Guns Kill, Not Candy

So far in 2023, there have been over 450 mass shootings in the United States. 28 shootings have taken place in a K-12 school and have killed or injured 44 people. Over the past two decades, groups and individuals have been pushing for stricter gun laws and protection for children in schools. However, the federal government has done very little in addressing the problem of gun violence.

In the image above, two young children are depicted holding two very different objects: a piece of candy and an assault riffle. The description explains how one item (hint: it’s not the huge black gun) has been banned in America.

This example of a civic artifact depicts the commonplace that every single person has experienced, going to school as a child. This commonplace, that touches such a vast majority of people, evokes a very relatable memory for those that view it. Not only has nearly every person gone to school, but I’m sure they’ve all heard of a Kinder Egg. Because of these commonplaces, the ad is extremely persuasive for viewers to understand the lack of action being taken in the country regarding gun laws, and subsequently, children’s lives.

The threat of gun violence is ever present, especially in schools. By using two children to hold the objects, the audience has no choice but to consider the effects of gun violence in our country. The message of this ad sends a very clear message: we, as a society, as individuals, as a government, must do more to protect the lives of our citizens, of our children, of our youth, from gun violence (hint: this doesn’t mean banning a piece of candy.)

4 thoughts on “Guns Kill, Not Candy

  1. I agree with you that having children pictured in the artifact makes it much more impactful because children are innocent and vulnerable. This means that it is society’s job to protect kids, especially when they are in public schools, which we are not doing. I also think that the striking difference between the Kinder Egg and the gun is very effective because it shows that the government does have the power to regulate in order to protect people, but isn’t doing so regarding gun violence. I also think the choice to make the font red where it says “guess which one” makes a point because it symbolizes death and emphasizes the severity of the situation.

  2. This visual depicts the issue of gun control in an extremely powerful way. It made me sit and think about what is actually going on in the world and how scary it can be to do something as simple as go to school. Your analysis of the commonplace associated with going to school was great.

  3. The issue of gun violence is certainly very prevalent in America and so the relevancy of this artifact give it great presence to the reader. As you wrote, there have been 450 mass shooting- an absolutely enormous amount. This artifact commands attention due to the issue it discusses and your analysis of it was well done.

  4. This civic artifact honestly made me really think about gun violence in America. It’s crazy to me that a Kinder surprise egg is deemed dangerous and not an assault rifle. Gun violence in our nation is a serious issue that shouldnt be taken lightly, you analyzed this artifact very well and chose one that was very attention grabbing.

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