Issue Brief Revised Intro and Outline

Title: Gender Affirming Care: The Fight to Support Transgender Youth (shoutout Barbara for the title idea <3) Over the past couple of years, anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric and legislation has been swarming across the country. Legislation have included limiting or restricting access to gender affirming care, requiring individuals to use bathrooms that align with their sex assigned […]

Issue Brief Introductory Daft

Over the past couple of years, anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric and legislation has been swarming across the country. Legislation have included limiting or restricting access to gender affirming care, requiring individuals to use bathrooms that align with their sex assigned at birth, and limiting discussion and education on gender and sexual identity in schools. Such bills reinforce […]

‘This I Believe’ Reflection

I really enjoyed this project. I liked that it was a podcast instead of a video, I feel like we did a lot of videos last semester. i had a very easy time picking my topic and recording. I feel like when it comes to anything regarding a passion of mine I can always go […]

“This I Believe” draft

Considering the fact that I attended an all-girls Catholic, private school, one would think that every student fits that cookie cutter mold of a perfect religious straight young woman, right? Right? Wrong. I stand here today as a proud example of the paradox that is all-girls Catholic schools. To put it generally, there were a […]

Topics for PP and CI Blogs

I have decided to write my Personal is Political blog about a thematic collection of stories following my Sito, (Arabic for grandma) who emigrated to the US from Lebanon when she married my Gito. I will write stories about her experiences both in Lebanon and the US, as well as broader subjects, like the unrest […]


“This I Believe” Ideas: I’ve mainly been thinking of making this audio essay on my belief that every person should be welcomed and supported in society no matter their gender or sexual identity. This issue is extremely personal to me as a non-binary person. I also thought of doing mine on the belief that everyone […]

History Of A Public Controversy Brainstorm

CRITICAL RACE THEORY In recent years, politicians, leaders, students, and parents have raised questions as to whether or not racism is a systemic issue in American society. The teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools has even been banned. With the rise of racism in America, especially through policy and education, CRT has become a […]

TED Talk and Topic Brainstorm

TED TALK Trigger Warning (TW): mention of suicide in first paragraph I watched the TED Talk, “How Uncomfortable Conversations Can Save Lives,” by Lyra McKee. She tells the story of her group trip through America as an Irish woman. While visiting the United States, the group of Europeans visited what’s considered “American values” like Disney […]