RCL1: Is this post unbiased?

Currently, in the United States, there are two main sides of the media, the left (liberal leaning) and the right (conservative leaning). In society today, we do not really have any communication about the biases in the media that we consume today. This is because people do not like to hear opinions different from their own. Also, the media has pinned the two sides against each other and it has become so hard for the two sides to civilly discuss. 

The main concern with this political divide in the media is that the difference in the media can become so great that the two sides of the political spectrum will stop having debates with each other and it could end up turning into violence. 

One of the issues with the standards of communication in political media is that there are only two main sides of the media. There are some other more moderate and less biased forms of media, but they are significantly less popular than the other two main ones. 

We need a more open and civil debate in people’s communication to move towards a better understanding of biased political media. If we can have more open and civil debates between the two sides then we can start to have less biased media and more media that we can rely on for correct information. 

Media is meant to spread information and facts, not spread opinions. The rhetoric surrounding political media needs to be improved by having more discussions between the different political groups. Individuals can start to change what types of media they consume. If they start to consume more unbiased media, it could force the two main sides to change how they deliver their media to their consumers. 

The main media outlets need to stop producing these extremely biased reports that lead to a very separate country where half of the population does not talk to each other. The path forward is to have more unbiased media where the message being put out to the American people is one where it is nothing but the facts and people can create opinions for themselves. 

When the media creates opinions for the people it creates a lack of new ideas which stall our union. Unbiased media is essential to maintain a sense of unity in our country. If we continue to have this extremely biased media, then our country will just become even more divided than the current state that it is in.


One thought on “RCL1: Is this post unbiased?

  1. I fully agree!
    I really like how you acknowledged the issue and gave ideas on how to fix it, and how you acknowledged the issue on both sides of the isle. The media today has become so politically polarized that it feels impossible to get anything done, and I really like the way you responded to that. 🙂

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