

Feminism and women empowerment has become increasingly important in today’s society. Empowerment can be targeted at teenage girls; most of whom experience significant drops of self-esteem during puberty. But there are many unacknowledged aspects of everyday life that still lower women’s self-esteem. For example, the phrase, “you run like a girl” is usually meant as an insult, as is “you throw like a girl,” or “you catch like a girl.” But Always, a feminine product brand, has changed these sayings from insulting to empowering. The commercial linked above asks teenagers to run, fight and throw “like girls.” They jog and flip their hair; they act weak and unathletic. However, the commercial asks young girls to run “like girls” and they run really fast and act determined and strong. The commercial shows the contrast between the previous ideas of doing something “like a girl” and how Always hopes all people will think of doing something “like a girl.”

The ideology in this commercial is women empowerment. One of the commonplaces is strength; specifically the idea that women are strong. This commercial showed women’s strength through athletic ability; their physical strength represents mental strength. The commercial persuades the audience that women are strong by showing the girls physically being strong, as well as playing powerful music in the background. Another commonplace is the need for change. There needs to be a change in order to improve inequality. The teenagers in the commercial made a physical change in their running after being told that “running like a girl” doesn’t have to be a bad thing. The commercial showed all of the teenagers that previously ran mockingly sprinting and looking determined. The difference in their running shows that on a wider scale change can and should be made. The clips of strong girls as well as audio of a young adult speaking about women empowerment inspires the audience to seek change.

5 Comments on #LikeaGirl

  1. Britani
    August 30, 2018 at 3:40 pm (6 years ago)

    Your description of the commercial and the ideas behind it are very well developed. I think it’s also important to point out the distinction between how the different age groups react to the phrase “like a girl.” It shows that the idea of “like a girl” being a negative thing and the idea of girls being weak and not athletic are ideas that our society has created and teaches to people as they grow up. It’s something that most girls have to learn through society as opposed to coming up with the idea themselves.

  2. Tess Kehoe
    August 30, 2018 at 8:00 pm (6 years ago)

    I love this commercial, it sends such a positive message to all people that girls are strong and powerful. Your analysis of the ad is accurate, it was a persuasive commercial and I’m very glad Always made it. It’s extremely detrimental to young female’s self esteem and self concept to constantly push ideals upon them from society that males are stronger and superior. We need more commercials like this to show that women can be just as powerful, if not more than men.

  3. Daniel Muldowney
    August 31, 2018 at 7:53 pm (6 years ago)

    The commercial is really well done because it shows that we know the sayings like, “you throw like a girl”, are sexist and create a toxic culture that discourages girls at a young age from participating in things like playing catch. The responsibility is really on everyone to change the culture, but especially young boys who are the most frequent abusers.

  4. Sam Muirhead
    September 3, 2018 at 5:51 pm (6 years ago)

    I’ve always loved this commerical I think it is very empowering for everyone to see since there has always been so much criticism around woman and this commerical challenges that. I think that you did a great job with the description then I do think you did well with the analysis of the commercial and its messages.

  5. Lisa Li
    September 4, 2018 at 3:09 am (6 years ago)

    I thought it was really smart and powerful for Always to promote change in this advertisement. They related their female hygiene products to the change in mindset after puberty. It gives these girls the positive message that they don’t need to care about judgement from others, and that they should continue being themselves.