PAS3: Bailey Zimmerman’s Fame…and TikTok

There have been many new country artists arising in the past few years. The genre has been growing, as well as the fans. Some artists that have been watched throughout 2023 are Megan Moroney, Nate Smith, Corey Kent, and Warren Zeiders, to name a few. The most notable new artist, and the one I will be addressing today, is Bailey Zimmerman.

Bailey Zimmerman is 23 years old and from Louisville, Illinois. Before creating music, Zimmerman worked in the meatpacking industry and for a pipeline. He released his first song in 2020, which did very well and allowed him to continue making music.

As his career has grown, Bailey has had some notable hits that made the top charts. His first major hit is a song called “Fall in Love,” which ranked 31 on the Billboard Hot 100. This song blew up on Tiktok in 2022, as it was all over many people’s ‘for you page.’ Shortly after this song, he came out with “A Rock and a Hard Place” in 2022, which also went viral on TikTok. Both of these songs reached a chart position, and his song “Religiously” from his new album released this year.

TikTok allowed Bailey Zimmerman to release more songs and albums. He announced his tour, which will take place in 2024 in three countries. He grew highly famous in only a few short years, creating many top songs and now an album to tour!

I want to address what TikTok has done for country artists and their music. Many people started posting videos of their music on TikTok, and while many don’t get anywhere doing this, some music content creators went viral. Going viral even one time could enable someone to be something much more. 

Bailey Zimmerman is a perfect example of what TikTok has done to help many content creators to blossom. When Bailey started posting on TikTok, he gained a following; others used his music to make their videos. This spread publicity about his songs and caused people to download them on their phones, causing him to become famous enough to go on tour!

While TikTok can be seen as addictive and a time waste to many, it can also be something great. It is an app that can be used as a marketing tool and let average people become something. When someone goes viral, millions of people get to see their video, which worked in Bailey’s favor. 

TikTok has also aided in the rise of country music, which I discussed in a previous blog post, because many started using country sounds to make videos. Country music and artists have been growing by the day, and Bailey Zimmerman is a primary contributor.

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