A movie that captured the entire mentality of a city, along with its unique soundtrack to go along with it, belongs in a list alongside all of the greats.
An homage to a blue-collar worker in the run-down ghettos of Philadelphia, Rocky Balboa molds himself into a world-class boxer through hard work and dedication.
The images in this film are unforgettable and undeniably some of the most memorable in cinematography history.
From the dashing up the stairs of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, in his quite frankly unrealistic jog across Philadelphia, to the inspiring tune, “Going the Distance” playing while Rocky comically delivers punches to the infamous Apollo Creed. Rocky perfectly captured the heart and soul of Philadelphia in the 1970s.
All in all, 70s sports films all followed the same trajectory. In movies such as Rocky, or Slapshot, the film often followed a team, or fighter, in a run-down blue-collar city battle for success.
The 1970s was an era, in which cities became overworked and impoverished, which led them to become scary places. Films like Rocky make their debut in this time period for this exact reason.
The people who lived there were poor and downtrodden and the only thing that truly unified them was a sports team or the backing of an athlete.
Films like Rocky gave people living in not just Philadelphia, but New York City, Boston, and other cities nationwide, that you too can become a world champion in your own eyes if you just work hard enough…
Now how realistic this was is up for debate; however, the message from Rocky certainly resonates. After listening to just the soundtrack alone, it almost has you leaping through a brick wall to accomplish your goals, to champion your battles!
One of the most untouched subjects of Rocky is the idea of perfecting a craft that you are passionate about.
We see Rocky discuss his upbringing and how he wasn’t “too good at school” which is why he fights. He talks of him being ‘mentally broken’ because he felt he had no future because that is what he was told.
He also clearly doesn’t give any thought to the naysayers because he wins a world title, perfecting his passion.
Rocky speaks to the heart and soul of not just a city but an entire nation. It speaks to the downtrodden of this country, which makes it one of the most inspirational films of all time.

No surprise, but I haven’t seen this one either! Don’t get me wrong, I’m familiar with Rocky and I know what it’s about, I’ve just never sat down to watch it. Your description makes it seem like a really good movie and great job with showing the impact rocky had on different areas in society.
Great post, Noah! This movie is clearly a powerful classic. I love how you connected the way the movie helped the impoverished and downtrodden audience of its time. I believe this is the most significant aspect in determining an exceptional film, which justifies why Rocky is so amazing.