How the Media Desensitize’s Americans to Violence

Have you ever noticed how unbothered we are when it comes to gruesome displays of violence in the media? In fact, the most popular types of media have dark themes with bloody violence. When we see characters die in an excruciating way many of us can sit and watch it without cringing and even enjoy that aspect as part of the plot. While it may be normal for us, in other countries this degree of exposure to violence feels sickening and is not something the audience can stomach watching. Wednesday’s class discussion with classmates talking about how they love murder mysteries and hearing dark stories goes to show how normal it has become that we enjoy this kind of content in our own free time. 

People in United States are exposed to copious amounts of violence which  become glorified. The amount of violence in TV now is unlike anything in the past and is expected, and there are more guns depicted in PG-13 films. Examples of high violence can be seen in shows and movies such as Squid Game, My Friend Dahmer, or Extremely Wicked and Shockingly Vile. Violence is extremely prevalent through all forms of media, and it desensitizes people starting from an early age. Every person or every household has a device that gives them access to streaming and social media. In fact, for most younger children and teenager’s social media is where most of their time is spent besides sleeping. An average American youth will witness 200,000 violent acts on television before age 18. TV content can be decently violent even when advertised as non-violent. In addition, a large amount of violence can be shown even in kids cartoons where depictions of violence are often written off as humor for the audience to laugh at. You can often notice in some people that many deal with pain or dark topics by laughing. This may be a taught reaction that feels natural because of how much we have been desensitized to violence that we can cope by finding humor. Media violence can desensitize children to the real world and fantasy violence. The more violence is shown through television, the more viewers learn to turn off their emotional response when there is an infliction of pain on people/characters. Because there is so much exposure, there is an apparent lack of empathy shown towards characters suffering through violence.  

Video games is another form of media that depicts violence and, in most games, has the player utilizes weapons to kill other players. Nearly all American teens have played or actively play video games. Even people who don’t enjoy video games or just don’t play by themselves can watch other people play through streaming services such as Twitch. Even if they aren’t participating in the game themselves, they are still exposed to the violence of video games without having to play. Studies show that video games can cause aggression. Dr Grafman, a senior investigator, studied 22 boys between 14-17 where they watched short violent scenes where they would rate the level of aggression depicted. They monitored their brain functions while viewing the videos and found that the activation in the areas of the brain that deal with emotional reactivity was decreased. This study is one of many that proves that people can quickly become desensitized, especially if they have been exposed to violent media since childhood. Following into adolescence and adulthood people will continue to feel fewer emotions over time as they are exposed to various and heavier forms of violence. While violence in media can still be enjoyed, the rate of violence that is produced can soon become alarming and a threat to our ability to properly emphasize with violence in reality.


Our Beloved Summer

Our Beloved Summer is a romantic comedy Korean drama. The drama follows the two main characters Kook Yeon-su and Choi Ung. Kook Yeon-su is the model top student in high school while Choi Ung is an uninterested low-tier student who likes to draw. Ung is given the opportunity to join a documentary where he will spend one month with the top student, Yeon-su. Our Beloved Summer follows them through their journey in the past into the future when they reunite after five years.

We see the clear divide between the two characters who constantly bicker with each other and broadcast their dislike towards one another through the documentary. They become viral online for their hilarious chemistry and we see them become closer throughout the month. When Yeon-su and Ung are set to film their last episode we see the typical cliche of enemies to lovers when they confess and start dating each other.


They dated for 5 years throughout college and break up several times throughout. Because of misunderstandings between the two of them they break up for a final time and have not seen or contacted each other since. Yeon-su and Ung continue their lives into adulthood and pursue their dreams of working and becoming a famous artist.

Yeon-su is sent by her company to get famous artist Ko-o to work with them, but through a turn of events it is revealed that it is actually Choi Ung who has been keeping his identity secret and refuses to reveal himself to the public. Yeon-Su does some research online to find the identity of Ko-o and finds out the shocking proof that it is Choi Ung her ex from five years ago. She decides for the sake of her losing her job that she will finally confront him in hopes he will help the company and reveal himself to the public.

While this is happening the director of their documentary is looking to re boot it, a version of where they are ten years later and puts Ung’s best friend Ji-ung in charge of getting them on board to film together.

When Yeon-su visits Ung, he shows his clear desire to have no part in helping her or ever being part of her life again. However he decides to further his career and take the job offer, but not without getting his revenge on Yeon-su by doing something he knows she will hate, aka the documentary reboot. Desperate for Ung to work with her company she hesitantly agrees to film the documentary with him and it sets up the perfect tension between the two characters to once again start from enemies to lovers.

