
Hi there, I’m Luke Jeffery!

I am a freshman studying mechanical engineering at Penn State and I can’t wait to get involved! Throughout high school I was involved with marching band, ultimate frisbee, track and field, and my favorite – robotics! Our club was a part of FRC, a global competition where teams across thousands of high schools design and build 125lb robots for competition.

One of my other passions is brainstorming about the future of agriculture! I’m very curious about how hydroponics – non-soil agriculture – could be industrialized and the possibilities that come with this becoming a part of life here on Earth (and in space).

This blog will focus partly on this passion (PAS posts) as well as responses to thoughtful discussion prompts for my class Rhetoric and Civic Life (RCL posts). These prompts will cover a wide range of topics in the fields of rhetoric and civic engagement. Furthermore, many of these prompts will be very open ended, which will allow me to show more of my personal interests and opinions in the area of rhetorical communication and civic life. Thanks for being curious!