TED Outline

Oral Content

Topic: Bathing suits for the different types of bodies and how to embrace your body regardless the shape, color, or size.

Purpose: Serve as a guide for the types of bathing suits that flatter each body and present the influencers behind the accepting your body movement.

Thesis Statement: Accepting one’s flaws and differences may be hard, but we can help ourselves through little things, such as wearing the right fitting clothes for our body, in this case, bathing suits.


Orienting Material: I will start it with an anecdote of my own, actually talk about the significant amount of weight I have gained in the past 3 months living in the US.


  • Main Idea – Our bodies are constantly reacting to what we put it through and what we ingest, so normally, our bodies are everchanging, which requires that were learn to love ourselves for who we are as we may sometimes not look how we desire.

SUPPORT:Weight increase is the most common in teenage years, and it is when we care the most.

  1. My anecdote
  2. Effect of college on the body and statistics on teen weigh increase during these years.

SUPPORT: Showing your body at the beach can make you wish you were wearing those beach dresses from the 1900s.

  1. Online article talking about how women you could hide or disguise what you do not like about your body.
  2. Women talking about how they dread bikinis.
  • Main Idea – Good thing, there are ways, to help you cope with that bathing suit stress. There are myriad of bathing suits available for the myriad body types, colors and shapes.


  1. Online article talking about the different ways a bathing suit should be worn for the different body types.
  2. Online article on which color works best and what shape of bathing suit is the one for your body type, I will also talk about the ones that flatter my body type and the ones that do not.


  • Main Idea – The different ideals of bodies in the minds of everyone.  (seeing through the eyes of the other)


  1. I may think you are skinny, but you may feel fat. Or I may think you are fat but you consider yourself skinny.
  2. How we see ourselves in a mirror or in a picture while wearing a bathing suit.



Concluding Remark – After all, your body is beautiful regardless de shape, color, or size. So, to hell with body standards and wear whichever bathing suit you please, it is your body and your opinion is the only one that actually matters.

Visual Content


Slide One: Side by side images of me before and after my 16 pound increase in the last 2 months at Penn state.

Slide Two : Weight increase chart (based on college women)

Slide Three: women looking frustrated at their bodies.

Slide Four: Pictures of how the different bathing suit styles flatter different body types.

Slide Five: Women looking at themselves in the mirror and seeing something different and completely unreal going on in their bodies.

Slide Six: A woman encouraging you, most preferably saying ” SLAY QUEEN”.