Never stop questioning. Never assume that what is accepted today will always be set in stone. Never believe in someone else without question. If the brilliant astronomers and philosophers throughout the entirety of human history would have stopped questioning the world’s current beliefs of space, we would still assume that the earth is in the center of our universe, the stars revolve around the earth symbolizing gods, and worst of all, we would be completely unaware of the breathtaking mysteries and wonderous theories of our universe.
Paradigm shifts constantly occur relating to space which change our understanding about the universe and act as a turning point in our understanding of space. Today, new theories relating to our perception of the galaxy are strongly encouraged with hopes that through these theories we will acquire a better understanding of our universe, however, developing new theories has not always been this welcoming throughout human history. The paradigm shift that this blog will focus on is humanity’s shift in belief from the geocentric theory or earth being in the center of our galaxy to the heliocentric theory or the earth revolves around the sun. It required a large amount of sacrifice and confidence and which occurred over a span of thousands of years and drastically changed the way humanity views space as well as the ways in which we accept scientific theories which question our current understandings of the universe.
As previously mentioned, the paradigm shift relating humanity’s change of belief from the geocentric theory to the heliocentric theory spanned over thousands of years and required a large amount of sacrifice. The first monumental philosopher that influenced how humanity perceives not just the universe, but all theories of life in general was the Greek philosopher Socrates.
Socrates encouraged the Greek society to question all current beliefs and wanted to promote change to the way humanity perceived the current government and the environment around them. Unfortunately, Socrates was charged with impiety and corruption of the youth. He was executed for his beliefs by being forced to consume a vile of hemlock. The sacrifice of Socrates inspired future astronomers and philosophers to continue questioning humanity’s views on the universe and was the starting point to the paradigm shift of humanity’s views from the geocentric theory to the heliocentric theory.
The first astronomer to go against the world’s current belief of the geocentric theory was Nicolaus Copernicus. He confidently believed in the heliocentric theory and had evidence to prove his claims form his analysis of the planets and stars and their orbits in space. Despite his evidence, the Roman Church strongly enforced the heliocentric theory, and feared that taking away the belief that the heavenly body of earth was not at the center of the galaxy would take power away from the church. Copernicus was shunned by the Roman Empire and died before any of his ideas were accepted.
The turning point in the geocentric to heliocentric paradigm shift occurred in the time of Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer and philosopher who strongly believed in Copernicus’s heliocentric theory. At this point in history, Galileo’s mathematical evidence supporting the heliocentric theory was accepted by other astronomers and physicists and became the official turning point in humanity’s view from geocentric to heliocentric, as well as the way we accept new theories which go against our current beliefs.
Throughout all of human history, we have looked up toward the sky and wondered what mysteries the great unknowns of space have yet to reveal. The paradigm shift relating to humanity’s shift from the geocentric theory to the heliocentric theory not only changed the way we perceive the universe, but influenced our acceptance to new theories that challenge those currently known to us. Never stop questioning.