I chose a video where CNBC interviewed to Elon Musk about his perspective on the development of artificial intelligence. While Musk is talking, you can tell that he is coming up with some answers on the spot because of where he is looking at. Yet, he still makes eye contact with the interviewer. Although he is coming up with answers on the spot, he is well prepared and telling his point of view in a simple way for a lot more people to understand.
It is important how he builds up his argument by first saying “robots will be able to do everything better that us”, and then he explains how is it that robots will slowly take over. He explains that the transportation system will be the first to go out the window because AI will take over. He finally ends on his experience with AI and how it has been developing and how people are reacting to it now, and how they will react later.
Throughout his speech he is trying to convey the message that AI is dangerous and people need to realize that AI will change a lot of everyday life situations affecting a lot of people. He mostly relies on pathos when he says that a lot of jobs will be taken over by robots. And he also uses logos when he gives certain statistics.
In my opinion he gave a good interview. I felt that he was being sincere with his response because he didn’t have it just memorized, he understood the info and he put it in simple concepts for the general public to understand.
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