I Want to Be Like Water

My favorite thing about people is that each one is unique. Not one person anywhere in the world can use just one adjective to describe themself, and I highly doubt any of you can look at any of your friends and sum them up in a single word. Every individual is made up of so many components, so many adjectives sewn together to create an extremely one of a kind human being. That’s something I love about quotes too, they can serve a different purpose to different people depending on how they are interpreted. Each person takes them differently, because no person, and no quote, is the same.


I have decided that there are two ways to interpret this quote:

I want to slip through fingers, be flexible, and be able to change shape depending on the surface or situation you are given. But, I want to hold up a ship, and bear heavy burdens. I want to be like water, able to cope with any situation thrown my way, either with flexibility or strength.

I want to slip through fingers and go unnoticed. But, I want to hold up a ship, and be able to provide a lot of support. I want to be like water, I want to be able to have power from behind the scenes.

I still haven’t decided which side I stand on with the literal interpretation, but what I do know is what it means to me personally. I want to be like water. I want to be able to easily form and adapt to whatever comes my way. I want to provide outstanding support to whatever or whoever needs it from me. But most importantly, I don’t want to have to change myself to be able to do many different things.

So, what does it mean to you? What do you think it means to be like water?


  1. Very meditative and reflective post this week!

  2. Nice post, Shannon! I’ve never heard of this quote before but it is very interesting and moving. When I first read the quote, my interpretations matched yours exactly. Like you, I want to be like water. I want to be adaptable to any circumstances that come my way. I want to help someone in need of support and “hold up their ship.” I really like this quote! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Caroline Gooch says:

    I definitely agree more with the first interpretation. I also like how you said you don’t want to have to change yourself to do many things. I am one of those people that has 1009987082 interests and goals so, for me, I think that is a very important piece in interpreting this quote.

  4. Julia Wimer says:

    This is an interesting quote. Though I think that both of your interpretations are possible, but the second one relates to me more. Sometimes, I’d rather go unnoticed and be unseen…maybe that’s because I’m an introvert. But, like you said, being able to slip through fingers doesn’t mean that you have to be weak. You can be “behind the scenes” and still be powerful, strong and influential.

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