Where’d the Ozone Hole Go?

Ozone Secretariat

I remember in my younger teen years hearing about a mysterious hole that opened up above our southern pole. No it wasn’t some alien gate from a Marvel movie, or even a portal from Rick and Morty. Instead, it was a hole in the layer of atmosphere called the Ozone layer. The Ozone Layer sits at an atmospheric height between 6-30 miles, and is responsible for blocking the Sun’s harsh UV radiation that causes skin cancer and other adverse effects towards any form of life that comes in contact with it excessively. Some UV radiation still slips through the layer and is crucial towards our survival. UV radiation provides warmth and energy for plants on both terrestrial land and in the ocean. Sunburn is caused by this radiation but the Ozone Layer is so efficient that simply putting a little cream on your body can block almost all of the negative effects.


That’s why when in the 1970s, when scientists discovered the hole, that the scientific community rushed to find a solution. Without this Ozone layer, life would be forced to face the brutal radiation anytime you were outside. Scientists through various instruments found that the hole was increasing and was caused by CFC’s (Chlorofluorocarbons) which are used in aerosol and cooling devices. Immediately, they published their report, which sent the world into a frenzy. For once, it seemed action was swiftly taken after a bombshell scientific discovery. Soon after its publication, CFC substitutes were discovered that did not have the same negative impacts CFC’s had on the Ozone Layer. However, they have many adverse effects on the climate in other ways…


Nonetheless, scientists have observed the Ozone Hole decreasing over time. If no action had been taken, several holes would’ve appeared in other corners of the globe by now. We got lucky that it appeared over Antarctica, where there is no substantial human population. Since the hole has shrank, scientists have payed close attention to other levels of the atmosphere and if they’re exhibiting reasons for concern. Every Spring, the hole seems to form again in Antarctica, but is patched by Stratospheric air that mixes in during the Summer. Each Spring, the hole becomes slightly smaller.

Ozone Hole Shrinks to Record Low | Live Science


Overall, the public fear of the Ozone Hole has subsided now that we seem to have found a cure for the crisis, which is why most people haven’t heard of it since they were younger. If substitutes for CFCs hadn’t of been found, who knows how the issue would’ve played out. The substitutes were cheaper, so companies had an incentive to change, but without this incentive it’s hard to imagine them quitting production of the harmful CFCs. This climate disaster is now seen as a win for humanity, but many other issues still remain. The positive benefits of this story show that change can occur if we’re willing to fight for them. Don’t let our future be dictated by the corporations we rely on for products…if they had their way, there would be multiple Ozone Holes in the atmosphere right now, and very possibly one over your own house.

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