Final Passion Blog!

For this week’s blog, I hope to conclude with a summary of my overall topic and what I hope all of you have taken away from it. 

I started off strong, discussing fully in-depth fashion trends that were stemming from the app TikTok, but then I took some turns to my approach. It got difficult to constantly find trends on the app that were interesting enough to write a five-hundred-word blog about, so I branched out. I began discussing specific movements in regard to shoes, weather, and season, as well as through color theory. This source of divergence allowed me to research a plethora of other contemporary fashion movements that have inspired many. 

With discussing specific trends, I often incorporated their addition to society as a whole. I would bring up specific celebrities, and or impacts that these clothing combinations shared. With “Quiet Luxury” in mind, I was able to research and write about pop culture. It was a fun way to keep myself up-to-date with some of our modern celebrities. Furthermore, with the trend of Y2K, I granted myself a flashback of the past, and what many of us unfortunately missed out on due to our birth years. It’s even more fascinating to think that the celebrities that expressed this “vintage” fashion trend, are still known as some of the most iconic figures in the twenty-first century. 

The simple subject of bows and or colors, allowed me to expand on such mundane concepts. It was difficult to write a lot about these concepts, but once I scoped out more information, I realized how much impact they had. Bows, although overlooked, share a strong feminine sense and allow many people to showcase their hidden “delicate” side. Moreover, the color red is quite the opposite. It pushes for a bold expression of personality, allowing one to exude confidence in almost all forms. The most fun part of making these posts was adding the images at the end; it was like a reward for me to just take the time to scroll through Google after blogging around. 

After discussing Halloween costumes, I found myself wanting to talk about Fall and Winter fashion. This I did. It was so entertaining to state some of the trends from not only TikTok but also what I saw people beginning to wear around campus. Configuring little look books as well, through my typing, was also a good time; I can now say I have been a blogger at one point in my life. 

Overall, through these past ten weeks, although it was tough at times to push myself to get these Passion Blogs done, I did enjoy my final results. It felt nice to take what I saw online and in person, within the fashion world, and express it to you all. Reading your comments filled me with joy because it seemed like you genuinely appreciated what I wrote about. I hope you all gained some inspiration to branch out with your attire and allow yourself to enjoy that often-overlooked side of creativity. It’s a look-good feel-good type of world in University; this blog was meant to give you a sort of starting place to innovate your closets as best as possible in a time of great exploration in our youth.

One thought on “Final Passion Blog!”

  1. Wonderful summary of the wide variety of topics you covered. I could definitely say by the end of it, I was inspired to explore more of the applicable aesthetics and clothing pieces you wrote about.

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