Alabama’s IVF Supreme Court Ruling

As I’m sure many of you have heard about, Alabama’s Supreme Court recently heard a case regarding three couples who lost frozen embryos in an accident at a storage facility and ruled that they can sue under the state’s wrongful death law. Although this is not a national Supreme Court case, there has been much […]

‘This I Believe’ Reflection

I really enjoyed this project. I liked that it was a podcast instead of a video, I feel like we did a lot of videos last semester. i had a very easy time picking my topic and recording. I feel like when it comes to anything regarding a passion of mine I can always go […]

“This I Believe” draft

Considering the fact that I attended an all-girls Catholic, private school, one would think that every student fits that cookie cutter mold of a perfect religious straight young woman, right? Right? Wrong. I stand here today as a proud example of the paradox that is all-girls Catholic schools. To put it generally, there were a […]

Topics for PP and CI Blogs

I have decided to write my Personal is Political blog about a thematic collection of stories following my Sito, (Arabic for grandma) who emigrated to the US from Lebanon when she married my Gito. I will write stories about her experiences both in Lebanon and the US, as well as broader subjects, like the unrest […]