Through the documentary of them “ten years later” we get to see their development from teenagers to adults as well as the past behind their previous relationship. It also explores their emotions on the way to getting back together. While the show itself is not done there is only two episodes left to air and it has multiple interesting plots that go into each other and I highly recommend watching!


Bridgerton was something I spent my weekend binge watching after my neighbor absolutely insisted that I had to watch it because it was the best show she had seen despite the fact that she hates anything with romance. I had seen a lot of advertising about this show all over the internet when it first came out and took over Netflix but for whatever  reason it did not interest me. I thought it would be a knock-off show of pride and prejudice and Netflix frequently has this thing where they take inspiration from old shows/movies and make it absolutely awful. And while the overall setting and vibe of the shower gives Pride and Prejudice vibes it has a totally different and really interesting plot to it. Its sort of like if you mixed Pride and Prejudice and then mixed in Gossip Girl.

Bridgerton Review – Eastside

The first season (and only season currently) revolves around the character Daphne who is ready to be brought up in order to be presented for marriage. She has a healthy view of love as she was shown through her parents true love before he died. Because of this she believes in the true love aspect and does not want to get married to just anyone despite her eagerness to become a wife. When she is sent to the Queen along with the other girls in her village to be assessed, she is specifically picked out as perfect by the queen and Daphne is satisfied knowing she will now have a long line of suitors who will fight to court after her.

Bridgerton Renewed for Seasons 3 and 4 by Netflix - Variety

However what show lets their main character off that easily especially in the beginning? As Daphne is being courted her brother the new head of the house since their father died is helping her with her selections however all he does is scare off every suitor that comes her way to the point where eventually they all lose interest and Daphne is left to struggle when only one man shows interest in her, a man who she does not want to marry. Much to her dismay a gossip girl type of writer named Lady Whistledown posts all the gossip during the courting season out to people for free and Daphne’s lack of suitors becomes public embarrassment as she is exposed to the people around her.

To offset this setback Daphne decides to enter a relationship with another character, the duke. The duke is well known fro refusing to marry and have heirs with anyone. They propose a relationship where they both act is if they are courting one another. It is mutually beneficial in the fact that it will make more suitors interested in Daphne since she was able to get with the Duke. She looks more desirable in their eyes yet again as they like the idea of getting something they cannot have. For the Duke it keeps “annoying mothers and their daughters” away from him as they are just seeking his money and title despite the fact that everyone knows he does not desire a marriage or partner.

Review: 'Bridgerton' Is Sexy Shondaland Goodness : NPR

Im sure the overall theme of the show is pretty apparent with the enemies to lovers vibe but it wasn’t overly cliche and i really enjoyed the other plots in the show as it did not revolve around the two the whole time, the Lady Whistledown scandals made it more enjoyable to watch and the ending where it was revealed who Whistledown was was as shocking as finding out who Gossip Girl was so I recommend it.

Ted Talk Evaluation

For my TED TALK I think I could’ve been more expressive when I was speaking. Many times I was more focused on remembering numbers/ stats and what I was saying so at times I would slip up or look lost and sometimes it would sound emotionless like a robot. I think I also could’ve elaborated on some parts more like when I mentioned the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. Most of us know what it was so I did not wan’t to get super boring for viewers and get into it but I probably could’ve elaborated more on why it was so important in the shift for women’s rights and how that event effected how women have more of a standing today. I also could have went more in depth about the psychological toll it takes on women during the TED TALK as I had briefly mentioned it however I felt it might have taken away from the main idea that dual worker is common unlike the old ideas of what gender roles should be like in the work perspective.

For the controversy project theres a few pressing issues you could talk about. One is the strong divide between Americans about the issue of immigration. Many different people have different opinions on it especially if it’s illegal. While there are many factors a lot of it comes back to a battle of morals and whats right vs law. Another idea of a topic is the debate between American culture over liberals vs republicans. America is the most divided compared to other countries such as the UK France and Germany. This culture war traps the rest of the world in and directly affects what we think of others socially, our democracy, and how the world views America and its citizens (our overall reputation) and the consequences that come from that negative image.

Princess Diaries

In all honesty I couldn’t think of a movie that I could write a lot about so instead I am just going to write about something I watched recently. This weekend me and my friends were bored and looking for nostalgic movies to watch on Disney plus. We all unanimously ended up deciding on Princess Diaries because it’s obviously a cult favorite. Not to mention Anne Hathaway is one of my favorite actresses. I feel like this movie was pretty much every high school girls dream growing up and any girl born in the early 2000s has probably seen this movie.

