The title of our deliberation is going to be “Let’s Talk About Sex (ed) Baby.” It’s a bit on the corny side but it’s memorable and it was all we had. It should definitely grab the attention of people reading it.

Our deliberation is about sex education in schools in the United States, mainly focusing on high school sex ed classes but not ignoring the less detailed forms of sex ed given in middle and elementary schools. We are looking at this issue through 3 different approaches. The first approach will be focusing on the medical aspect of sex ed. STI’s, vaccinations, and how to practice safe sex will all be looked at. The second approach will look at social stigmas surrounding sex and education.The third approach is going to be looking at sex ed in terms of what consent is and how we can make sure to keep all sexual encounters safe and consensual.

My role is being in the summary and outreach mini team. I am going to be finding and reaching out to various people and organizations from this area and try to get them to come to our deliberation. We’ll also be providing a summary and post deliberation questions for people.

Right now my mini team and I are working on a flyer to hang up at popular spots around campus to hopefully entice them to show up and listen to what we have to say. The other day in class we found and listed a bunch of local organizations we want to ask to come listen. Tomorrow we will probably find a time to get together and contact these people to hopefully convince them to come. After that we’ll be coming up with post deliberation questions for our topic and then creating and providing a summary of all 3 of our approaches.

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