Gronk Says No

An unfortunate recent social media phenomenon has caused widespread concern about the misuse of Tide Pods, an alternative to laundry soap. Known as the Tide Pod Challenge, young people record themselves eating or biting into Tide Pods. Tide Pods are toxic and could lead to death if ingested. Tide released a video about 7 months ago to combat the challenge and remind users that Tide Pods are meant for laundry, nothing else.

In the commercial, NFL player Rob Gronkowski emphasizes that Tide Pods can ONLY be used for laundry. Before the challenge came to be, Rob Gronkowski starred in a Tide Pod advertisement, so he was used again to rehash the importance of using the product correctly. He also is very relatable to young people; as a football star, he is very well known. He also was on the Nickelodeon show Crashletes, so many young kids also know him from that.

The kairos of the artifact greatly influenced the commercial. This advertisement was released because of the increased popularity of the Tide Pod challenge and number of injuries. The first Tide Pod Challenge released on YouTube was released January 7, 2018. The advertisement by Gronk was released January 12, 2018. The commercial was created within a week of the viral video; the timing was very important for the company’s public relations as well as the safety of those that wish to complete the Tide Pod Challenge. The company’s public appearance was time-sensitive; if the company did not release a warning about the dangers of Tide Pods, it would have received even more backlash about its products.

If this commercial was made right after Tide Pods were created, it would not have held much weight; many users would know not to ingest Tide Pods and would be confused as to why a warning about ingesting the Tide Pods would warrant a commercial. Many might even take it as a joke, but this commercial was not meant to seriously inform its users of the importance of not eating Tide Pods. But, once the misuse began, it was important for the company to release an advertisement emphasizing the dangers of the improper use of Tide Pods.

3 Comments on Gronk Says No

  1. Kate
    September 6, 2018 at 5:15 pm (6 years ago)

    You are right! Gronk is seen as relatable to young people in the media because of his energy and humor that he displays on and off the field. Because he was the spokesperson for the brand before kids started eating their product, it makes sense that they quickly used him again to ensure the safety of children around the nation and to stop a “joke” that was taken too far.

  2. Tiara
    September 10, 2018 at 1:24 am (6 years ago)

    It is honestly sad that a brand had to put out a warning like this because our generation doesn’t know when to stop. Using a relatable figure such as Gronk bring the message in a humerous manner will make it better received bythe audience it is geared towards.

  3. Sam Muirhead
    September 10, 2018 at 5:11 pm (6 years ago)

    this was a terrible terrible thing that has been going around the internet, with kids trying the next “trendy” thing thats just so bad for them. I like the way how you explained the Kairos in the video and then talked about how if it were released at a differnt time that it wouldnt have had the same effect.