In the spirit of rush week, I think it only makes sense to have my first civic post discuss the issue of inclusion and diversity in the Greek Life community on campus. (Pi beta Phi Penn State 2014) For those who do not know, Greek Life refers to the sororities and fraternities on campus. I […]
Category: RCL
TED review
I liked doing the ted talk. I feel like because I was talking about a topic that I am familiar and passionate about, it didn’t feel like a burden or overly draining to research old ways that mental health was treated. I actually had fun researching for my ted talk and essay. Now for the […]
TED Talk slides
Sources This source discussed the increase in mental health disorders in college student over a 10 year span. It shows how much the these diagnoses have increased in such a short amount if time. This source shows the statistics on mental health by groups and in different demographics as of may 2021. This helps […]
The ted talk I watched that interested me was “How autism freed me from myself”. The speaker spoke about how restricting social labels and social norms were so resisting on her to the point that she felt suffocated. She spoke about how dangerous stereotypes can be, for autistic people and for almost any group of […]
Speech Reflection
Based on my experience with delivering this speech and the comments I received, I think that a weakness that I had was my volume. One of the comments I received was talking about this and I did run out of breath while presenting so this is definitely something I could work on. I also should […]
Draft analysis
1. Identify the writer’s main claim about the rhetoric, ideology or and subtext of the piece. The ads use visual and verbal rhetoric and commonplaces to allow for a more normalized discussion of mental health and communication 2. Identify and comment on the writer’s introduction of a context (rhetorical situation) for this piece of rhetoric. […]
Rhetorical Analysis Essay Draft
The first amendment of the constitution states that everyone has the right to basic freedoms. Freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly. In the last 2 years, protests have been all over the media. Thesis: Both of these images utilize visual rhetoric, ethos, and identical commonplaces to protest their beliefs for bodily […]
Introduction Rough Draft
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that women all across America have the right to make a choice about what to do with their own bodies. Roe v Wade was a case that made national headlines and is still talked about to this day synonymously with the commonplace “My body, My choice.” Thesis: […]
Pitch I Liked
Out of all the pitched delivered yesterday, the one that interested me the most was Liv’s Sandy Hook video artifact. Her opening was very strong and right from the beginning I was intrigued. I think because the topic of gun violence is still widely talked about a debated, hearing the number 26 put just how […]