Nex Benedict

On February 7, an altercation occurred in the women’s bathroom at Owasso High School in Oklahoma between several students, one of whom, was Nex Benedict. Nex was a 16 year old non-binary student who used they/them pronouns. Following the altercation, all of the students were reported by the school to have walked themselves to the office. After school however, Nex was was sent to the hospital for suspicion of greater injury sustained from the fight. They were sent home that same night. The next day, February 8, Nex collapsed at home, was rushed to the ER and passed away.

In a video released by police, an officer can be seen asking Nex questions about the fight while they are laying in the hospital bed. Nex explained how a group of girls walked up to Nex and their friends and began making fun of them to their faces. Nex explained how they poured water on the one girl. The girls then attacked Nex. Nex also stated falling on the floor at one point and hitting their head. They had reportedly been getting bullied for a period of time before the attack. Nex stated that people would make fun of the way they dressed and laughed.

The Medical Examiner in Tulsa performed an autopsy and reported that Nex had died by suicide, citing high levels of fluoxetine, an antidepressant, and diphenhydramine, an allergy medicine. Nex’s family has since hired their own lawyers and are going to be performing a private autopsy as well.

Following the release of such information, there has been much controversy around Nex’s death. LGBTQIA+ activist groups have stated how Oklahoma’s anti-LGBTQIA+ bills are to blame for the situation. The state legislature has passed a slew of bills to limit the rights of LGBTQIA+ people. One bill prohibits students from using a bathroom that doesn’t align with their sex assigned at birth. The state also bars minors from receiving gender-affirming care. The Superintendent of Public Schools in Oklahoma has been cited saying that transgender and non-binary “do not exist.” Such realities in the state have caused many people to highlight this issue as a direct cause of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation, saying that it creates hostile and unsafe environments.

When I heard about the altercation that took place, and then Nex’s passing, I felt so disgustingly terrible. I felt sick to my stomach when I read about the story. I am so saddened that this is now a reality for LGBTQIA+ identifying people. I couldn’t help but think of myself. I identify as non-binary, and such a situation could easily happen to me. I fear for myself and for others right now. My heart feels extremely heavy for Nex’s family and friends.

Nex’s death shows the effects of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation, and I hope the news of their story continues to challenge the beliefs that many people have about the queer community. Right now more than ever is a time to stand up for the shit you believe in, and just love people.

Rest in peace and power Nex.


2 thoughts on “Nex Benedict

  1. Nex’s story is so devastating, and my heart breaks for their friends and family. I agree with you that the recent increase in anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation creates a hostile situations in schools and elsewhere. Aside from reversing these abhorrent policies, more has to be done to address the unsafe environments they have created; I am not sure exactly how this is to be done, but something has to change.

  2. I had no idea about this story and it is honestly so heartbreaking. One of my very close friends from high school, who is non-binary as well also went by the name Nex so this really hit close to home for me. It is so disgusting how people can be so evil towards others who are just trying to live life in a way that makes them happy and of which doesn’t affect other people. The United States particularly is really struggling with human rights right now and I hope that this changes.

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