Mia Thermopolis totally embodies our childhood dreams of our life suddenly getting turned upside down and becoming some sort of important person. She is portrayed as a shy and super hopeless girl in terms of social standing. She has messy hair is extremely clumsy and has bushy man eyebrows if I were to quote from the movie. Out of nowhere her grandmother who had not contacted her for 15 years suddenly arrived claiming she was the princess of a small country named Genovia and that her grandmother was the queen. Her Grandmother explains that her recently dead father was the prince and since she has royal blood she is next in line to succeed the throne and that she would like to present Mia to the public and teach her the ways of royalty.

The movie does focus on the perspective of beauty and staying true to yourself however. When she is thrust upon new princess duties and struggling to learn one of the first things she needs to receive is a new makeover. While the imagine of previously calling her ugly and needing to fix her “ugly” appearance, Mia shows clearly that she doesn’t exactly want to change herself. She does not want new hair or makeup or to change anything about her current life. Her friend even makes comments like how she sold herself to “fit in” and we see that Mia is quite sensitive to this comment because she did not exactly want to change her outside appearance. Despite her makeover and the fact that people look at her differently on the outside, she remains herself throughout the film. She acts just as shy and clumsy as she has from the beginning of the movie, however she accepts and presents herself with much more confidence than previously.

It also teaches us the importance of the people who really pay attention to who we are. As she enjoys her newfound fame she ends up getting wrapped up with the popular kids and boy at her school until she realizes they’re all just using her to get ahead in their own social lives. At the end of the movie we see she becomes accepted to her position as a princesses and chooses the guy that had “seen her whens he was invisible”. The show really touches on the common feelings of teenagers with their insecurity and the most valuable lesson she had learned was that other people can’t make you feel inferior if you don’t allow them to.


Source 1:

This source will help me because it highlights many of the key movements that caused the shift for women throughout time.

Source 2:

This source highlights important court dates that legally caused a change for the role of women throughout time. It will be useful for having to pull out specific evidence

Source 3:

This has a lot of useful information about treatment and perception of women during specific time periods

5 Centimeters Per Second

5 Centimeters Per Second is a Japanese animated film by Makoto Shinkai. The movie is really beautiful to the eye and the animation is fantastic, however the movie’s overall theme made me feel very heavy after figuring out the deeper meaning. The movie  is ultimately about moving on from the past, and about finding a way to become happy in the present rather than just pining for moments that are long gone.

It follows the story of Takaki Tohno and his relationship to Akari Shinohara as they grow distant as more time passes. We are shown the two at three different phases of life throughout the movie, when they are first presented to us it is during the childhood stages to show how close their bond had initially been.

The first part of the film titled cherry blossom focuses on how Takaki met and developed a relationship with Akari in elementary school. However they are separated as both families move and they enter high school, but they agree to stay in contact through letters. Through this part of the film we can see the naive points of childhood romance. When Takaki moves yet again Akari responses by talking about how he is moving away even further, thus alluding to how much further they are moving along in life and that eventually the fear of their relationship dissolving is growing.


these thoughts and scenes are reminiscent to the obstacles of growing older and losing touch with people you had previously been so close with. It is an odd feeling that makes you feel really sad even though you know the reality of it is obvious that you are drifting and it is a natural part of life. However much of youth is believing you can make it work regardless of knowing this like Takaki. The young version of Takaki wants to hold on to the small amount of hope in an unrealistic situation. It also shows us how important older age wisdom is in making decisions, otherwise we will continue to cling onto things, people, and feelings that unintentionally hurt us. This is why instead of narrating the story, we have an older Takaki reminiscing his younger memories. He often uses phrases such as “for some reason” or “I thought” to allude to attempts to feign ignorance to the future and the naive thoughts he had about romance and being able to stay with Akari through all of lifes obstacles.

, Shinkai presents the younger Takaki as constantly struggling. Younger Takaki’s beliefs is meant allude to the traditional ideals of romantic fiction. However the older Takaki represents a realistic take on romance. He often makes comments on events lead by “fate” saying there was nothing he could do about it to stop things. The way he narrates and the frequent pauses he makes shows just how hard it was for him to continue to try and push the harsh realities away. He feels fate is purposefully working against him and keeping Akari away from him.


And this is only the first section of the movie, the other two parts are just as good and if not even better so I highly recommend the movie. Shinkai presentation of Takaki’s emotions shows a bitter and realistic portrayal of our individual desires. It also shows how we are contradictory, uncertain, and desperate for the things we want, and that no matter how impossible the situation, we still believe in and trust the memories that were most precious to us.

Queen Film: Bohemian Rhapsody

Queen is a band that many know well and let’s be honest if you’re going on a long drive and your family doesn’t all karaoke to Bohemian Rhapsody then what are you doing? We have heard their music everywhere even in kids movies like Happy Feet. Even if you have no idea who i’m talking about I guarantee you could ask you parents or anyone in their generation who they are and they will 99.9% say they love them. I grew up listening to queen and rock music in general since my parents are big fans and its safe to say I am a fan as well. When the movie depiction of the band Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody was announced I had to say my expectations were very high for this film and it certainly did not disappoint.

