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A residential wood-frame building will start with some sort of foundation, usually slab on grade. Once the slab is in place chalk lines will be formed from the drawings to ensure no mistakes in wall placement. From here, we will start to frame up walls, leaving spots for increased support on window frames and door frames, Blocking will be used to help support window frames. Framing is made by (typically) (stud grade) 2×4’s being nailed together with a bottom and top plate with studs spaced between 12 and 24″” (must usually be the same). The walls at this point are not supported and need to have bracing in place attached to the slab to keep walls from falling over until a permanent set up is in place. Going onto the roofing, you may either use a roof truss or roof rafter set up, this is chosen to determine whether you may or may not want a full/finished attic space. The roof will need to be attached to the top of the wall from the top plates, and hold down anchors, they may also be tied down. The floor of the (potential) attic space will be made up from floor joists if finished in order to put a platform for the flooring, this will be paired with a finishing on the bottom of these to make up what will be the ceiling of your first floor. After this, they can start to wrap the stud wall and roof before placing whatever roof material they may want to use, and to start attaching exterior wall sheathing. After the sheathing is in place, external finishes can be applied like siding or veneer, roof sheathing will allow shingles to be placed as well. If creating a second floor, then there will need to be a sub floor in place to enable workers to frame up second floor walls. Like for the first floor with a roof, you will need ceiling joists with a truss or rafter setup.
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