When brainstorming paradigm shifts throughout history, I began to think if maybe there had been a shift that occurred within my lifetime. The internet and subsequent rise of social media is probably the biggest development within my lifetime so far. Social media has changed the way we, as humans interact with each other and how we view ourselves. It has changed how we spend our time, and for many; it is a way to escape the difficulties of real life. Social media apps such as Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter are, in many cases, the sole form of communication between two people. The rise of “internet friends”, “cancel culture” and “trending hashtags” are all very recent developments. Social media is controversial, as it has allowed for an interconnectedness that has pros and cons. Social media can be good in the way that it allows for a quicker spread of information and allows for many to become more informed on current events. Unfortunately, the internet has led to the rise of “internet trolls” who harass other users on social media. They often are the ones who are engaging in online bullying that takes a form of harmful comments, hurtful DMs and negative posts. Preteens are where social media starts, as many get their accounts by age 12.
A shift of a world with and without social media is a very large topic, although for a paradigm shift, it can work. A Ted talk is a more condensed topic though. I had to think about what made the most sense within the social media topic. I thought I could talk about one specific platform and see what goes along with it, such as norms associated with it, how people communicate and how it has changed interactions. If not a specific app, I would probably take the route of explaining different trends that have come out of social media. The talk would be somewhat of an informational talk, although I am not sure if it would match my audience — college students use frequent social media often.
I think that social media is a great topic for the essay portion of Unit 2 and social media has so many layers to it. For the TED Talk, I think that you could choose a specific app that appeals to our class and college students the most. Maybe you could choose snapchat or possibly a dating app and how it currently impacts our lifestyle. Anyways, I think you are heading in the right direction with choosing social media as your topic!