A picture is worth a thousand words. It may sound like a cliché statement, yet it proves to be true time and time again. Pictures can capture moments and ideas that are intangible and ones that mere words can not fully describe.
The context behind the image shown above is a woman standing against Pentagon guards as she offers them a flower. The image is from a protest against the Vietnam War and the main message is love over war. At the time many were against the Vietnam War and were protesting to stop troops from being sent over to fight. The image shows the power of peaceful protests with the stark contrast in the photo of love versus war.
One way the photographer truly conveys this message is through the layout of the photo with two contrasting sides. One on side is a row of guards wielding bayonets. The other side shows the flower girl holding a flower out to the guards. In the middle is the guns and the flower, which show just how different the two sides are and power of peace versus conflict.
A second way this image illustrates its powerful ideas is through the symbolism of the flower, which represents innocence, peace, and tranquility. On the other hand guns represent quite the opposite yet the two are coinciding in this image. Even the color contrast serves to show the different sides to this picture. The guards and guns are in black and the flower and girl are in pink and pastel colors.
Third, beyond the idea of peace and war this image shows the idea of the power of one. The girl on the right stands alone against the many guards on the left. Yet, she shows no fear in offering up the flower. The idea that even one person choosing to stand for what they believe in and the power they can hold is a topic represented in many powerful images. This image also chooses to utilize that idea to go along with promoting standing up against the war effort. One interesting thing to note is the girl is only seventeen when this picture was taken. Knowing that it shows that a person is never too young to have their own beliefs and to fight for what they believe in.
Even the emotional appeal serves to show contrast, which has been proven to be a common element in the photo. The left side of the image gives a feeling of fear as the guards stand pointing their bayonets, yet look to the right side and the opposite is felt. Peace and calm are shown through the open pose of the girl and her facial expression.