Shifts of our generation

Humans change. Human nature changes. The sociology and social aspects of humans change. As a result, the ideology of humans is inevitable to change over the course of time. Whether it be a slow change that takes many decades to happen, or a quick change that takes just a decade or so. Each generation has a different ideology than the generation that came before. Our generation build on the lessons that our parents and grandparents learned to mold our ideology.

I think the biggest sociological change from the prior generations is the acceptance of same-sex marriage. In the 1950s, it would have practically been a death penalty to come out as being gay. Not only would the parents likely reject that person from the family, but he/she would have a difficult time getting a job if the employer knew and making friends would be hard. That ideology stayed pretty constant until 2004. The acceptance of same-sex marriage and of homosexuals has increased by a significant margin. Majority of America supports it, and more states are starting to allow it within their borders. The social acceptance is a lot greater too. Of course there are people that are still anti-gay, but that number is such a minority within our generation. Someone could come out as being gay and there would be a very great reception of that person. If (future) my son or daughter were to tell my (future) wife and I that he/she was gay, I would not look at him/her any differently.

There have been other shifts too. I think atheism and agnosticism are on the rise, both being socially acceptable compared to early generations. There seems to be a more pro-choice view on abortion than there has been in earlier years from the research that I’ve done. The legalization of marijuana, frustration with the schooling system, and equality between men and women are also stances that our generation has generally taken opposed to past generations.

2 thoughts on “Shifts of our generation”

  1. We have definitely become a society that is more liberal than our grandparents could have imagined. I think some changes are good, like acceptance of same-sex marriage, but I find others, like supporting abortion, disturbing. I wonder if we will continue in this direction. Throughout history, society has generally become less conservative. Will there be a point at which the trend changes or we decide we’ve gone far enough? Or will the direction we’re going ultimately be our demise?

  2. I used same-sex marriage an example of a shift as well. I completely agree with you. We are definitely living in a more tolerant community compared to the last generation. Legalization of marijuana, abortion and gender roles are great points as well. We live in an ever-changing world so there will always be shifts in thoughts.

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