the picture of the crying baby. It is unclear why the baby is crying, but they might be crying because of Pluto not being considered a planet. This picture is ineffective as it is unclear why Pluto not being considered a planet would make a baby cry, especially a baby that looks too young to even speak. All in all, this ad is extremely ineffective. 

2 thoughts on “RCL3: An Extremely Ineffective Advertisement

  1. I have no idea what this ad is trying to accomplish. Out of the many hundreds of ads I have seen throughout my life, this has to be by far the most ineffective ad I’ve ever seen. What does mothers serving pizza have to do with anything regarding Pluto!? I really love how your analysis is so serious and straightforward considering such a ridiculous ad. I also think your analysis was spot on. The baby face had no effect on me whatsoever.

  2. I agree with your analysis of the ad! When I first looked at this ad, I thought it was an anti-abortion ad because of the baby and overall appearance of the ad. I agree with you that the ad is ineffective, especially if aspects of it have nothing to do with the purpose of the ad.

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