Why Do We Want to Fill the Void? What is the Void?

Image result for sharks during sandy

Media has a way of showing the world things that it would have never imagined before. Like a plane flying through buildings and being able to completely demolish them. Or sharks swimming down the roads of New Jersey. These instances draw viewers closer and closer each time they show a different image. I often wonder how come the news can broadcast the same exact story from the same point of view for hours and hours on end. How is this possible?

The reason this all possible is quite interesting and very smart on the newscasters’ behalf. The newscasters play on our empathy almost every time they broadcast a story. Especially when having to do with war. It wouldn’t be too shocking if after the news reported that 10 Americans got killed in a battle that we would later find out that 100 foreigners, included innocent civilians, also got killed that day. However, that would never be broadcasted.

In a case of an attack often times the same type of falsification occurs. For instance, the Paris is only about 3 days old and the story has changes between there being only one shoot to multiple shooter; also the debate on whether ISIS was involved or not is also in question. So why is that the news has so many versions of the same story… There can only be one true story.

Some people say that the news is just one complete conspiracy act and they often falsify stories in order to keep the people in line. However, that is not actually the case in most situations. In fact, in most situation the reason that most stories come out to be wrong is that the news channels often compete against each other and try to produce the first broadcast so that they could be the one to present the “breaking news”. With this race going on most of the time the first few stories that we see aren’t true simply because the actual story wasn’t looked into due to time constrains that being first includes.

So what happens when it is now 3 weeks later and we still see that false information is being broadcasted? Most of the time this is due to the new channels want for more views. They gain these views by providing the most compelling stories. The news channels know that people are attacked to the news reports that will show them the nitty gritty deals. In knowing this news channels may add a shark or two in the video of a floored road. Or add a few more explosions when showing a bombing. Therefore, news is often geared to feed our void of wanting to be entertained with a hint of knowing the really story.

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