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The Big Green Blog

Welcome to the Big Green Blog! As our society develops and innovates, the effects of poverty are lessened, more people across the globe have access to western medicine and clean water, and the internet gains more active users per month at an exponential rate. All of these products of innovation have improved the lives of billions of people around the globe, and allowed humans in 2nd and 3rd world countries to live like the average American. Despite the wonders that accompany our society evolving, there are many downsides that don’t receive as much media attention and are cast onto the next generation for them to deal with.

Innovation has led to increased global temperatures and rising oceans that are the byproduct of carbon pumped into the atmosphere by the megatons. Plastic and other trash have begun to crowd landfills and leak into the environment, turning forests and seas into toxic waste lands devoid of life. Along with these issues more extreme weather, frequent wildfires, and polluted water/air will be commonplace moving forward. Since about the 1960s scientists and the government have been aware of the threats human caused climate change present. For years both sides of the aisle worked to inform the general public about the dangers of global warming, but recently, the issue has become a matter of which party you affiliate with. Each president presents a new plan to combat climate change, some new and promising, while other platforms seek to completely disregard the issue and pump even more carbon into the atmosphere. Without any real change, our children and grandchildren will grow up in a world more of less similar to movies such as Mad Max and Water World.

Its undeniable humans have impacted the environment on a global scale. A common argument against human caused climate change is that the Earth has natural cycles that fluctuate temperature based on the time period. However, currently the climate should be cooling down, rather than heating up at the rate it currently is. Without making a difference individually and as a united planet, we will be forced to deal with the worst the planet has to offer. You won’t wake up one day and be living in the Sahara but as we grow older there will be less snow days off, more extreme hurricanes, and a lot more sweating.

This blog is designed to help motivate, inform, and encourage readers to help prevent climate change one step at a time. Some posts will educate about the dangers and causes of global warming, while others may describe simple ways to help make a difference. At times tackling the monster that is climate change can seem impossible. Motivating the entire planet to work towards one goal is extremely hard, and might not even be possible. However, I choose to have a more optimistic view and believe that while my impacts on the planet may be unnoticeable, unless you try to make the world a better place nothing will change. Living a more sustainable life will make you happier, more fulfilled, and more appreciative of the wonders that the environment provides. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to change, it’s not.” -Lorax

Here Are Some Links to Understand Climate Change and Your Own Carbon Footprint!

  1. https://www3.epa.gov/carbon-footprint-calculator/
  2. https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/
  3. https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/programs/population_and_sustainability/sustainability/live_more_sustainably.html


Leave questions in the comment section below, or write three ways you try to be sustainable in your life!