Welcome and About Me

Hi, my name is Noah Safford, and I am from Annville, Pennsylvania! I am majoring in History and plan to pursue a career in law upon graduating Penn State.

Outside of academics, I am interested in a plethora of hobbies. From reading in my free time to binge-watching films on the AFI’s (American Film Institute) top 100, to even beekeeping a series of beehives at home!

I chose to take the RCL course because accompanied by my adoration for writing, also comes my innate desire to become a more competent writer. This is pertinent to my career choice and something that I hope to make great strides in over the next four years.

This blog will contain two threads, one being the RCL blog and; the other being my passion thread. The RCL thread will be course-specific posts on assigned topics. The passion blog thread will be a composition of posts on my opinions of some of the greatest films I’ve seen and, in addition, their impact on society. I consider myself a connoisseur of the arts, and with that, I believe that art is one of the most effective forms of communication. I hope to showcase all of the various ideas and concepts shared through a film that cannot be observed at first glance.