April 7

RCL5: Focus for Advocacy Project

For my advocacy project, I want to focus on raising awareness of Alzheimer’s.

Each year, there are nearly 10 million new cases of Alzheimer’s worldwide. Most forms of dementia, including the most common form Alzheimer’s, have no treatment available that can stop or even slow its progression. This is a completely different than my essay focus, but it’s another cause that I’m interested in supporting. With my advocacy site, I want to bring more recognition towards this terrible disease because the patients and families who go through it deserve support.

The target audience for my website would be young to middle-aged adults who use the internet. My advocating will start online, but I hope to gain traction and eventually have affiliated companies who show support, similar to how breast cancer is given awareness. In general, my audience will share the common trait of empathy, and that can be persuaded through pathos. If my site told stories of patients and families who went through Alzheimer’s, along with statistics of Alzheimer’s cases across the globe, I could persuade my audience to support the cause. In addition, logos would be useful in showing the impact that Alzheimer’s has worldwide.

In the long run, a successful advocacy website could translate to more research towards a cure. The is the ultimate goal, and raising awareness is the first step towards that.

Posted April 7, 2021 by bzz5146 in category Uncategorized

2 thoughts on “RCL5: Focus for Advocacy Project

  1. omf5042

    I think this is a really good idea for an advocacy project. As a person who has a family member with Alzheimers, I think it is really important that the word about it is spread far and wide. Great job!

  2. rml5780

    I really like how you defined your target group and it seems like its perfect for your idea on alzheimers awareness. Looking forward to your finished product


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