February 2023

You are browsing the site archives for February 2023.

3: I Paesi

Ciao e benvenuti! I hope you are as excited for this blog post as I am! Today we will be discussing life in Italian towns, as it is very different from life in American suburbs and cities. What drove me to this topic was, well, driving. Lately, I have been hearing about how America’s cities […]

Civic Issues 2: Hydrogen Power

Amid the speculation of the next clean energy source, hydrogen is a key player in the race. While it may seem far-fetched that a simple fuel like hydrogen could be the replacement for petroleum, the element’s properties give it some advantages over fossil fuels. Although there is little development thus far in the hydrogen energy […]

2: I Formaggi Migliori

Ciao e benvenuto a tutti! So far, we have traversed the most dazzling destinations beyond the pavement, getting a taste of Italy’s natural beauty. But today, we will segue to another form of taste – cheese! When you think of Italy and cheese, you probably hearken to the parmesan cheese you put on your pasta […]

Civic Issues 1: EV Challenges and Opportunities

In efforts to create a more sustainable transportation infrastructure, governments and corporations have shifted their investments to cleaner power generation in vehicles. Currently, internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles emit large concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere and account for a sizable proportion of annual emissions. At the forefront of GHG mitigation strategies is […]

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