Girl Interrupted

So I sort of ran out of movie remakes to watch so until I find some, I’m going to post about my favorite 80/90s movies since I’ve seen so many. To kick off this new chapter, I’m going to talk about the movie that suddenly started trending on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram (and […]

Black Christmas

A few weeks ago I was planning on watching Black Christmas for the passion blog but I was way too busy since this was around midterms. Now that I have more time( and running out of movie ideas) I decided to revisit this movie and actually watch both. Without giving too much away about the […]

Little Women

I’m sure that just by looking at this photo, most of you can recognize this extremely popular movie remake (especially the girls who were obsessed with there guy on the right) Little Women, originally a novel by Louisa May Alcott, has become an American classic. I can count the number of times my English teachers […]


I think with my passion blog idea, I kind of set myself up since there are not too many classic movies from the 80/90s that have recently been remade. A lot either have remakes that I can not find or no one has thought to remake the movie (why fix what’s not broken). I spent […]

Passion post

So I failed yet again to fulfill the requirements to make a passion post like I wanted to this week. Ive been so busy studying for my upcoming math and biology exams so I barely even had time to just sit down and do anything this week. I was going to watch the new Candyman […]

Hairspray 1988 vs 2007

Good Morning Baltimore! Hopefully you guys know what movie im talking about just by reading that first line. Coming from Maryland and living about 30 minutes from Baltimore, I have heard that line almost everyday of my life. To make up for the fact that I didn’t watch a movie last week, I decided that […]

The Vampire Chronicles

In honor of the special holiday that is Halloween (aka all of October), I decided to watch a “horror” movie remake. The only issue is I genuinely hate horror movies and I could not find any remakes that piqued my interest so I settled for a good old fashioned Vampire flick. I usually watch Twilight […]

Scary Carrie

Without even saying the title of this popular Stephen King adaptation, we all know what it is just by looking at the poster. 1976 Carrie is a cult classic and we all know remaking a classic can either be the smartest or dumbest move a producer can make. This movie was so popular that there […]