Paper VS Digtial

Hello everyone! Today’s topic may be the most controversial of all – Paper book or Digital book?

First, I have been claimed myself a paper book reader since my birth, and it will forever be this way. That brief smell of paper and ink quickly pulls you into a different universe, where every word contains its own emotions and feelings. The weight of the book made the story seem so real, and so reachable. Page turning symbolized not only you are progressing in this story with every other soul who stepped on the same journey, but the satisfaction of each page you finished. (sometimes sadness because a good story is ending).

La MEL annonce la sélection de livres en compétition pour le prix ado ...

But many times, e-book is a more reasonable choice. Differentiate by books, a digital version can be cheaper by 20-30 percent than the actual book not considering the delivery fee. Due to this reason, purchases of paper books can be significantly reduced especially in areas of scientific research and textbooks (god, physical textbooks are so expensive). In favor of short scientific research or short stories, an e-book not only helps financially but also environmentally. “Paper books contribute heavily to deforestation, which plays a large part in climate change. Up to 14% of deforestation is done to satisfy our need or desire for paper goods” – Breton Towler. In addition, transportation often causes more baron emissions. On average, 30 percent of books are expected to be returned.

eBooks - NSU Library

Despite the public benefits an electronic book may bring, there are many personal conveniences it may satisfy. I believe quite a amount of us have been troubled with how much space a few books may take in a suitcase, often, sacrifice has to be made between a cool outfit and a soul-striking book. But this problem can be easily solved by a pocket-size Kindle. On the other hand, owning a bookshelf full of books that resonate with your soul and thoughts is such a fulfilling feeling. In past years, more and more organizations promote donations of like is underused books, helping someone who is stuck in a hard time with a book that once helped you before seems a wonderful experience.

Although both parties have advantages, the sales numbers of parties between each are not the same. Even after years of exposure to the market, e-books still have a huge difference in sales compared to paper books. Under prediction from stats, by 2027, e-books should account for over 17.27% of global book sales.

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