October 31

Focus for Evolving Ideas Essay

My Paradigm Shift projects are centered around “Confidence Culture” and how it contributes to gender inequalities in the workforce. Encouraging women to be confident enough to “step up to the table” and “fake it till you make it” in order to be successful in their careers has been a recent trend within the last decade (beginning in the early 2010s). While this seems like a positive movement that should motivate people towards equality, it has actually had extremely harmful effects. Instead of empowering women, confidence culture has been increasingly removing accountability from the employers and placing it on working women’s shoulders. In reality, research has dismantled the positive correlation between women and confidence in the workplace. By encouraging women to fake confidence as a power play while society simultaneously sets the standard for women to be warm, likable, unintimidating, undomineering, etc.,  it presents a paradoxical situation that is increasingly difficult to overcome. At the same time, confidence culture has been amounting almost every failure in a woman’s career to a lack of confidence. Didn’t receive a promotion? She doesn’t have enough self-confidence. But if she’s demonstrating high levels of confidence, she’s overdoing it and most likely disliked by her colleagues. 

This topic requires everyone’s attention, especially the people who relate to it the least. The burden of change cannot be placed on the under-represented. Unfortunately, men (specifically white men) receive more privilege than the rest of us– and with that privilege comes responsibility. Meaning, change towards diversity is going to primarily fall on the shoulders of the people with the power to do something about it. 


Baker, Darren T, and Juliet Bourke. “How Confidence Is Weaponized against Women.” Harvard Business Review, 20 Oct. 2022, https://hbr.org/2022/10/how-confidence-is-weaponized-against-women.

  • Discusses a study where researchers conducted interviews with successful men and women about career failures and flagged common themes within the two genders’ answers. The research not only exposes the gendered nature of confidence but dismantles the widely-accepted positive correlation between confidence and workplace success (for women).

Gill, Rosalind, and Shani Orgad. “Confidence Culture Is Harming Women: LSE Research.” Confidence Culture Is Harming Women | LSE Research, https://www.lse.ac.uk/research/research-for-the-world/society/what-is-confidence-culture-and-how-does-it-harm-women.

  • Dives into how confidence culture benefits corporations.

Gill, Rosalind, and Shani Orgad. “How Confidence Became a Cult.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 7 Mar. 2022, https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2022/03/limits-women-confidence-workplace-inequality/626562/.

  • Analyzes the role of confidence in women’s view of theirselves, specifically in today’s time. Additionally, the article discusses the modern contributors of confidence culture.

Gourguechon, Prudy. “Women in the Workplace: The Myth of the Confidence Gap.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 10 Nov. 2018, https://www.forbes.com/sites/prudygourguechon/2018/11/06/women-in-the-workplace-the-myth-of-the-confidence-gap/?sh=492ed3576fd0.

  • Dismantles the stigma surrounding 1. the difference between men and women’s confidence levels, 2. the importance of confidence in a woman’s success, and 3. the gender roles that contribute to gender inequalities.

Mayne, Mahalia. “Career Breaks Stifling Women’s Confidence at Work, Study Finds.” Home, PeopleManagement, 20 Oct. 2022, https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/article/1802711/career-breaks-stifling-womens-confidence-work-study-finds.

  • Details a survey that provides a specific example of the consequences of gender roles when it comes to a woman’s success.

Zenger, Jack. “The Confidence Gap in Men and Women: Why It Matters and How to Overcome It.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 12 Oct. 2022, https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackzenger/2018/04/08/the-confidence-gap-in-men-and-women-why-it-matters-and-how-to-overcome-it/?sh=739af1d23bfa.

  • Details the different roles confidence plays in men and women, how it contributes to gender inequalities in the workforce, and what we can do to help bridge the gap.