Circle Blog 5


Mercer before his untimely death was against the circle and their projects and would often warn Mae about the danger they cause. He identified a “new neediness” in the social-media-driven culture. I believe that in our society has dependency is very present stemming from multiple causes.

The addiction to social media is strong because the easy drift into the trap. May was easily seduced by objectives she was required to achieve on her social media presence. With facebook, the platform most similar to circle, has a competitive nature like the circle. Everyone is trying to optimize the amount of likes on their latest profile picture. It heavily influences self-worth for many young people and causes people to get more involved in order to gain more followers and likes. When I get more likes than average, I am subconsciously more positive. I am also aware that if i receive less likes than average, my disposition is more negative. “what am i doing wrong?” or “Do people like me?” are questions i ask when i feel i did not reach my standard for approval via likes. I am cognizant of the cause of my displeasure but my emotional social media dependency is rooted in. I believe humans, as social creatures, inherently look for approval and status amongst peers hence the desire to get more approval so when others look at your profile, they know you are well liked or whatever societal assumptions come along with having more likes.

May was a natural at customer service but was criticized for not going beyond job title and assimilating into the circle culture. It is a curiosity when a friend of mine does not have a facebook account or snapchat. It is how i made conversation during the first week of school by asking for their twitter handle. It is a great icebreaker because everyone has social media and along with my previous point, desires to have more followers for a bigger network of approval. Social media is an activity we are all involved in and is parallel to commenting on the weather both parties were experiencing.


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