Civic Engagement Speech Progress

I believe that the RCL Civic Engagement speeches are going well thus far. The topics are greatly varying and that keeps things interesting. I believe that the broad range of topics really gives some insight as to who each speaker is and what their interests are as a person.

I feel as though all of the speakers definitely have some general background in public speaking, whether that was in front of a class or in front of a rally. You can tell this for a few different reasons. First, all of the speakers seemed to be fairly calm, cool, and collected when they approached the podium. Second, everyone who spoke had good basic speaking skills. By this I mean that everyone who has gone thus far had good eye contact, they varied where they looked, they fluctuated their voices, and they occasionally incorporated their hands in a no so distracting manner.

So far, all of the topics have most definitely had an obvious call not only to just be civically engaged, but also how to be a good citizen in general.  In spite of having such a variance in regards to topics, each of the speeches truly conveyed the messages that they were trying to get across.

The one thing that I did not like were the signs. I think that the signs tended to be very distracting with whatever was written on them. I think that if all of the signs that were present were good color scheme-wise. That being said, if the signs did have different things on them (ie. Three, four, and STOP) written on them I do believe that they would in fact be more helpful as opposed to the sort of distracting manner that they have right now.

I am very excited to see the rest of the speeches on Monday!

Civic Life Artifact Full Rough Draft

I. Introduction:

Throughout the world’s history, there have always been minorities present. There have been minorities present, because of lack of people, but there have also been minorities present because they have been looked down upon. I do not need to list examples of these different groups. It is evident that people vary in many respects because everyone is an individual. That being said, it is unfortunate when people decide that it is in their hands to judge those individuals whether it is based on what they are wearing, who they hang out with, what their hobbies are, or anything else that may make them stand out from the “social norm”. People refer to this judging by many different names, but when it comes down to it- it is bullying plain and simple. Throughout the past few years, there has been this incredible movement to stand up to bullying and stop it before it begins. Today, I am going to talk to you about something that hits very close to home for me, the movie “Bully”.

II. Body:

The documentary, “Bully” was made in 2011 at the forefront of the movement to stop bullying once and for all. The film follows middle and high school students who have been targeted and picked on not only just at school, but outside of school as well. That being said, “Bully” also hones in on the different effects of bullying and also follows a family whose son took his own life as a result of the pain, tormenting, and belittling that he was feeling.

This poignant film has two main goals in my opinion. The first is to place the bullies in a poor light. Everyone knows that bullying is looked down upon and punishable to a greater extent. But this film takes that a step further to truly showcase how deep their actions really do cut. Second, this film is targeting those who are being bullied. That is the primary and most important audience, because the producers of this film, and the people involved in this movement want the individuals who are being picked on to know that they are not alone, and things will look up.

Bullying has become much more than just something that is looked down upon. It has developed into something so severe that adolescents all over the country are taking their lives because of it. That being said, let’s stop bullying before it even has the chance to start; whether that means standing up to others or not teasing the kid that is continually picked on, it doesn’t matter as long as there is an end being put to this degrading behavior. After all, the country, and the population at large cannot continue to make light of such a serious topic. Problem solving should not have to wait to until lives are lost- that needs to be prevented at all costs.

  1. *Display the Bully video cover (throughout the whole presentation)
  2. *If time: Share why is this a personal issue for me/my family

III. Conclusion:

I would highly encourage everyone here to watch the movie, “Bully”. It is a truly heart-wrenching film that depicts the lives of those who have to endure bullying on a day-to-day basis and the saddening ramifications that unfortunately ensue, as well. I know that it is sometimes hard to stand up to others if you see someone being picked on or teased. That being said, next time you see something like that taking place, think about stepping outside of your comfort zone in order to help someone go back into his or her own comfort zone. After all, you never know when the tables could turn and you could be the one being targeted. Would you want someone to step in and help to defend you?



Civic Life Artifact Rough Draft

I. Introduction

  1. Throughout the world’s history, there have always been minorities present. There have been minorities present, because of lack of people, but there have also been minorities present because they have been looked down upon. I do not need to list examples of these different groups. It is evident that people vary in many respects because everyone is an individual. That being said, it is unfortunate when people decide that it is in their hands to judge those individuals whether it is based on what they are wearing, who they hang out with, what their hobbies are, or anything else that may make them stand out from the “social norm”. People refer to this judging by many different names, but when it comes down to it- it is bullying plain and simple. Throughout the past few years, there has been this incredible movement to stand up to bullying and stop it before it begins. Today, I am going to talk to you about something that hits very close to home for me, the movie “Bully”.

II. Body

1.What Bully is about

i.     The premise

ii.     The stories

2. Targeted audience for Bully

i.     Those who do the bullying to show them the harsh ramifications

ii.     Those who are being bullied to show them that they are not alone

3. Call to action

i.     Stop it before it starts

ii.     Stand up to others

4. Display the Bully video cover (throughout the whole presentation)

5. If time:

i.     Share why is this a personal issue for me/my family


  1. I would highly encourage everyone here to watch the movie, “Bully”. It is a truly heart-wrenching film that depicts the lives of those who have to endure bullying on a day-to-day basis and the saddening ramifications that unfortunately ensue, as well. I know that it is sometimes hard to stand p to others if you see someone being picked on or teased. That being said, next time you see something like that taking place, think about stepping outside of your comfort zone in order to help someone go back into his or her own comfort zone. After all, you never know when the tables could turn and you could be the one being targeted. Would you want someone to step in and help to defend you?2734075

Civic Life Speech Ideas

My two civic life speech ideas are…

1. Convincing people to travel

2. Convincing people why living a healthy lifestyle is important (in more than just food choices and exercise)

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