Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator

This video is my favorite TED Talk that I have come across. The reason why I enjoy this topic so much is because it is extremely relatable and even more so since I have entered into college. Struggling to find time for everything especially when theres no deadline personally leads me to deal with procrastination very often especially since I want to balance out time that does not involve doing homework. The speaker is really upbeat when he is talking and instead of having boring slides he uses a format where he draws cartoons and then elaborates on said drawing. The drawings are different from what you would usually expect from a powerpoint and he does a really effective job of acting out the cartoon in a funny and realistic way. He also talks about his own personal experience in college with procrastinating papers so it made me feel so much better that I am not the only one who is this bad at procrastinating important things till the end. I also like how he talks about that there is two different kinds of procrastination, deadline and no deadline. Deadline allows us to get into panic and finish it faster, but however when its something that has no real deadline we are often slow to even start it and he relates this to how people don’t go for what they want in life because they have not even started. He goes on to explain that in this sense there is nobody out there in the world who does not procrastinate. When he says this is really struck a cord in me that you truly can’t always be prepared for everything and that procrastination is normal.

A topic I think I can use for evolving ideas is the effects of changing roles for American women since the mid-20th century. We see more dual worker relationships these days and less of a hold on men being the provider while women stay at home and cook and clean. While we still hold some of the same values in a different way, overall the things women used to have access to have now changed.

  1. I like that you included the video that you watched so I could get a better understand of what you were writing about. I think it would be interesting to look into the changing dynamic of gender roles with women since the idea of what was “womanly” decades ago is not the same today

  2. I get what you say about struggling with procrastination in college, I do it too all the time. I think your topic is interesting, the role of a woman has changed so much in the past century, and I think for the better, now it’s expected more from them because people know they’re capable and reliable.

  3. I loved this ted talk as well. it really helped me understand how I procrastinate especially since being in college. I think your topic is interesting talking about the role of woman and how it has changed over the past century. i can’t wait to read what you decide to choose

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