
                To me, advocacy is the ACT of promoting an idea or a cause to the public. It is making society aware of a particular issue. I stress the word act because without taking action, I feel as though hope is lost. One cannot simply sit back and accept the changes that are happening. He/she must do something about it. In order to truly advocate for something, one must be bold and unfaltering, highly educated on the subject matter, and willing to take a stand. I feel as though his/her actions must spark peoples’ attention and make them want to do something more. For example, I do not see simply posting a picture on the internet as a form of advocacy. To me, maybe a video that inspires others to take a stand or organizing a program that encourages many to support your cause are true forms of advocacy.

                Whether I am able to make the twirling competition happen or create an iMovie that will appear on the internet, I feel as though my advocacy project will be effective. It will be in a place where passionate individuals can see it and finally take a stand for something that they believe in. Hopefully the success of my project will be reflected in the actions of many teenagers and adults throughout the region.

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One Response to Advocacy

  1. Hannah Clark says:

    I agree with you that videos do have a large impact on society and are therefor a great way of advocacy. I think that it depends on what you’re trying to advocate though. A picture is worth a thousands words and so I do think that has a large impact too depending on what you’re trying to advocate. As long as you’re doing something to promote the idea then I don’t think that there is really any wrong way to advocate.

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