Star Wars A New Hope, along with the multitude of movies, series, and spinoffs, that have followed it, is a cultural juggernaut that continues to dominate popular culture today. A New Hope unsurpris...Read More
Toy Story was Pixar’s delightful debut into the world. Pixar has remained relevant ever since, producing countless classics. This heartwarming film, brought to theaters in 1995, tells a magica...Read More
This movie belongs at the bottom of the ocean next to the “unsinkable” boat it’s titled after. I, unpopularly, dislike this movie with a burning passion for its multiple historical, and fact...Read More
The quintessential film series to “nerds” that I love is most definitely the Lord of the Rings, specifically the first of the series The Fellowship of the Ring. This film surprisingly notches a sl...Read More
Action, amazing dialogue, a love triangle, what doesn’t Casablanca have… well except color. Made in 1942, Casablanca is a film about an American expatriate who runs a club in Casablanca, Morocco. ...Read More
Life is like a box of chocolates… Forrest Gump is a perfect film. From the dialogue to the characters, it is phenomenal. I have been in love with this film since a young age, and it is to this d...Read More
A battle occurring for a little over a century continues to heat up, and it is not the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. Palestine and Israel are two “nations” that occupy the same area. The history of ...Read More
On February 2nd, 2022, the United States announced that we launched a raid in Northern Syria, killing ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi. The attack was launched on February 3rd and marks ...Read More
The world is finding itself in a dilemma. Russia for the past couple of centuries has been interested in acquiring the nation of Ukraine as part of Russia. There are a couple of main reasons for this ...Read More
Shilarny, vaysay, droogs, what on earth is happening in the film Clockwork Orange? A Clockwork Orange is a dystopian crime film directed by Stanley Kubrik that critiques juvenile detention centers and...Read More