The movie is based on the true story of Queen’s journey from the start to their  performance at the Live Aid concert in Wembley Stadium with heavy focus on the main singer Freddie Mercury played by Rami Malek. In terms of film its pretty average, its pretty standard flow of a band film if you’ve ever seen one. However what made this movie live up to expectations for me was Malek’s amazing portrayal of Mercury and the fantastic soundtrack.

First of all the similarity in looks between Malek and Mercury are enough to blow your mind. When Malek preforms on stage you get so immersed in him as Freddie Mercury you almost forget that he’s just an actor and it feels like you’re really watching him preform.

While it does tell the story of Queen the entire story is not fully authentic. Some real life moments were cut out or modified to further carry along the plot of the story and make it more appealing or generic for Hollywood. However because the movie aims to be of a more PG-13 setting despite the R rated life of the bandmates, sometimes the movie feels as if its lacking something essential.

The movie starts with Mercury then named Farrok Bulsara working as a baggage handler at an airport. he later goes to a pub and watched a band preform where he meets his future love protagonist Mary Austin. He learns that guitarist and drummer Brian May and Roger Taylor just recently lost the lead singer of their band. Upon hearing this he offers to replace their lead singer by showing them his vocal skills. . He goes to audition for them in the parking lot and he is quickly adapted as the lead singer of the band as their auditioning bass man John Deacon joins in with him.  He then changes his name to the Freddie Mercury we all know today and rebrands the band as Queen.

The band gets a record deal and even lands a US tour, he decides to propose to Mary but however during the tour Mercury begins to question his sexuality amongst other struggles. As time goes on they create their masterpiece Bohemian Rhapsody despite the harsh criticism they had to fight against to get it released. However it did succeed in becoming a global hit even with its mixed opinions. This launches them into a world tour where Freddie explores his sexuality and comes out as bisexual to his then fiance. While they call off the engagement they remain close friends and remained as one of the closest and most influential people in his life and even gained most of his will after his passing in real life.

Freddie begins to engage in a relationship with the bands manager Paul Prenter. Prenter attempts to control Freddie behind his back which leads to Freddie firing one of his team members creating constrains between him and the band. His relationship with the band continues to get worse and he finally signs a solo deal. He continues his relationship with Paul that further pulls him into a world of sex and drugs that later leads to bad consequences.

Mary now married and pregnant returns as a friend and urges him to get back together with the band to do Live Aid which he successfully ends up doing. After realizing Paul’s influence on him and for not telling him about Live Aid he finally ends his relationship with him and fires him. With AIDS now becoming a popular topic Mercury realizes he has the illness. He returns to London to  persuade the band to play at Live Aid as a last-minute addition. He tells them about his condition and urges them to forget the sympathies and focus on making music for the longest time that they can.

The film by far has its best scene at the end when they are preforming at Wembley Stadium. it does an amazing job showing Queen’s connection to an audience as Mercury leads an elaborate call-and-response with his fans through the title song “We Will Rock You” “Radio Ga Ga” and “We are the Campions”. The outstanding performance Malek brings to this recreation deserves all the hype its gotten, I can even say the movie is worth watching just for this specific scene because it quite literally gave me chills.

Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator

This video is my favorite TED Talk that I have come across. The reason why I enjoy this topic so much is because it is extremely relatable and even more so since I have entered into college. Struggling to find time for everything especially when theres no deadline personally leads me to deal with procrastination very often especially since I want to balance out time that does not involve doing homework. The speaker is really upbeat when he is talking and instead of having boring slides he uses a format where he draws cartoons and then elaborates on said drawing. The drawings are different from what you would usually expect from a powerpoint and he does a really effective job of acting out the cartoon in a funny and realistic way. He also talks about his own personal experience in college with procrastinating papers so it made me feel so much better that I am not the only one who is this bad at procrastinating important things till the end. I also like how he talks about that there is two different kinds of procrastination, deadline and no deadline. Deadline allows us to get into panic and finish it faster, but however when its something that has no real deadline we are often slow to even start it and he relates this to how people don’t go for what they want in life because they have not even started. He goes on to explain that in this sense there is nobody out there in the world who does not procrastinate. When he says this is really struck a cord in me that you truly can’t always be prepared for everything and that procrastination is normal.

A topic I think I can use for evolving ideas is the effects of changing roles for American women since the mid-20th century. We see more dual worker relationships these days and less of a hold on men being the provider while women stay at home and cook and clean. While we still hold some of the same values in a different way, overall the things women used to have access to have now changed.