“The Simpsons” has been aired for 30 seasons (season 31 will be broadcast later this year). In this 600-episode TV series, the creator and his team show the daily lives of the five Homer family, Humorously mocked American culture, society, TV shows, and lifestyles.

33 Times The Simpsons Predict the Future - Page 3 of 33 - Parentology

  1. Letter from The Beatles

In the TV series that aired in 1991, the Beatles drummer Ringo Starr seriously responded to emails written by fans decades ago.
In September 2013, two Beatles fans from Essex received a reply from Paul McCartney and a recording that fans sent to the band 50 years ago. The recording was sent to a theater in London, where the band originally planned to perform but was discovered by a historian in an auction years later. In 2013, on the BBC “The One Show” program, the two letters reunited for the first time.

2.Horsemeat scandal

In 1994, “Lunch Lady” used “various kinds of horse meat” to make lunch for students. Nine years later, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland found horse DNA in beef burger samples in the instant food section of the supermarket, but 85% of it was pig DNA

Wary public digests scandals over horsemeat, seafood mislabeling - PR Daily



3.Donald Trump’s Presidency

7 ways 'The Simpsons' predicted the chaos of Donald Trump's presidency

The Simpsons daughter not only became the president but also inherited a “quite tight budget” f

rom her predecessor, Trump. “The United States is bankrupt? How is this possible?”
At this time, there are still 16 years before Trump’s real presidency. However, in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter in 2016, writer Dan Greaney explained that the joke was a warning to the United States. “This seems to be the last stop before bottoming out,” he said, “but it is in line with America’s vision of going crazy.”

4. Greeceā€™s Debt Default

When Mr. Simpson appeared on the cable news program as a guest commentator, a prompt appeared at the bottom of the screen, which read: “Europe put Greece on eBay.” Later, Greece became the first to default on the International Monetary Fund ( IMF) debt developed countries-this is three years later. Later, Greece fell into a deeper economic crisis.The Simpsons predicted the Greek financial crisis years ago | Metro News

Amazing predictions made by The Simpson

2 thoughts on “Amazing predictions made by The Simpson

  • September 27, 2020 at 12:18 am

    This is one of my favorite theories to look into because there are so many different opinions about it. I think that some of them appear as blatantly more coincidental than others. For example, the horsemeat scandal parallel is not as shocking to me as the more specific ones like the letter, Trump, and Greece going into debt. It may be interesting to look into compiling a list of all of the predictions that showed up on the show as well as what came up on the show that could potentially occur in the future. I personally do not watch the Simpson very often, but I am curious as to people thought of the episodes when they aired before the events actually happened.

  • September 28, 2020 at 9:30 am

    It’s very interesting to look at the predictions that this show made that turned out to be true. I think it’s even more interesting when you consider that this show and many of the elements, details, and plot lines are intended to be comedic. A good number of the “predictions” made by the simpsons were simply jokes or satire, and the fact that they came true is shocking.

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